Some Main Functionalities of the Dental Chair

The functionality will be the backbone of the dental chair as well as the efficiency of the dentist. A dental chair that comes with all essential tools on-hand and within reach will significantly cut the time of every procedure by almost half. Functionality in a dental chair will undoubtedly add to the total cost, but it will be able to provide excellent levels of efficiency.

Dental Chair Delivery Unit
The mobile dental delivery unit will be the key to overall efficiency. Most dentists today will prefer a delivery unit that is fully customized to suit their preferences. Mind you that these customized delivery units will come at an extra cost. There are two types of dental chair delivery units to choose from:

The Traditional Delivery Unit – the standard mounted delivery unit often seen in most local dental clinics. Installation is simple, and it is designed to streamline functionality with relative ease. The traditional delivery system will usually four connection components, two connections dedicated to the airotor, and a single connection reserved for the electric motor. However, this delivery unit can take up considerable space. Dentists will also need to contend with the numerous tubing attached to the unit.

Control Panels
Dental chair control panels vary depending on the generation of the model and the manufacturer. Standard features to expect in a control panel would be adjusting chair position, water spray pressure control, speed of the electric motor, and LED light switch. Modern dental chairs have actually moved on from button-based control panels to touchscreen controls.

Chair Positioning
The versatility when it comes to adjustment of its position is one of the main features necessary in a dental chair. Chair positioning will be a vital element in a dental chair’s functionality. In fact, it is the core feature that must be provided without any issues.

The ability to adapt and position the chair to get the perfect angled during a procedure will help ensure the best results. A dental chair with high levels of flexibility in positioning has become the industry standard. You can expect this aspect to not have that much of an effect on the dental chair cost.

One of the most common complaints in older models of portable dental chairs is that it can be quite hard to replicate certain positions every time. Fortunately, there are modern dental chairs that come with the feature to save pre-programmed positions. This will automatically re-adjust the dental chair to specific positions at the touch of the button. This eliminates the need to continually adjust and re-adjust during the procedure, hence, saving time.

Chair Movement
It is essential that the dental chair can rotate without any jerky movements. Actually, it is imperative for it to do so. Keep in mind that some patient is more susceptible to anxiety, sudden jolts of movement during the dental procedure can further exacerbate their stress levels. As a doctor, making sure that your patient is comfortable is worth effort.

Foot Pedal Control
The foot control is one of its unique features and is a staple in all dental chairs. The advantages of this control scheme are that it can entirely prevent cross-contamination problems with patients. Standard foot controls are designed to manage the strength of compressed air that the airotor tubing uses. The control pedal can also be used to reset the dental chair back to its zero position (default position).

Modern versions of the foot pedal control incorporate an additional pedal for a total of two pedal controls. The first pedal is designed to control the ariotor while the other is for the electric motor. It can also be used to adjust the position of the chair as well as return it back to zero position.

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时间: 2024-08-27 20:38:50

Some Main Functionalities of the Dental Chair的相关文章

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