After build the yocto raspberrypi image, sth goes wrong!

The yocto project testing:

"bitbake" the poky distribution with meta-raspberrypi layer for raspberrypi2 B+ board.

After I finished the build process successfully,

I use the following command to write the sd card

"sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi2/rpi-hwup-image-raspberrypi2.rpi-sdimg of=/dev/sdb bs=1M"

Then  insert the sd card, something goes wrong with the boot process, it cannot boot with normal stuff.

Picture of the problems are as follows:

时间: 2024-08-06 07:56:07

After build the yocto raspberrypi image, sth goes wrong!的相关文章

Freescale L3.14.52_1.1.0 yocto build

1. Refer to<Freescale_Yocto_Project_User's Guide.pdf>,该文档需对应L3.14.52_1.1.0 5.6.5 Restarting a build environment:如果新的终端被打开或者是machine重启,那么需要参照这个 执行$build-x11 bitbake fsl-image-gui时候, 报错: OE-core's config sanity checker detected a potential misconfigur


1.yocto中的概念 1.1 metadata set 即为元数据,系统以分层的方式区别元数据. 1.2 swabber 检测主机系统是否正常的机制. 1.3 application development toolkit(ADT) 一套开发工具链 1.4 autoBuilder 一个能够不断自动构建yocto的工具 1.5 BitBake 生成最终镜像文件的一个构建引擎. 1.6 hob 是 BitBake的图形界面 1.7 build appliance 运行hob的虚拟机 1.8 cro


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1. 借助Yocto编译模块 SRC := mytest obj-m := $(SRC).o KDIR := /media/Yocto/build/tmp/work/poky-linux/linux-renesas/4.14.35-r1/build all: #make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules ARCH=arm64 make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-poky-linux- ARCH=arm