Python报错:TypeError: data type not understood

def randCent(dataSet, k):
m, n = dataSet.shape # numpy中的shape函数的返回一个矩阵的规模,即是几行几列
centrodids = np.zeros(k, n)
for i in range(k):
index = int(np.random.uniform(0, m)) #
centrodids[i, :] = dataSet[index, :]
return centrodids
报错TypeError: data type not understood
错误在第三行centrodids = np.zeros(k, n)
numpy.zeros(shape,dtype = float,order =‘C‘ )
所以应该吧第三行改成centrodids = np.zeros((k, n))


时间: 2024-10-01 21:23:17

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