
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;

using GemBox.Spreadsheet;

namespace Samples
	/// <summary>
	/// Feature samples.
	/// </summary>
	class FeatureSamplesCS
		static void Main(string[] args)
			ExcelFile excelFile = new ExcelFile();

			ExcelWorksheetCollection worksheets = excelFile.Worksheets;

			// Each static method modifies provided worksheet with one category of features.

			ValuesSample( worksheets.Add("Values") );
			StylesSample( worksheets.Add("Styles") );
			TypicalTableSample( worksheets.Add("TypicalTable") );
			ReferencingAndGroupsSample( worksheets.Add("ReferencingAndGroups") );

			worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = worksheets["TypicalTable"];

			string fileName = "FeatureSamplesCS.xls";



		static void ValuesSample(ExcelWorksheet ws)
			ws.Cells[0,0].Value = "Cell value examples:";

			// Column width of 25 and 40 characters.
			ws.Columns[0].Width = 25 * 256;
			ws.Columns[1].Width = 40 * 256;

			int row = 1;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "Type";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = "Value";

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.DBNull:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = System.DBNull.Value;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Byte:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = byte.MaxValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.SByte:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = sbyte.MinValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Int16:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = short.MinValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.UInt16:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = ushort.MaxValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Int64:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = long.MinValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.UInt64:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = ulong.MaxValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.UInt32:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = (uint)1234;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Int32:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = (int)-5678;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Single:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = float.MaxValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Double:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = double.MaxValue;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Boolean:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = true;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Char:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = ‘a‘;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Text.StringBuilder:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = new System.Text.StringBuilder("StringBuilder text.");

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.Decimal:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = new decimal(50000);

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.DateTime:";
			ws.Cells[row,1].Value = DateTime.Now;

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "System.String:";
			ws.Cells[row++,1].Value = "Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program written and distributed by Microsoft for computers using the Microsoft Windows operating system and Apple Macintosh computers. It is overwhelmingly the dominant spreadsheet application available for these platforms and has been so since version 5 1993 and its bundling as part of Microsoft Office.\n"
				+ "Microsoft originally marketed a spreadsheet program called Multiplan in 1982, which was very popular on CP/M systems, but on MS-DOS systems it lost popularity to Lotus 1-2-3. This promoted development of a new spreadsheet called Excel which started with the intention to, in the words of Doug Klunder, ‘do everything 1-2-3 does and do it better‘ . The first version of Excel was released for the Mac in 1985 and the first Windows version (numbered 2.0 to line-up with the Mac and bundled with a run-time Windows environment) was released in November 1987. Lotus was slow to bring 1-2-3 to Windows and by 1988 Excel had started to outsell 1-2-3 and helped Microsoft achieve the position of leading PC software developer. This accomplishment, dethroning the king of the software world, solidified Microsoft as a valid competitor and showed its future of developing graphical software. Microsoft pushed its advantage with regular new releases, every two years or so. The current version is Excel 11, also called Microsoft Office Excel 2003.\n"
				+ "Early in its life Excel became the target of a trademark lawsuit by another company already selling a software package named \"Excel.\" As the result of the dispute Microsoft was required to refer to the program as \"Microsoft Excel\" in all of its formal press releases and legal documents. However, over time this practice has slipped.\n"
				+ "Excel offers a large number of user interface tweaks, however the essence of UI remains the same as in the original spreadsheet, VisiCalc: the cells are organized in rows and columns, and contain data or formulas with relative or absolute references to other cells.\n"
				+ "Excel was the first spreadsheet that allowed the user to define the appearance of spreadsheets (fonts, character attributes and cell appearance). It also introduced intelligent cell recomputation, where only cells dependent on the cell being modified are updated, while previously spreadsheets recomputed everything all the time or waited for a specific user command. Excel has extensive graphing capabilities.\n"
				+ "When first bundled into Microsoft Office in 1993, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint had their GUIs redesigned for consistency with Excel, the killer app on the PC at the time.\n"
				+ "Since 1993 Excel includes support for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as a scripting language. VBA is a powerful tool that makes Excel a complete programming environment. VBA and macro recording allow automating routines that otherwise take several manual steps. VBA allows creating forms to handle user input. Automation functionality of VBA exposed Excel as a target for macro viruses.\n"
				+ "Excel versions from 5.0 to 9.0 contain various Easter eggs.\n\nFor more information see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Excel";

			ws.Cells[++row,0].Value = "DataTable insert example:";
			ws.InsertDataTable( FeatureSamplesCS.CreateData(), row, 2, true );

		static DataTable CreateData()
			DataTable dt = new DataTable();

			dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
			dt.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));
			dt.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));

			dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{100, "John", "Doe"});
			dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{101, "Fred", "Nurk"});
			dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{103, "Hans", "Meier"});
			dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{104, "Ivan", "Horvat"});
			dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{105, "Jean", "Dupont"});
			dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{106, "Mario", "Rossi"});

			return dt;

		static void StylesSample(ExcelWorksheet ws)
			ws.Cells[0,0].Value = "Cell style examples:";

			int row = 0;

			// Column width of 4, 30 and 35 characters.
			ws.Columns[0].Width = 4 * 256;
			ws.Columns[1].Width = 30 * 256;
			ws.Columns[2].Width = 35 * 256;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Borders.SetBorders(...)";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.All, Color.FromArgb(252, 1, 1), LineStyle.Thin);

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.FillPattern.SetPattern(...)";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.FillPattern.SetPattern(FillPatternStyle.ThinHorizontalCrosshatch, Color.Green, Color.Yellow);

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.Color =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "Color.Blue";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.Color = Color.Blue;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.Italic =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "true";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.Italic = true;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.Name =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "Comic Sans MS";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.Name = "Comic Sans MS";

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.ScriptPosition =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "ScriptPosition.Superscript";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.ScriptPosition = ScriptPosition.Superscript;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.Size =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "18 * 20";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.Size = 18 * 20;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.Strikeout =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "true";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.UnderlineStyle =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "UnderlineStyle.Double";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Font.Weight =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "ExcelFont.BoldWeight";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.HorizontalAlignment =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Indent";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "five";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left;
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Indent = 5;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.IsTextVertical = ";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "true";
			// Set row height to 50 points.
			ws.Rows[row].Height = 50 * 20;
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.IsTextVertical = true;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.NumberFormat";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = 1234;
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.NumberFormat = "#.##0,00 [$Krakozhian Money Units]";

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.Rotation";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "35 degrees up";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.Rotation = 35;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.ShrinkToFit";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "This property is set to true so this text appears shrunk.";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.ShrinkToFit = true;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.VerticalAlignment =";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "VerticalAlignmentStyle.Top";
			// Set row height to 30 points.
			ws.Rows[row].Height = 30 * 20;
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Top;

			ws.Cells[row+=2,1].Value = ".Style.WrapText";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Value = "This property is set to true so this text appears broken into multiple lines.";
			ws.Cells[row,2].Style.WrapText = true;

		static object[,] skyscrapers = new object[21,7]
			{"Rank", "Building", "City", "Metric", "Imperial", "Floors", "Built (Year)"},
			{ 1, "Taipei 101", "Taipei", 509, 1671, 101, 2004},
			{ 2, "Petronas Tower 1", "Kuala Lumpur", 452, 1483, 88, 1998},
			{ 3, "Petronas Tower 2", "Kuala Lumpur", 452, 1483, 88, 1998},
			{ 4, "Sears Tower", "Chicago", 442, 1450, 108, 1974},
			{ 5, "Jin Mao Tower", "Shanghai", 421, 1380, 88, 1998},
			{ 6, "2 International Finance Centre", "Hong Kong", 415, 1362, 88, 2003},
			{ 7, "CITIC Plaza", "Guangzhou", 391, 1283, 80, 1997},
			{ 8, "Shun Hing Square", "Shenzhen", 384, 1260, 69, 1996},
			{ 9, "Empire State Building", "New York City", 381, 1250, 102, 1931},
			{10, "Central Plaza", "Hong Kong", 374, 1227, 78, 1992},
			{11, "Bank of China Tower", "Hong Kong", 367, 1205, 72, 1990},
			{12, "Emirates Office Tower", "Dubai", 355, 1163, 54, 2000},
			{13, "Tuntex Sky Tower", "Kaohsiung", 348, 1140, 85, 1997},
			{14, "Aon Center", "Chicago", 346, 1136, 83, 1973},
			{15, "The Center", "Hong Kong", 346, 1135, 73, 1998},
			{16, "John Hancock Center", "Chicago", 344, 1127, 100, 1969},
			{17, "Ryugyong Hotel", "Pyongyang", 330, 1083, 105, 1992},
			{18, "Burj Al Arab", "Dubai", 321, 1053, 60, 1999},
			{19, "Chrysler Building", "New York City", 319, 1046, 77, 1930},
			{20, "Bank of America Plaza", "Atlanta", 312, 1023, 55, 1992}

		static void TypicalTableSample(ExcelWorksheet ws)
			ws.Cells[0,0].Value = "Example of typical table - tallest buildings in the world (2004):";

			// Column width of 8, 30, 16, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 and 5 characters.
			ws.Columns[0].Width = 8 * 256;
			ws.Columns[1].Width = 30 * 256;
			ws.Columns[2].Width = 16 * 256;
			ws.Columns[3].Width = 9 * 256;
			ws.Columns[4].Width = 9 * 256;
			ws.Columns[5].Width = 9 * 256;
			ws.Columns[6].Width = 9 * 256;
			ws.Columns[7].Width = 4 * 256;
			ws.Columns[8].Width = 5 * 256;

			int i,j;

			for(j=0; j<7; j++)
				ws.Cells[3,j].Value = skyscrapers[0,j];

			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 0, 3, 0).Merged = true;
			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 1, 3, 1).Merged = true;
			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 2, 3, 2).Merged = true;
			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 3, 2, 4).Merged = true;
			ws.Cells[2,3].Value = "Height";
			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 5, 3, 5).Merged = true;
			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 6, 3, 6).Merged = true;

			CellStyle tmpStyle = new CellStyle();

			tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
			tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
			tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
			tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.White;
			tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
			tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right|MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin); 

			ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(2, 0, 3, 6).Style = tmpStyle;

			tmpStyle = new CellStyle();

			tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
			tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
			tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

			CellRange mergedRange = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(4, 7, 13, 7);
			mergedRange.Merged = true;
			mergedRange.Value = "T o p   1 0";
			tmpStyle.Rotation = -90;
			mergedRange.Style = tmpStyle;

			mergedRange = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(4, 8, 23, 8);
			mergedRange.Merged = true;
			mergedRange.Value = "T o p   2 0";
			tmpStyle.IsTextVertical = true;
			mergedRange.Style = tmpStyle;

			mergedRange = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(14, 7, 23, 7);
			mergedRange.Merged = true;
			mergedRange.Style = tmpStyle;

			for(i=0; i<20; i++)
				for(j=0; j<7; j++)
					ExcelCell cell = ws.Cells[i+4,j];

					cell.Value = skyscrapers[i+1,j]; 

					if(i%2 == 0)

						cell.Style.NumberFormat = "#\" m\"";

						cell.Style.NumberFormat = "#\" ft\"";

						cell.Style.Font.Name = "Courier New";

					cell.Style.Borders[IndividualBorder.Right].LineStyle = LineStyle.Thin;

			ws.Cells.GetSubrange("A5", "I24").SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, Color.Black, LineStyle.DoubleLine);
			ws.Cells.GetSubrange("A3", "G4").SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Vertical|MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.DoubleLine);
			ws.Cells.GetSubrange("A5", "H14").SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Bottom|MultipleBorders.Right, Color.Black, LineStyle.DoubleLine);

			ws.Cells["A27"].Value = "Notes:";
			ws.Cells["A28"].Value = "a) \"Metric\" and \"Imperial\" columns use custom number formatting.";
			ws.Cells["A29"].Value = "b) All number columns use \"Courier New\" font for improved number readability.";
			ws.Cells["A30"].Value = "c) Multiple merged ranges were used for table header and categories header.";

		static void ReferencingAndGroupsSample(ExcelWorksheet ws)
			ws.Cells[0].Value = "Cell referencing and grouping examples:";

			ws.Cells["B2"].Value = "Cell B2.";
			ws.Cells[6,0].Value = "Cell in row 7 and column A.";

			ws.Rows[2].Cells[0].Value = "Cell in row 3 and column A.";
			ws.Rows["4"].Cells["B"].Value = "Cell in row 4 and column B.";

			ws.Columns[2].Cells[4].Value = "Cell in column C and row 5.";
			ws.Columns["AA"].Cells["6"].Value = "Cell in AA column and row 6.";

			CellRange cr = ws.Rows[7].Cells;                

			cr[0].Value = cr.IndexingMode;
			cr[3].Value = "D8";
			cr["B"].Value = "B8";

			cr = ws.Columns[7].Cells;

			cr[0].Value = cr.IndexingMode;
			cr[2].Value = "H3";
			cr["5"].Value = "H5";

			cr = ws.Cells.GetSubrange("I2", "L8");
			cr.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, Color.Navy, LineStyle.Dashed);

			cr["J7"].Value = cr.IndexingMode;
			cr[0,0].Value = "I2";
			cr["J3"].Value = "J3";
			cr[4].Value = "I3"; // Cell range width is 4 (I J K L).

			// Vertical grouping.
			ws.Cells[12,0].Value = "GroupA Start";
			ws.Rows[12].OutlineLevel = 1;
			ws.Cells[13,0].Value = "A";
			ws.Rows[13].OutlineLevel = 1;
			ws.Cells[14,1].Value = "GroupB Start";
			ws.Rows[14].OutlineLevel = 2;
			ws.Cells[15,1].Value = "B";
			ws.Rows[15].OutlineLevel = 2;
			ws.Cells[16,1].Value = "GroupB End";
			ws.Rows[16].OutlineLevel = 2;
			ws.Cells[17,0].Value = "GroupA End";
			ws.Rows[17].OutlineLevel = 1;
			// Put outline row buttons above groups.
			ws.ViewOptions.OutlineRowButtonsBelow = false;

			// Horizontal grouping (collapsed).
			ws.Cells["E12"].Value = "Gr.C Start";
			ws.Columns["E"].OutlineLevel = 1;
			ws.Columns["E"].Collapsed = true;
			ws.Cells["F12"].Value = "C";
			ws.Columns["F"].OutlineLevel = 1;
			ws.Columns["F"].Collapsed = true;
			ws.Cells["G12"].Value = "Gr.C End";
			ws.Columns["G"].OutlineLevel = 1;
			ws.Columns["G"].Collapsed = true;

		static void TryToDisplayGeneratedFile(string fileName)
				Console.WriteLine(fileName + " created in application folder.");


时间: 2024-11-05 12:08:26



Excel简介 一个excel文件就是一个工作簿workbook,一个工作簿中可以创建多张工作表sheet,而一个工作表中包含多个单元格Cell,这些单元格都是由列(Column)行(Row)组成,列用大写英文字母表示,从A开始到Z共26列,然后再从AA到AZ又26列,再从BA到BZ再26列以此类推.行则使用数字表示,例如:A3 表示第三行第一列,E5表示第五行第五列. POI工具包 JAVA中操作Excel的有两种比较主流的工具包: JXL 和 POI .jxl 只能操作Excel 95, 9

java 操作 Excel,java导出excel

WritableWorkbook out = null; try { response.getServletResponse().reset(); ((HttpServletResponse) response.getServletResponse()).setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=export.xls"); response.getServletResponse().setConten


python操作exce的方式: 使用win32com 使用xlrd(读excel).xlwt(写excel) 1.使用win32com方式 代码: # coding=utf-8 from win32com.client import Dispatch import pywintypes ''' 查看excel最大行数和列数 打开一个空白新建EXCEL表格,按CTRL+下箭头,可以查看到最大行数:按CTRL+右箭头, 可以查看到最大列标(若想显示列数,可在最右一列的某单元格中输入=column(


一.POI的定义 JAVA中操作Excel的有两种比较主流的工具包: JXL 和 POI .jxl 只能操作Excel 95, 97, 2000也即以.xls为后缀的excel.而poi可以操作Excel 95及以后的版本,即可操作后缀为 .xls 和 .xlsx两种格式的excel. POI全称 Poor Obfuscation Implementation,直译为"可怜的模糊实现",利用POI接口可以通过JAVA操作Microsoft office 套件工具的读写功能.官网:htt


1.Excel简介 一个excel文件就是一个工作簿workbook,一个工作簿中可以创建多张工作表sheet,而一个工作表中包含多个单元格Cell,这些单元格都是由列(Column)行(Row)组成,列用大写英文字母表示,从A开始到Z共26列,然后再从AA到AZ又26列,再从BA到BZ再26列以此类推.行则使用数字表示,例如:A3 表示第三行第一列,E5表示第五行第五列. 2.POI工具包 POI全称 Poor Obfuscation Implementation,直译为"可怜的模糊实现&qu


1.1Excel简介 一个excel文件就是一个工作簿workbook,一个工作簿中可以创建多张工作表sheet,而一个工作表中包含多个单元格Cell,这些单元格都是由列(Column)行(Row)组成,列用大写英文字母表示,从A开始到Z共26列,然后再从AA到AZ又26列,再从BA到BZ再26列以此类推.行则使用数字表示,例如:A3 表示第三行第一列,E5表示第五行第五列. 1.2 POI工具包 JAVA中操作Excel的有两种比较主流的工具包: JXL 和 POI .jxl 只能操作Exce


由于java流无法实现对Excel文件的读写操作,因此在项目中经常利用第三方开源的组件来实现.支持Excel文件操作的第三方开源组件主要有Apache的POI和开源社区的JXL. 总体来说,二者的区别是:JXL较为轻量级,如果是对Excel文件的简单操作,建议使用JXL:POI的功能相当强大,但同时处理问题也相当的繁琐. 1.准备工作 [必需]下载JXL的jar包:jxl.jar [非必需]JXL API  (提取密码:zgqj) 2.一些必要的说明 主要是对Excel结构的说明: Excel后


原文转自:http://www.tqcto.com/article/code/295025.html java当初把核心处理设成Unicode,带来的好处是另代码适应了多语言环境.然而由于老外的英语只有26个字母,有些情况下,一些程序员用8 位的byte处理,一不小心就去掉了CJK的高位.或者是由于习惯在程序中采用硬编码,还有多种原因,使得许多java应用在CJK的处理上很烦恼.还好 在POI HSSF中考虑到这个问题,可以设置encoding为双字节. POI可以到www.apache.org

(5) 如何用Apache POI操作Excel文件-----发现Apache的POI的Bug后,如何给Apache的POI报Bug?

在我上篇文章中,(4) 如何用Apache POI操作Excel文件-----发现了POI-3.12一个回归,通过测试POI-3.12的版本,我发现了一个bug,那么发现bug后,该如何处理.我们有2种处理方式,首先我们到Apache POI的bug库里面搜索,看别人有没有创建类似的bug,如果有创建的,这个是最好的结果,我们只需要关注这个bug什么时候被修复.如果没有搜索不到,这个时候我们就需要给Apache POI报bug了.那么,如何给Apache报Bug? 第一步: 打开https://


21 /** 22 * 利用POI操作Excel表单 23 * 24 * 需要jar包: 25 * HSSF针对03及以前版本,即.xls后缀 26 * |---poi-3.16.jar 27 * XSSF针对07及以后版本,即xlsx后缀 28 * |---poi-3.16.jar 29 * |---poi-ooxml.3.16.jar 30 * |---poi-ooxml-schemas-3.16.jar 31 * |---xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar 32 * |---common