【MongoDB】Configure a Windows Service for MongoDB

In this blog, I will mainly attach great importantance to how to create a windows service for mongodb. The method described in the next is referred from the official website of mongodb.


  • First of all, create the folder and files that need to store db and log. if you forgot, you could view the above the blog. In my local machine,

  • create a configuration file

create  a configuration file, this file can include any of the configuration options for mongod, but must include a valid setting for logpath. we can learn from the next picture that echo command promart.

  • create the mongodb service. use the following command. and use command ’net start mongodb ‘ to start the service.

in the meantime, we could use anther way to start service.

  • use the command { net stop mongoDB} to stop this server or in the above service window.
时间: 2024-08-24 19:53:31

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