[acm 1002] 浙大 Fire Net


题目 http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=2

浙大acm 1002

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>

#include <list>

#define OPEN 1
#define CASTLE 2
#define BLOCK 3
#define WALL 4

// summary: 用贪心原理找到一个影响地图最小的城堡的位置
// param in: map[] 输入的地图. n 地图大小.
// param out: min_x,min_y  得出的放置的城堡的x,y坐标
// return: true 找到了合适的位置. false 没有可以放置城堡的地方了
#define MAX_POINT 10000 // 哨兵数
bool FindMinInfluencePosition(int map[][4], int n, int &min_x, int &min_y)
    int min_point = MAX_POINT; // 赋哨兵值
    min_x = min_y = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
            if ( map[y][x] == OPEN)
                int curr_point = 1;

                // 向上
                for (int j = y - 1; j >= 0 && map[j][x] != WALL; j--)
                    if ( map[j][x] == OPEN)

                // 向下
                for (int j = y + 1; j < n && map[j][x] != WALL; j++)
                    if ( map[j][x] == OPEN)

                // 向左
                for (int j = x - 1; j >= 0 && map[y][j] != WALL; j--)
                    if ( map[y][j] == OPEN)

                // 向右
                for (int j = x + 1; j < n && map[y][j] != WALL; j++)
                    if ( map[y][j] == OPEN)

                if (curr_point < min_point)
                    min_point = curr_point;
                    min_x = x;
                    min_y = y;

    // 检测是否放置了城堡
    if (min_point != MAX_POINT)
        return true;
        return false;


// summary: 根据位置放置城堡,在地图上标记出来
// param in: map[] 输入的地图. n 地图大小. x, y 放置的城堡的位置
void PlaceCastle(int map[][4], int n, int x, int y)
    map[y][x] = CASTLE;

    // 向上
    for (int j = y - 1; j >= 0 && map[j][x] != WALL; j--)
        map[j][x] = BLOCK;

    // 向下
    for (int j = y + 1; j < n && map[j][x] != WALL; j++)
        map[j][x] = BLOCK;

    // 向左
    for (int j = x - 1; j >= 0 && map[y][j] != WALL; j--)
        map[y][j] = BLOCK;

    // 向右
    for (int j = x + 1; j < n && map[y][j] != WALL; j++)
        map[y][j] = BLOCK;

int main ()
    int map[4][4];
    std::list<int> answer;
    int n;
    char c;

    // 读取数据
    while (n != 0)
        // 读取地图数据
        for (int y = 0; y < n; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
                if (c == ‘.‘)
                    map[y][x] = OPEN;
                    map[y][x] = WALL;

        // 处理地图
        int castle_number = 0;
        int min_x, min_y;
        while (FindMinInfluencePosition(map, n, min_x, min_y) == true )
            PlaceCastle(map, n, min_x, min_y);

        // 记录数据

        // 输入下一个数

    // 输出数目
    for (std::list<int>::iterator it=answer.begin() ; it != answer.end(); ++it)
        std::cout <<*it<<"\n";

    return 0;
时间: 2024-12-13 15:42:25

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