Android 5.x OTA Update官方文档(九、Sideloading-侧面安装机制)






  • APPLY_EXT.sideloading机制允许我们使用外部存储设备来安装更新。这就要求我们在recovery.fstab中必须定义“/sdcard”这个挂载点。这里不推荐使用符号链接的方式在/data分区下模拟一个SD卡,因为通常情况下/data分区对recovery来说是不可见的,因为/data分区很有可能会被加密。我们在使用APPLY_EXT时,RecoveryUI会显示出一个类似于文件管理器的界面来让用户选择对应的更新包(仅限于.zip文件)。
  • APPLY_CACHE.这种方式与APPLY_EXT比较相似。通常来说,/cache分区对recovery是可见的,因此我们可以选择在安装更新的时候从/cache分区下加载更新包。但是这种方式的实用性是很有限的,因为在实际运行的android系统中,/cache分区仅仅是部分有特殊权限进程才可以访问的到,如果设备没有启动,/cache分区肯本无法进行读写。
  • APPLY_ADB_SIDELOAD.这种方式允许用户使用adb通过USB发送更新包给我们的设备。在recovery中有一套迷你版的adbd程序来帮助我们通过adb与主机建立连接,这套迷你版的adbd守护进程只支持一条adb命令:adb sideload filename.通过这条命令我们就可以进行更新包的校验与安装了。


  • 仅支持USB传输
  • 当我们使用adb sideload mode时,接收更新包完成之后会重启设备,且在该模式下除了fideload可用,其他所有命令均无效(logcat,reboot,push,pull,shell等)。
  • 如果在使用adb sideload mode时想要退出的话,可以选择发送无效的更新包来中断操作。因为如果revovery验证更新包失败的时候会终止安装程序,重新进入RecoveryUI,那么接下来我们可以进行一系列的按键操作。



You can use device-specific code in the installation of the update package by providing your own extension functions that can be called from within your updater script. Here‘s a sample function for the tardis device:


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "edify/expr.h"

Every extension function has the same signature. The arguments are the name by which the function was called, a State* cookie, the number of incoming arguments, and an array of Expr* pointers
representing the arguments. The return value is a newly-allocated Value*.

Value* ReprogramTardisFn(const char* name, State* state, int argc, Expr* argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        return ErrorAbort(state, "%s() expects 2 args, got %d", name, argc);

Your arguments have not been evaluated at the time your function is called—your function‘s logic determines which of them get evaluated and how many times. Thus, you can use extension functions to implement your own control structures. Call
 to evaluate an Expr* argument, returning a Value*. If Evaluate() returns
NULL, you should free any resources you‘re holding and immediately return NULL (this propagates aborts up the edify stack). Otherwise, you take ownership of the Value returned and are responsible for eventually callingFreeValue() on

Suppose the function needs two arguments: a string-valued key and a blob-valued image. You could read arguments like this:

   Value* key = EvaluateValue(state, argv[0]);
    if (key == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    if (key->type != VAL_STRING) {
        ErrorAbort(state, "first arg to %s() must be string", name);
        return NULL;
    Value* image = EvaluateValue(state, argv[1]);
    if (image == NULL) {
        FreeValue(key);    // must always free Value objects
        return NULL;
    if (image->type != VAL_BLOB) {
        ErrorAbort(state, "second arg to %s() must be blob", name);
        return NULL;

Checking for NULL and freeing previously evaluated arguments can get tedious for multiple arguments. TheReadValueArgs() function can make this easier. Instead of the code above, you could
have written this:

   Value* key;
    Value* image;
    if (ReadValueArgs(state, argv, 2, &key, &image) != 0) {
        return NULL;     // ReadValueArgs() will have set the error message
    if (key->type != VAL_STRING || image->type != VAL_BLOB) {
        ErrorAbort(state, "arguments to %s() have wrong type", name);
        return NULL;

ReadValueArgs() doesn‘t do type-checking, so you must do that here; it‘s more convenient to do it with one ifstatement at the cost of producing a somewhat less specific
error message when it fails. But ReadValueArgs()does handle evaluating each argument and freeing all the previously-evaluated arguments (as well as setting a useful error message) if
any of the evaluations fail. You can use a ReadValueVarArgs() convenience function for evaluating a variable number of arguments (it returns an array of Value*).

After evaluating the arguments, do the work of the function:

   // key->data is a NUL-terminated string
    // image->data and image->size define a block of binary data
    // ... some device-specific magic here to
    // reprogram the tardis using those two values ...

The return value must be a Value* object; ownership of this object will pass to the caller. The caller takes ownership of any data pointed to by this Value*—specifically
the datamember.

In this instance, you want to return a true or false value to indicate success. Remember the convention that the empty string is false and all other strings are true. You must malloc a Value object with a malloc‘d copy of the constant string
to return, since the caller will free() both. Don‘t forget to call FreeValue() on the objects you got by evaluating
your arguments!


    Value* result = malloc(sizeof(Value));
    result->type = VAL_STRING;
    result->data = strdup(successful ? "t" : "");
    result->size = strlen(result->data);
    return result;

The convenience function StringValue() wraps a string into a new Value object. Use to write the above code more succinctly:


    return StringValue(strdup(successful ? "t" : ""));

To hook functions into the edify interpreter, provide the function Register_foo where foo is the name of the static library containing this code. Call RegisterFunction() to
register each extension function. By convention, name device-specific functions device.whatever to avoid conflicts with future built-in functions added.

void Register_librecovery_updater_tardis() {
    RegisterFunction("tardis.reprogram", ReprogramTardisFn);

You can now configure the makefile to build a static library with your code. (This is the same makefile used to customize the recovery UI in the previous section; your device may have both static libraries defined here.)


include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := recovery_updater.c
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += bootable/recovery

The name of the static library must match the name of the Register_libname function contained within it.

LOCAL_MODULE := librecovery_updater_tardis

Finally, configure the build of recovery to pull in your library. Add your library to TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_LIBS (which may contain multiple libraries; they all get registered). If your code depends on other static libraries that are not themselves edify
extensions (i.e., they don‘t have aRegister_libname function), you can list those in TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_EXTRA_LIBS to link them to updater without calling their (non-existent)
registration function. For example, if your device-specific code wanted to use zlib to decompress data, you would include libz here.



# add device-specific extensions to the updater binary
TARGET_RECOVERY_UPDATER_LIBS += librecovery_updater_tardis

The updater scripts in your OTA package can now call your function as any other. To reprogram your tardis device, the update script might contain: tardis.reprogram("the-key", package_extract_file("tardis-image.dat")) .
This uses the single-argument version of the built-in function package_extract_file(), which returns the contents of a file extracted from the update package as a blob to produce the
second argument to the new extension function.

OTA package generation

The final component is getting the OTA package generation tools to know about your device-specific data and emit updater scripts that include calls to your extension functions.

First, get the build system to know about a device-specific blob of data. Assuming your data file is indevice/yoyodyne/tardis/tardis.dat, declare the following in your device‘s



$(call add-radio-file,tardis.dat)

You could also put it in an instead, but then it must to be guarded by a device check, since all the files in the tree are loaded no matter what device is being built. (If your tree includes multiple devices, you only want the tardis.dat
file added when building the tardis device.)



# an alternative to specifying it in
ifeq (($TARGET_DEVICE),tardis)
  $(call add-radio-file,tardis.dat)

These are called radio files for historical reasons; they may have nothing to do with the device radio (if present). They are simply opaque blobs of data the build system copies into the target-files .zip used by the OTA generation tools. When you do a build,
tardis.dat is stored in the as RADIO/tardis.dat. You can call add-radio-file multiple times
to add as many files as you want.

Python module

To extend the release tools, write a Python module (must be named the tools can call into if present. Example:


import common

def FullOTA_InstallEnd(info):
  # copy the data into the package.
  tardis_dat ="RADIO/tardis.dat")
  common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, "tardis.dat", tardis_dat)

  # emit the script code to install this data on the device
      """tardis.reprogram("the-key", package_extract_file("tardis.dat"));""")

A separate function handles the case of generating an incremental OTA package. For this example, suppose you need to reprogram the tardis only when the tardis.dat file has changed between two builds.

def IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd(info):
  # copy the data into the package.
  source_tardis_dat ="RADIO/tardis.dat")
  target_tardis_dat ="RADIO/tardis.dat")

  if source_tardis_dat == target_tardis_dat:
      # tardis.dat is unchanged from previous build; no
      # need to reprogram it

  # include the new tardis.dat in the OTA package
  common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, "tardis.dat", target_tardis_dat)

  # emit the script code to install this data on the device
      """tardis.reprogram("the-key", package_extract_file("tardis.dat"));""")

Module functions

You can provide the following functions in the module (implement only the ones you need).

Called near the start of generating a full OTA. This is a good place to emit assertions about the current state of the device. Do not emit script commands that make changes to the device.
Called after all the assertions about the device state have passed but before any changes have been made. You can emit commands for device-specific updates that must run before anything else on the device has been changed.
Called at the end of the script generation, after the script commands to update the boot and system partitions have been emitted. You can also emit additional commands for device-specific updates.
Similar to FullOTA_Assertions() but called when generating an incremental update package.
Called after all assertions about the device state have passed but before any changes have been made. You can emit commands for device-specific updates that must run before anything else on the device has been changed.
Called at the end of the verification phase, when the script has finished confirming the files it is going to touch have the expected starting contents. At this point nothing on the device has been changed. You can also
emit code for additional device-specific verifications.
Called after files to be patched have been verified as having the expected before state but before any changes have been made. You can emit commands for device-specific updates that must run before anything else
on the device has been changed.
Similar to its full OTA package counterpart, this is called at the end of the script generation, after the script commands to update the boot and system partitions have been emitted. You can also emit additional commands
for device-specific updates.

Note: If the device loses power, OTA installation may restart from the beginning. Be prepared to cope with devices on which these commands have already been run, fully or partially.

Pass functions to info objects

Pass functions to a single info object that contains various useful items:

  • info.input_zip. (Full OTAs only) The zipfile.ZipFile object for the input target-files .zip.
  • info.source_zip. (Incremental OTAs only) The zipfile.ZipFile object for the source target-files .zip (the build already on the device when
    the incremental package is being installed).
  • info.target_zip. (Incremental OTAs only) The zipfile.ZipFile object for the target target-files .zip (the build the incremental package
    puts on the device).
  • info.output_zip. Package being created; a zipfile.ZipFile object opened for writing. Use common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, filenamedata)
    to add a file to the package.
  • info.script. Script object to which you can append commands. Call info.script.AppendExtra(script_text) to output text into the
    script. Make sure output text ends with a semicolon so it does not run into commands emitted afterwards.

For details on the info object, refer to the Python Software Foundation documentation for ZIP archives.

Specify module location

Specify the location of your device‘s script in your file:



TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS := device/yoyodyne/tardis

If TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS is not set, it defaults to the $(TARGET_DEVICE_DIR)/../common directory (device/yoyodyne/common in
this example). It‘s best to explicitly define the location of the script. When building the tardis device, the script is included in the target-files .zip file (META/ ).

When you run the release tools (either img_from_target_files or ota_from_target_files), the script
in the target-files .zip, if present, is preferred over the one from the Android source tree. You can also explicitly specify the path to the device-specific extensions with the -s (or --device_specific)
option, which takes the top priority. This enables you to correct errors and make changes in the releasetools extensions and apply those changes to old target-files.

Now, when you run ota_from_target_files, it automatically picks up the device-specific module from the target_files .zip file and uses it when generating OTA packages:

% ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files \
    -i \
unzipping target target-files...
using device-specific extensions from target_files
unzipping source target-files...

Alternatively, you can specify device-specific extensions when you run ota_from_target_files.

% ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files \
    -s device/yoyodyne/tardis \  # specify the path to device-specific extensions
    -i \
unzipping target target-files...
loaded device-specific extensions from device/yoyodyne/tardis
unzipping source target-files...

Note: For a complete list of options, refer to the ota_from_target_files comments inbuild/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files.


Recovery has a sideloading mechanism for manually installing an update package without downloading it over-the-air by the main system. Sideloading is useful for debugging or making changes on devices where the main system can‘t be booted.

Historically, sideloading has been done through loading packages off the device‘s SD card; in the case of a non-booting device, the package can be put onto the SD card using some other computer and then the SD card inserted into the device. To accommodate Android
devices without removable external storage, recovery supports two additional mechanisms for sideloading: loading packages from the cache partition, and loading them over USB using adb.

To invoke each sideload mechanism, your device‘s Device::InvokeMenuItem() method can return the following values of BuiltinAction:

  • APPLY_EXT. Sideload an update package from external storage ( /sdcard directory). Your recovery.fstab must define the /sdcard mount
    point. This is not usable on devices that emulate an SD card with a symlink to/data (or some similar mechanism). /data is
    typically not available to recovery because it may be encrypted. The recovery UI displays a menu of .zip files in /sdcard and allows the user to select one.
  • APPLY_CACHE. Similar to loading a package from /sdcard except that the /cache directory
    (which is always available to recovery) is used instead. From the regular system, /cache is only writable by privileged users, and if the device isn‘t bootable then the /cache directory
    can‘t be written to at all (which makes this mechanism of limited utility).
  • APPLY_ADB_SIDELOAD. Allows user to send a package to the device via a USB cable and the adb development tool. When this mechanism is invoked, recovery starts up its own mini version of the adbd daemon to let adb
    on a connected host computer talk to it. This mini version supports only a single command: adb sideloadfilename. The named file is sent from the host machine to the device,
    which then verifies and installs it just as if it had been on local storage.

A few caveats:

  • Only USB transport is supported.
  • If your recovery runs adbd normally (usually true for userdebug and eng builds), that will be shut down while the device is in adb sideload mode and will be restarted when adb sideload has finished receiving a package. While in
    adb sideload mode, no adb commands other than sideload work ( logcatrebootpushpull , shell,
    etc. all fail).
  • You cannot exit adb sideload mode on the device. To abort, you can send /dev/null (or anything else that‘s not a valid package) as the package, and then
    the device will fail to verify it and stop the installation procedure. The RecoveryUI implementation‘s CheckKey() method will continue to be called for keypresses, so you can provide
    a key sequence that reboots the device and works in adb sideload mode.

时间: 2024-08-27 04:18:04

Android 5.x OTA Update官方文档(九、Sideloading-侧面安装机制)的相关文章

Android 5.x OTA Update官方文档(十、版本签名)

在Android中,一般来说有两个地方使用加密签名. 1.每个.apk文件必须进行签名.Android的程序包管理器通过两种方式使用签名: 当一个应用程序被替换时,只有相同签名的应用才能操作旧版本的数据. 两个应用如果签名一致,那么这两个应用可以共享User ID和用户数据. 2.OTA更新包必须进行签名否则更新程序无法进行安装.(注!我们制作更新包的时候如果不指定key,系统会指定默认的key进行签名,如testkey.) 证书和秘钥 每个秘钥需要两个文件:扩展名为.x509.pem的证书(公

Android 5.x OTA Update官方文档(八、图说Recovery UI)

写在前面: 若能直译,不会意译,意译不成,为了选择不误导他人也会漏译无伤大雅的部分,英语是硬伤,如果有误译,请路过的朋友帮忙指正,以免误导更多的朋友. RecoveryUI除了之前提到的标题.选项菜单.提示性文字还有另外的一个重要的成员图片.在正常的更新过程中,用户看到的仅仅是图片(这里指的标准的OTA升级流程,如开机进入recovery模式.安装更新时进度条发生变化,最后再开机进入正常模式),而且在这个过程,用户是没有机会与RecoveryUI进行交互的.但是一旦在更新过程中出现了异常,用户所

Android 5..x OTA Update官方文档(六、定制Recovery UI)

recovery界面 为了支持不同的硬件设备(物理按键.显示.LEDs等),我们可以定制recovery界面进行可视化显示,并进行相关的操作.那么我们可以通过继承bootable/recovery/defalust_device.cpp,并重写相关的函数来为我们的设备进行可视化定制.因此本篇博文旨在为大家介绍如何构建一个能够实现recovery界面定制的静态库.首先来了解西面这段头文件: device/yoyodyne/tardis/recovery/recovery_ui.cpp #inclu

Android 5..x OTA Update官方文档(七、构建设备)

我们通过调用recovery_ui.cpp中make_device()函数来创建一个Device的实例,如下: class TardisDevice : public Device { // ... all the above methods ... }; Device* make_device() { return new TardisDevice(); } 编译recovery_ui.cpp 再通过前一篇对recovery_ui.cpp的介绍我们来介绍一下如何为recovery_ui.cpp

OTA Update官方文档(二,OTA 打包工具)

写在前面: OTA打包工具ota_from_target_files(build/tools/releasetools/目录下)可以为我们创建两种类型的更新包:整包和增量包.打包工具一般来说会对我们称之为目标文件(进行打包,该目标文件是有Android编译系统产生,通常可在终端下使用make otapackage生成. 一.整包升级 一个整包包含了Android设备的整个终态(system/boot/recovery分区),只要设备可以接收更新包并且进入reco

OTA Update官方文档(五、Recovery系统分区映射)

Recovery系统包含了很多钩子程序,因此OAT更新除了可以更新Android系统也可以更新设备的其他部分.(如基带.无线电处理器). 分区映射 从Android2.3起,平台开始支持eMMC存储设备和ext4文件系统.它同样支持MTD设备和yaffs2文件系统. 分区映射文件TARGET_RECOVERY_FSTAB一般会被recovery二进制程序和打包工具所使用,我们可以在BoardConfig.mk文件中配置映射文件的文件名为TARGET_RECOVERY_FSTAB. 下面是一个简单

OTA Update官方文档(四、OTA更新包解读)

写在前面: 系统创建通过"bootable/recovery/updater"创建一个二进制更新程序并在OTA包中使用进行更新的安装. 更新包实际上也就是一个.zip格式的压缩文件(如我们之前提到过的,在这个压缩包中包含了一个可执行的二进制程序-EMTA-INF/com/google/android/update-binary.这个二进制程序我们可以理解成一个升级程序,这个升级程序包含了一系列的内建函数

OTA Updates官方文档(一,OTA 升级)

写在前面: Android设备可以接受和安装基于系统和应用的更新.在设备中有一个特殊recovery分区,在这个分区中有一套特殊的恢复系统可以将下载的更新包进行解压并应用到系统中去. 本节主要描述了更新包的组织架构,并且概述了如何使用更新包打包工具制作系统升级的更新包.OTA 的存在是用来对潜在系统的升级,或者在系统分区安装只读(不可卸载)的应用程序,因此在升级过程中不会影响到用于已经安装到系统中的 应用程序. 本节的内容主要基于Android5.x版本. 一.Android设备布局的设计 通常

Android Studio官方文档之构建和运行你的APP

Android Studio官方文档之构建和运行你的APP 本文由MTJH翻译,jkYishon审校. 前言 默认情况下,Android Studio设置新的项目并且部署到模拟器或者真机设备上,只需要点击几下.使用即时运行,你并不需要构建一个新的APK即可将改变后的方法和现有的应用资源应用到一个正在运行的应用程序中,所以代码的改变是即时可见的. 点击Run来构建并运行你的APP.Android Studio通过Gradle构建你的App,选择一个部署的设备(模拟器或连接的设备),然后把你的APP