分享一个我自己用的在 WordPress 开发中用得到的一个调试日志类。
<?php /** * @author: suifengtec coolwp.com * @date: 2013-02-03 09:55:55 * @last Modified by: suifengtec coolwp.com * @last Modified time: 2015-07-12 18:40:02 */ if(function_exists(‘add_action‘)){ defined(‘ABSPATH‘) or exit; } if(!class_exists(‘CoolWP_com_Log‘)){ final class CoolWP_com_Log{ private $dir = null; private $debug_file_name = null; private $f_path = null; public function __clone() { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, ‘Cheatin’ huh?‘, ‘0.9.0‘ ); } public function __wakeup() { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, ‘Cheatin’ huh?‘, ‘0.9.0‘ ); } public function __construct($main_file=‘‘){ $main_file = (‘‘==$main_file)?__FILE__:$main_file; $this->dir = dirname($main_file).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘debug‘.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $file_name = ‘debug_‘.md5($main_file).‘.log‘; $this->debug_file_name = (function_exists(‘apply_filters‘))?apply_filters(‘cwp_debug_log_file_name‘,$file_name).‘.log‘:$file_name.‘.log‘; $this->f_path = $this->dir.$this->debug_file_name; $this->check_log_file(); } /** * adding log item * @param string $text : adding content */ public function add($text) { date_default_timezone_set(‘Asia/Shanghai‘); if(is_array($text)||is_obeject($text)){ $text = json_encode($text); } $fp = fopen( $this->f_path,"a"); flock($fp, LOCK_EX) ; fwrite($fp,"".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."\n".$text."\n\n"); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); //return true; // } /** * checking the log file and path. * @return null */ private function check_log_file(){ $is_dir = is_dir($this->dir); $is_file = file_exists($this->f_path); if($is_dir && $is_file) return; if(!$is_dir||!$is_file){ if(!$is_dir){ $md = mkdir($this->dir,0777,true); } if(!$is_file){ $fp = fopen( $this->f_path,"a"); fclose($fp); } } } }/*//CLASS*/ } /*ALL DONE.*/ ?>
以 WordPress 插件为例的用例:
$this->is_debug = true; if($this->is_debug){ require_once( plugin_dir_path(__FILE__).‘classes/class-coolwp-debug-log.php‘); $this->Log = new CoolWP_com_Log(); }
如果在插件主文件中将__FILE__定义为常量 SOMEONE_THIS,那么,可以将SOMEONE_THIS 作为参数传给CoolWP_com_Log(),例如:
$this->Log = new CoolWP_com_Log(SOMEONE_THIS);
时间: 2024-12-19 19:43:55