PAT 1080

排序题目,搞混了一件事情,那就是,排序结束之后顺序是变的啊亲... 很丑地解决了问题,其实应该对每一个学校维护一个last applicant比较,不过能过就行了

 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <vector>
 3 #include <algorithm>
 5 using namespace std;
 7 struct Applicant{
 8     int ge;
 9     int gi;
10     int score;
12     int idx;
14     vector<int> apply_school;
15 };
17 struct sort_op{
18     bool operator()(Applicant a1, Applicant a2){
19         if (a1.score != a2.score)
20             return (a1.score > a2.score);
21         return ( >;
22     }
23 };
25 int main(){
26     int N, M, K;
27     cin >> N >> M >> K;
29     vector<Applicant> applicants(N);
30     vector<vector<int> > school_res(M);
31     vector<int> school_quato(M);
33     for (int i = 0; i < M; i++){
34         int cnt;
35         cin >> cnt;
36         school_quato[i] = cnt;
37     }
39     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
40         int ge, gi, idx;
41         cin >> ge >> gi;
43         applicants[i].ge = ge;
44         applicants[i].gi = gi;
45         applicants[i].score = ge + gi;
46         applicants[i].idx = i;
48         for (int j = 0; j < K; j++){
49             cin >> idx;
50             applicants[i].apply_school.push_back(idx);
51         }
52     }
54     vector<Applicant> bck_up = applicants;
55     sort(applicants.begin(), applicants.end(), sort_op());
57     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
58         for (int j = 0; j < K; j++){
59             int school_idx = applicants[i].apply_school[j];
60             if (school_quato[school_idx] > 0){
61                 school_quato[school_idx]--;
62                 school_res[school_idx].push_back(applicants[i].idx);
64                 break;
65             } else {
66                 if (school_res[school_idx].size() == 0) continue;
67                 int last = school_res[school_idx].back();
68                 if (applicants[i].gi == bck_up[last].gi && applicants[i].ge == bck_up[last].ge){
69                     school_res[school_idx].push_back(applicants[i].idx);
70                     school_quato[school_idx]--;
71                     break;
72                 }
73             }
74         }
75     }
77     for (int i = 0; i < school_res.size(); i++){
78         if (school_res[i].size() != 0){
79             sort(school_res[i].begin(), school_res[i].end());
80             cout << school_res[i][0];
82             for (int j = 1; j < school_res[i].size(); j++)
83                 cout << " " << school_res[i][j];
84         }
86         cout << endl;
87     }
89     return 0;
90 }
时间: 2024-10-07 05:28:25

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