HF-DP1: strategy pattern

This is the 1st pattern I study. In here, I will mark down my doubts, java study, DESIGN PRINCIPLES, DESIGN PATTERN.

There are 3 design principles in this pattern:

1. Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same (Codeproject)

2. Program to an interface, not an implementation (Stackoverflow)

3. Favor composition over inheritance (Stackoverflow)


Java study:

1. In C++, Absolute C++ said we need to encapsulate so that we separate codes into Interface (.hpp) and Implementation (.cpp). But in Java, just use:

public interface name{}

public class name{}

2. In strategy DP, encapsulate algorithms for one interface. and the duck base class needs to be inherited, and use abstract method. By defining an abstract method, the class needs to be defined as:

public abstract class Duck{}


UML notations: (ref: codeproj link shown before)

HF-DP1: strategy pattern,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-08-07 00:03:56

HF-DP1: strategy pattern的相关文章

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Declaration 首先声明, 本篇blog的内容是参考Design pattern FAQ Part 3 ( Design pattern training series)这篇博文写的, 图片也是来自这篇博客. 部分是翻译, 加上自己的理解形成这篇博文. 希望和大家一起学习设计模式, 共同进步. Scene for Strategy Pattern Strategy Pattern,这个翻译成策略模式应该是没有问题的.策略模式希望做到的是在运行的情况下,根据对象的类型选择使用的算法.简单来

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