

Many functions can be represented by polynomials. In this connection let us note a relationship
between the coefficients c0, c1, c2, ... ,cn of the polynomial of degree n

1)        f(x) = c0 + c1x + c2x2 + ... + cnxn

and its derivatives of order one through n at the point x = 0. Let us take the first n derivatives of
polynomial 1):

f ‘(x) = c1 + 2c2x + 3c3x2 + 4c4x3 + ...

f ‘‘ (x) = 2c2 + 2?3c3x + 3?4c4x2 + ...

f ‘‘‘ (x) = 2?3c3 + 2?3?4c4x + ...


f(n)(x) = n!cn

Putting x = 0 in the above equations and solving for the c’s we obtain

Thus we see that polynomial 1) can be written as

This representation of a polynomial provides us with a means of representing more or less
general functions by polynomials.

There is a completely analogous relationship between the coefficients c0, c1, c2, ... ,cn of the
power series in x-a of degree n

3)        f(x) = c0 + c1(x-a) + c2(x-a)2 + ... + cn(x-a)n

and its derivatives of order one through n at the point x = a. If we take the first n derivatives of
power series 3) we get:

f ‘(x) = c1 + 2c2(x-a) + 3c3(x-a)2 + 4c4(x-a)3 + ...

f ‘‘ (x) = 2c2 + 2?3c3(x-a) + 3?4c4(x-a)2 + ...

f ‘‘‘ (x) = 2?3c3 + 2?3?4c4(x-a) + ...


f(n)(x) = n!cn

Putting x = a in the above equations and solving for the c’s we obtain

Thus we see that power series 3) can be written as

Since a power series is a polynomial, this is another polynomial representation of a function.
Note that 2) is a special case of 4) where a = 0. Also note that if we allow n to increase without
limit 2) and 4) become infinite series. An infinite series of type 2) is called Maclaurin’s series
and an infinite series of type 4) is called Taylor’s series. Such series may be used to represent
rather general functions within some interval of convergence.

When some function f(x) is written in the form of an infinite series, the function is said to be
expanded in an infinite series and the infinite series is said to represent the function in the
interval of convergence.

Maclaurin’s Series. A series of the form

Such a series is also referred to as the expansion (or development) of the function f(x) in powers
of x, or its expansion in the neighborhood of zero.
Maclaurin’s series is best suited for finding
the value of f(x) for a value of x in the neighborhood of zero. For values of x close to zero the
successive terms in the expansion grow small rapidly and the value of f(x) can often be
approximated by summing only the first few terms.

A function can be represented by a Maclaurin series only if the function and all its derivatives
exist for x = 0. Examples of functions that cannot be represented by a Maclaurin series: 1/x, ln x,
cot x.

Example 1. Expand ex in a Maclaurin Series and determine the interval of convergence.

Solution. f(x) = ex, f ‘(x) = ex, f ‘‘(x) = ex, f ‘‘‘(x) = ex, ........ , f(n)(x) = ex


f(0) = 1, f ‘(0) = 1, f ‘‘(0) = 1, f ‘‘‘(0) = 1, ....... ,f(n)(0) = 1


Example 2. Expand sin x in a Maclaurin Series and determine the interval of convergence.

Solution. f(x) = sin x, f‘(x) = cos x, f‘‘(x) = - sin x, f‘‘‘(x) =- cos x, ......

Since sin 0 = 0 and cos 0 = 1 the expansion is

It converges for all values of x since

Taylor’s Series. A series of the form

This series is useful for computing the value of some general function f(x) for values of x near a..
The nearer to a the value is, the more quickly the series will converge. When a = 0, Taylor’s
Series reduces, as a special case, to Maclaurin’s Series. If we set x = a + h, another useful form
of Taylor’s Series is obtained:

In terms analogous to those describing Maclaurin’s expansion, Taylor’s series is called the
development of f(x) in powers of x - a (or h), or its expansion in the neighborhood of a

Taylor’s Formula with the Remainder. Let a function f(x) and its first n+1
derivatives be continuous on a closed interval containing x = a. Then there is a number x0
between a and x such that

in which Rn+1(x), the remainder after n + 1 terms, is given by the formula

The remainder has been put in several different forms, the usefulness of the form depending on
the particular type of function being expanded. The above form is Lagrange’s form. The
theorem with Lagrange’s form of the remainder is a simple variation of the Extended Law of the

Taylor’s theorem is one of the most important theorems in applied analysis. It describes
approximating polynomials for a broad range of functions and provides estimates for errors.
Many of the laws of nature, physical and chemical processes, the motion of bodies, etc. are
expressed with great accuracy by functions which can be expanded in a Taylor’s series.

Theorem 1. The Taylor Series expansion of a function f(x) is a valid representation of the
function for those values of x, and only those values, for which the remainder Rn+1(x) approaches
zero as n becomes infinite.

Maclaurin’s Formula with the Remainder. Let a function f(x) and its first n+1
derivatives be continuous on a closed interval containing x = 0. Then there is a number x0
between 0 and x such that

in which Rn+1(x), the remainder after n + 1 terms, is given by the formula

This is a special case of Taylor’s Formula, obtained by letting a = 0.

Theorem 2. The Maclaurin Series expansion of a function f(x) is a valid representation of the
function for those values of x, and only those values, for which the remainder Rn+1(x) approaches
zero as n becomes infinite.


Mathematics, Its Content, Methods and Meaning. Vol I

James and James. Mathematics Dictionary.

Middlemiss. Differential and Integral Calculus.

Oakley. The Calculus. p. 190 - 193

Ayres. Calculus. p. 242, 248

Smith, Salkover, Justice. Calculus. p. 372 - 383

时间: 2024-10-12 19:56:03


HDU 2065 红色病毒 指数型母函数+泰勒公式

医学界发现的新病毒因其蔓延速度和Internet上传播的"红色病毒"不相上下,被称为"红色病毒",经研究发现,该病毒及其变种的DNA的一条单链中,胞嘧啶,腺嘧啶均是成对出现的. 现在有一长度为N的字符串,满足一下条件: (1) 字符串仅由A,B,C,D四个字母组成; (2) A出现偶数次(也可以不出现); (3) C出现偶数次(也可以不出现); 计算满足条件的字符串个数. 当N=2时,所有满足条件的字符串有如下6个:BB,BD,DB,DD,AA,CC. 由于这个数据

Power of Cryptography(用double的泰勒公式可行分析)

Power of Cryptography Time limit: 3.000 seconds http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&category=99&page=show_problem&problem=49 http://poj.org/problem?id=2109 Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Su


前段时间,看图像处理和机器学习的时候,遇到了高数中微分与积分的内容,就复习了一下相关内容,下面就是这几天学习的一个笔记,因为我不是学数学的,数学基础也不好,相关概念理解可能不够准确,甚至有错误,欢迎大家批评指正. 微分 起源 这里说一下,为什么要说到微分的起源.自己学计算机也有几年了,发现一个问题,就是很多东西,记住了,又忘了,然后再记,再忘,比如,算法之类的知识,后来,我慢慢发现,为什么这些东西容易遗忘,就是因为我们不知道这些知识的起源,不知道他们为什么会被发明出来,如果你知道他们是为了解决什


上周写完了<<三体>读后思考-泰勒展开/维度打击/黑暗森林>后收到一些邮件,进一步思考了关于泰勒展开的意义.也许我掌握的那些网络技术比如Linux Netfilter,NAT之类,太过底层太过小众,所以大家几乎都是没有感兴趣的,倒是这种科普性质的文章和那些吐槽类的文章,会引发一系列的互动,这对我来讲是好事,因为我喜欢跟人交流技术和思想. 声明 本来这篇文章应该添加在<三体>读后感后的"补遗"一节呢,后来觉得太长了,有点喧宾夺主的意思,就单独写了一篇文


题目: 已知\(f(x)=(2+x+ax^2)\ln(1+x)-2x\) (2)若\(x=0\)是\(f(x)\)的极大值点,求实数\(a\)的值. 想法一:当\(m\rightarrow 0\)时,上图\(h(x)\)在点\((m,h(m))\)处的二阶泰勒展开\(g(x)\rightarrow 2+x-\dfrac{1}{6}x^2\), 得到\(a=-\dfrac{1}{6}\)(还要验证,此处略去) 想法二:还是以泰勒展开的思想来处理 \(f'(x)=(1+2ax)\ln(1+x)+\d

高数基础 中值定理 泰勒公式

中值定理 泰勒公式 第一中值定理 ???? 积分上限函数 ???? 牛顿-莱布尼茨公式 ????反推原函数求定积分值(面积) ???????? 牛顿-莱布尼茨公式几何意义 ???? 微积分基本公式 ???? 泰勒公式 ????使用简单的函数的组合,逐渐逼近复杂的函数 ????一阶导数是一阶函数的斜率 ????二阶导数是一阶函数的变化趋势 ????使用多项式来逼近函数 ???? 函数的阶数 ???? 泰勒公式中的阶乘 ????在该点,使用阶乘,消除高阶的前方影响. ????即,使用阶乘,让函数在该


一.第一中值定理 如果函数f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,则在积分区间[a,b]上至少存在一个点$\xi $,使得$\int_{a}^{b}f(x)dx=f(\xi )(b-a).(a\leqslant \xi \leqslant b)$ 二.微积分基本定理 积分上限函数:函数f(x)在区间[a,b]上连续,对于定积分$\int_{a}^{x}f(x)dx$每一个取值的x都有一个对应的定积分值.记作:$\Phi (x)=\int_{a}^{x}f(t)dt$ 定理1: 定理2(原函数存在定理)


作业16 泰勒公式

4. (1)  解:  根据泰勒展开\[   \cos x =1 - \frac{x^2}{2} + o(x^3)\qquad \mbox{and} \qquad \ln (1+x) = x -\frac{1}{2} x^2 +o(x^2),\]因此\[     \lim_{x\to 0}  \frac{\cos x \ln (1+x)-x}{ x^2}= \lim_{x\to 0}  \frac{ (1+o(x))(x-\frac12 x^2 +o(x^2))-x  }{x^2}=\lim_{