[Angular 2] Property Binding

Property Binding is bind property NOT attribute!

import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter} from ‘angular2/core‘;

    selector: ‘hero-item‘,
    styles: [
        ‘.active {color: red}‘
    template: `
       <li [class.active]="isSelected"
// <li [ngClass]="{active: isSelected}"></li>

export class HeroItem{
    label="This is a super hero";
    isSelected = false;
    @Input() hero ;
    @Output() changed = new EventEmitter();


        this.isSelected = true;

So ‘class‘ is attribute on DOM, but ‘class.active‘ is an property.

‘aria-label‘ is attribute, so need to write like ‘attr.aria-label‘.

If you don‘t like use ‘class.active‘, you can use ‘ngClass‘ as shown in commnets

时间: 2024-08-25 00:20:42

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