自从 Hadoop 问世以来,MapReduce 在很长时间内都是排序基准测试的纪录保持者,但这一垄断在最近被基于内存计算的 Spark 打破了。在今年Databricks与AWS一起完成的一个Daytona Gray类别的Sort Benchmark中,Spark 完胜 Hadoop MapReduce:“1/10计算资源,1/3耗时”。这是个很有意思的对比实验,因此笔者也在一个小规模集群上做了一个微缩版的类似试验。
1、Hadoop 与 Spark 集群环境完全相同:
- Hadoop 2.2.0
- Spark 1.0
- 5 节点集群:
node1: NameNode, ResourceManger
node2 - node 5: NodeManager
- Hardware:
8 core cpu, 32 GB memory, 400 GB disk
2、排序数据规模:100 GB
3、Hadoop 排序:
3.1 TeraGen:
hadoop jar ${HADOOP_EXAMPLE_JAR_PATH} teragen -Dmapred.map.tasks=120 ${TERAGEN_ROW} ${TERAGEN_OUTPUT}
3.2 TeraSort:
hadoop jar ${HADOOP_EXAMPLE_JAR_PATH} terasort -Dmapred.reduce.tasks=32 ${TERAGEN_OUTPUT} ${TERASORT_OUTPUT}
3.3 生成100 GB测试数据、完成排序总共花费的时间:
总计:6723 秒
4、Spark 排序:
4.1 源代码:
4.1.1 来源:
4.1.2 为了便于大家阅读源代码,我把源代码也附于本文文末(已做些许更改)
4.2 生成测试数据、完成排序(如果输出文件格式为text file,则排序结果的文件总大小为309.2 GB)总共花费的时间:
- 试验一:
* 任务提交参数:num-executors: 4, executor-memory: 8g, executor-cores: 4
* 输出文件格式:Sequence File
* 输出文件所占空间为:20.8 GB
* 总时间为: 2203 秒
- 试验二:
* 任务提交参数:num-executors: 4, executor-memory: 16g, executor-cores: 6
* 输出文件格式:Text File
* 输出文件所占空间为:309.2 GB
* 总时间为: 9849 秒
- 试验三:
* 任务提交参数:num-executors: 4, executor-memory: 16g, executor-cores: 6
* 输出文件格式:Sequence File
* 输出文件所占空间为:20.8 GB
* 总时间为: 2212 秒
- 试验四:
* 任务提交参数:num-executors: 8, executor-memory: 7g, executor-cores: 3
* 输出文件格式:Sequence File
* 输出文件所占空间为:20.8 GB
* 总时间为: 1213 秒
- 试验五:
* 任务提交参数:num-executors: 28, executor-memory: 2g, executor-cores: 1
* 输出文件格式:Sequence File
* 输出文件所占空间为:20.8 GB
* 总时间为: 483 秒
- 试验六:
* 任务提交参数:num-executors: 56, executor-memory: 1g, executor-cores: 1
* 输出文件格式:Sequence File
* 输出文件所占空间为:20.8 GB
* 总时间为: 434 秒
5.1 Hadoop 与 Spark 比较:
当然,执行过程肯定还有调优空间,但 Spark 明显快于 Hadoop MapReduce。这个结果也很正常:这是内存对于硬盘的胜利。
5.2 Spark 几次试验之间的比较:
- 输出结果为Sequence file时,要大大快于输出结果为 Text file时。因为Sequence file大大压缩了输出文件大小,也减少了大量 disk IO,这样也就很大地缩短了执行时间
- 如果单个executor的计算并不需要过大的内存,不如降低单个executor的内存共给量,同时增加executor的并发数(如果任务适合并发)
- 一旦单个worker的内存与cpu已经被充分利用,而且并发的executor数也比较合理,那么再进一步分割executor数并不会增加效率
附:Spark Sort 源代码
a. GenSort.scala
package scala.spark.examples.terasort /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.hadoop.io.{ BytesWritable, NullWritable } import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import org.apache.spark._ import SparkContext._ object GenSort { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 3) { println("usage:") println("MASTER=[spark-master] bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.terasort.GenSort " + " [num-parts] [records-per-part] [output-path]") System.exit(0) } val master = sys.env.getOrElse("MASTER", "local") val parts = args(0).toInt val recordsPerPartition = args(1).toInt val numRecords = parts.toLong * recordsPerPartition.toLong val output = args(2) println(s"Generating $numRecords records on $parts partitions") println(s"Output path: $output") // val sc = new SparkContext(master, "GenSort") val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("GenSort") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val dataset = sc.parallelize(1 to parts, parts).mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (index, _) => val one = new Unsigned16(1) val firstRecordNumber = new Unsigned16(index * recordsPerPartition) val recordsToGenerate = new Unsigned16(recordsPerPartition) val recordNumber = new Unsigned16(firstRecordNumber) val lastRecordNumber = new Unsigned16(firstRecordNumber) lastRecordNumber.add(recordsToGenerate) val rand = Random16.skipAhead(firstRecordNumber) val row: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](100) Iterator.tabulate(recordsPerPartition) { offset => Random16.nextRand(rand) generateRecord(row, rand, recordNumber) recordNumber.add(one) row } } // Save output result as text file dataset.map(row => (NullWritable.get(), new BytesWritable(row))).saveAsTextFile(output) // Save output result as sequence file // dataset.map(row => (NullWritable.get(), new BytesWritable(row))) // .saveAsSequenceFile(output, Some(classOf[BZip2Codec])) } /** * Generate a binary record suitable for all sort benchmarks except PennySort. * * @param recBuf record to return */ def generateRecord(recBuf: Array[Byte], rand: Unsigned16, recordNumber: Unsigned16): Unit = { // Generate the 10-byte key using the high 10 bytes of the 128-bit random number var i = 0 while (i < 10) { recBuf(i) = rand.getByte(i) i += 1 } // Add 2 bytes of "break" recBuf(10) = 0x00.toByte recBuf(11) = 0x11.toByte // Convert the 128-bit record number to 32 bits of ascii hexadecimal // as the next 32 bytes of the record. i = 0 while (i < 32) { recBuf(12 + i) = recordNumber.getHexDigit(i).toByte i += 1 } // Add 4 bytes of "break" data recBuf(44) = 0x88.toByte recBuf(45) = 0x99.toByte recBuf(46) = 0xAA.toByte recBuf(47) = 0xBB.toByte // Add 48 bytes of filler based on low 48 bits of random number i = 0 while (i < 12) { val v = rand.getHexDigit(20 + i).toByte recBuf(48 + i * 4) = v recBuf(49 + i * 4) = v recBuf(50 + i * 4) = v recBuf(51 + i * 4) = v i += 1 } // Add 4 bytes of "break" data recBuf(96) = 0xCC.toByte recBuf(97) = 0xDD.toByte recBuf(98) = 0xEE.toByte recBuf(99) = 0xFF.toByte } }
b. Random16.java
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package scala.spark.examples.terasort; /** * This file is copied from Hadoop package org.apache.hadoop.examples.terasort. */ /** * This class implements a 128-bit linear congruential generator. Specifically, * if X0 is the most recently issued 128-bit random number (or a seed of 0 if no * random number has already been generated, the next number to be generated, * X1, is equal to: X1 = (a * X0 + c) mod 2**128 where a is * 47026247687942121848144207491837523525 or 0x2360ed051fc65da44385df649fccf645 * and c is 98910279301475397889117759788405497857 or * 0x4a696d47726179524950202020202001 The coefficient "a" is suggested by: * Pierre L'Ecuyer, "Tables of linear congruential generators of different sizes * and good lattice structure", Mathematics of Computation, 68 pp. 249 - 260 * (1999) * http://www.ams.org/mcom/1999-68-225/S0025-5718-99-00996-5/S0025-5718-99 * -00996-5.pdf The constant "c" meets the simple suggestion by the same * reference that it be odd. * * There is also a facility for quickly advancing the state of the generator by * a fixed number of steps - this facilitates parallel generation. * * This is based on 1.0 of rand16.c from Chris Nyberg * <[email protected]>. */ class Random16 { /** * The "Gen" array contain powers of 2 of the linear congruential generator. * The index 0 struct contain the "a" coefficient and "c" constant for the * generator. That is, the generator is: f(x) = (Gen[0].a * x + Gen[0].c) * mod 2**128 * * All structs after the first contain an "a" and "c" that comprise the * square of the previous function. * * f**2(x) = (Gen[1].a * x + Gen[1].c) mod 2**128 f**4(x) = (Gen[2].a * x + * Gen[2].c) mod 2**128 f**8(x) = (Gen[3].a * x + Gen[3].c) mod 2**128 ... */ private static class RandomConstant { final Unsigned16 a; final Unsigned16 c; public RandomConstant(String left, String right) { a = new Unsigned16(left); c = new Unsigned16(right); } } private static final RandomConstant[] genArray = new RandomConstant[] { /* [ 0] */new RandomConstant("2360ed051fc65da44385df649fccf645", "4a696d47726179524950202020202001"), /* [ 1] */new RandomConstant("17bce35bdf69743c529ed9eb20e0ae99", "95e0e48262b3edfe04479485c755b646"), /* [ 2] */new RandomConstant("f4dd417327db7a9bd194dfbe42d45771", "882a02c315362b60765f100068b33a1c"), /* [ 3] */new RandomConstant("6347af777a7898f6d1a2d6f33505ffe1", "5efc4abfaca23e8ca8edb1f2dfbf6478"), /* [ 4] */new RandomConstant("b6a4239f3b315f84f6ef6d3d288c03c1", "f25bd15439d16af594c1b1bafa6239f0"), /* [ 5] */new RandomConstant("2c82901ad1cb0cd182b631ba6b261781", "89ca67c29c9397d59c612596145db7e0"), /* [ 6] */new RandomConstant("dab03f988288676ee49e66c4d2746f01", "8b6ae036713bd578a8093c8eae5c7fc0"), /* [ 7] */new RandomConstant("602167331d86cf5684fe009a6d09de01", "98a2542fd23d0dbdff3b886cdb1d3f80"), /* [ 8] */new RandomConstant("61ecb5c24d95b058f04c80a23697bc01", "954db923fdb7933e947cd1edcecb7f00"), /* [ 9] */new RandomConstant("4a5c31e0654c28aa60474e83bf3f7801", "00be4a36657c98cd204e8c8af7dafe00"), /* [ 10] */new RandomConstant("ae4f079d54fbece1478331d3c6bef001", "991965329dccb28d581199ab18c5fc00"), /* [ 11] */new RandomConstant("101b8cb830c7cb927ff1ed50ae7de001", "e1a8705b63ad5b8cd6c3d268d5cbf800"), /* [ 12] */new RandomConstant("f54a27fc056b00e7563f3505e0fbc001", "2b657bbfd6ed9d632079e70c3c97f000"), /* [ 13] */new RandomConstant("df8a6fc1a833d201f98d719dd1f78001", "59b60ee4c52fa49e9fe90682bd2fe000"), /* [ 14] */new RandomConstant("5480a5015f101a4ea7e3f183e3ef0001", "cc099c88030679464fe86aae8a5fc000"), /* [ 15] */new RandomConstant("a498509e76e5d7925f539c28c7de0001", "06b9abff9f9f33dd30362c0154bf8000"), /* [ 16] */new RandomConstant("0798a3d8b10dc72e60121cd58fbc0001", "e296707121688d5a0260b293a97f0000"), /* [ 17] */new RandomConstant("1647d1e78ec02e665fafcbbb1f780001", "189ffc4701ff23cb8f8acf6b52fe0000"), /* [ 18] */new RandomConstant("a7c982285e72bf8c0c8ddfb63ef00001", "5141110ab208fb9d61fb47e6a5fc0000"), /* [ 19] */new RandomConstant("3eb78ee8fb8c56dbc5d4e06c7de00001", "3c97caa62540f2948d8d340d4bf80000"), /* [ 20] */new RandomConstant("72d03b6f4681f2f9fe8e44d8fbc00001", "1b25cb9cfe5a0c963174f91a97f00000"), /* [ 21] */new RandomConstant("ea85f81e4f502c9bc8ae99b1f7800001", "0c644570b4a487103c5436352fe00000"), /* [ 22] */new RandomConstant("629c320db08b00c6bfa57363ef000001", "3d0589c28869472bde517c6a5fc00000"), /* [ 23] */new RandomConstant("c5c4b9ce268d074a386be6c7de000001", "bc95e5ab36477e65534738d4bf800000"), /* [ 24] */new RandomConstant("f30bbbbed1596187555bcd8fbc000001", "ddb02ff72a031c01011f71a97f000000"), /* [ 25] */new RandomConstant("4a1000fb26c9eeda3cc79b1f78000001", "2561426086d9acdb6c82e352fe000000"), /* [ 26] */new RandomConstant("89fb5307f6bf8ce2c1cf363ef0000001", "64a788e3c118ed1c8215c6a5fc000000"), /* [ 27] */new RandomConstant("830b7b3358a5d67ea49e6c7de0000001", "e65ea321908627cfa86b8d4bf8000000"), /* [ 28] */new RandomConstant("fd8a51da91a69fe1cd3cd8fbc0000001", "53d27225604d85f9e1d71a97f0000000"), /* [ 29] */new RandomConstant("901a48b642b90b55aa79b1f780000001", "ca5ec7a3ed1fe55e07ae352fe0000000"), /* [ 30] */new RandomConstant("118cdefdf32144f394f363ef00000001", "4daebb2e085330651f5c6a5fc0000000"), /* [ 31] */new RandomConstant("0a88c0a91cff430829e6c7de00000001", "9d6f1a00a8f3f76e7eb8d4bf80000000"), /* [ 32] */new RandomConstant("433bef4314f16a9453cd8fbc00000001", "158c62f2b31e496dfd71a97f00000000"), /* [ 33] */new RandomConstant("c294b02995ae6738a79b1f7800000001", "290e84a2eb15fd1ffae352fe00000000"), /* [ 34] */new RandomConstant("913575e0da8b16b14f363ef000000001", "e3dc1bfbe991a34ff5c6a5fc00000000"), /* [ 35] */new RandomConstant("2f61b9f871cf4e629e6c7de000000001", "ddf540d020b9eadfeb8d4bf800000000"), /* [ 36] */new RandomConstant("78d26ccbd68320c53cd8fbc000000001", "8ee4950177ce66bfd71a97f000000000"), /* [ 37] */new RandomConstant("8b7ebd037898518a79b1f78000000001", "39e0f787c907117fae352fe000000000"), /* [ 38] */new RandomConstant("0b5507b61f78e314f363ef0000000001", "659d2522f7b732ff5c6a5fc000000000"), /* [ 39] */new RandomConstant("4f884628f812c629e6c7de0000000001", "9e8722938612a5feb8d4bf8000000000"), /* [ 40] */new RandomConstant("be896744d4a98c53cd8fbc0000000001", "e941a65d66b64bfd71a97f0000000000"), /* [ 41] */new RandomConstant("daf63a553b6318a79b1f780000000001", "7b50d19437b097fae352fe0000000000"), /* [ 42] */new RandomConstant("2d7a23d8bf06314f363ef00000000001", "59d7b68e18712ff5c6a5fc0000000000"), /* [ 43] */new RandomConstant("392b046a9f0c629e6c7de00000000001", "4087bab2d5225feb8d4bf80000000000"), /* [ 44] */new RandomConstant("eb30fbb9c218c53cd8fbc00000000001", "b470abc03b44bfd71a97f00000000000"), /* [ 45] */new RandomConstant("b9cdc30594318a79b1f7800000000001", "366630eaba897fae352fe00000000000"), /* [ 46] */new RandomConstant("014ab453686314f363ef000000000001", "a2dfc77e8512ff5c6a5fc00000000000"), /* [ 47] */new RandomConstant("395221c7d0c629e6c7de000000000001", "1e0d25a14a25feb8d4bf800000000000"), /* [ 48] */new RandomConstant("4d972813a18c53cd8fbc000000000001", "9d50a5d3944bfd71a97f000000000000"), /* [ 49] */new RandomConstant("06f9e2374318a79b1f78000000000001", "bf7ab5eb2897fae352fe000000000000"), /* [ 50] */new RandomConstant("bd220cae86314f363ef0000000000001", "925b14e6512ff5c6a5fc000000000000"), /* [ 51] */new RandomConstant("36fd3a5d0c629e6c7de0000000000001", "724cce0ca25feb8d4bf8000000000000"), /* [ 52] */new RandomConstant("60def8ba18c53cd8fbc0000000000001", "1af42d1944bfd71a97f0000000000000"), /* [ 53] */new RandomConstant("8d500174318a79b1f780000000000001", "0f529e32897fae352fe0000000000000"), /* [ 54] */new RandomConstant("48e842e86314f363ef00000000000001", "844e4c6512ff5c6a5fc0000000000000"), /* [ 55] */new RandomConstant("4af185d0c629e6c7de00000000000001", "9f40d8ca25feb8d4bf80000000000000"), /* [ 56] */new RandomConstant("7a670ba18c53cd8fbc00000000000001", "9912b1944bfd71a97f00000000000000"), /* [ 57] */new RandomConstant("86de174318a79b1f7800000000000001", "9c69632897fae352fe00000000000000"), /* [ 58] */new RandomConstant("55fc2e86314f363ef000000000000001", "e1e2c6512ff5c6a5fc00000000000000"), /* [ 59] */new RandomConstant("ccf85d0c629e6c7de000000000000001", "68058ca25feb8d4bf800000000000000"), /* [ 60] */new RandomConstant("1df0ba18c53cd8fbc000000000000001", "610b1944bfd71a97f000000000000000"), /* [ 61] */new RandomConstant("4be174318a79b1f78000000000000001", "061632897fae352fe000000000000000"), /* [ 62] */new RandomConstant("d7c2e86314f363ef0000000000000001", "1c2c6512ff5c6a5fc000000000000000"), /* [ 63] */new RandomConstant("af85d0c629e6c7de0000000000000001", "7858ca25feb8d4bf8000000000000000"), /* [ 64] */new RandomConstant("5f0ba18c53cd8fbc0000000000000001", "f0b1944bfd71a97f0000000000000000"), /* [ 65] */new RandomConstant("be174318a79b1f780000000000000001", "e1632897fae352fe0000000000000000"), /* [ 66] */new RandomConstant("7c2e86314f363ef00000000000000001", "c2c6512ff5c6a5fc0000000000000000"), /* [ 67] */new RandomConstant("f85d0c629e6c7de00000000000000001", "858ca25feb8d4bf80000000000000000"), /* [ 68] */new RandomConstant("f0ba18c53cd8fbc00000000000000001", "0b1944bfd71a97f00000000000000000"), /* [ 69] */new RandomConstant("e174318a79b1f7800000000000000001", "1632897fae352fe00000000000000000"), /* [ 70] */new RandomConstant("c2e86314f363ef000000000000000001", "2c6512ff5c6a5fc00000000000000000"), /* [ 71] */new RandomConstant("85d0c629e6c7de000000000000000001", "58ca25feb8d4bf800000000000000000"), /* [ 72] */new RandomConstant("0ba18c53cd8fbc000000000000000001", "b1944bfd71a97f000000000000000000"), /* [ 73] */new RandomConstant("174318a79b1f78000000000000000001", "632897fae352fe000000000000000000"), /* [ 74] */new RandomConstant("2e86314f363ef0000000000000000001", "c6512ff5c6a5fc000000000000000000"), /* [ 75] */new RandomConstant("5d0c629e6c7de0000000000000000001", "8ca25feb8d4bf8000000000000000000"), /* [ 76] */new RandomConstant("ba18c53cd8fbc0000000000000000001", "1944bfd71a97f0000000000000000000"), /* [ 77] */new RandomConstant("74318a79b1f780000000000000000001", "32897fae352fe0000000000000000000"), /* [ 78] */new RandomConstant("e86314f363ef00000000000000000001", "6512ff5c6a5fc0000000000000000000"), /* [ 79] */new RandomConstant("d0c629e6c7de00000000000000000001", "ca25feb8d4bf80000000000000000000"), /* [ 80] */new RandomConstant("a18c53cd8fbc00000000000000000001", "944bfd71a97f00000000000000000000"), /* [ 81] */new RandomConstant("4318a79b1f7800000000000000000001", "2897fae352fe00000000000000000000"), /* [ 82] */new RandomConstant("86314f363ef000000000000000000001", "512ff5c6a5fc00000000000000000000"), /* [ 83] */new RandomConstant("0c629e6c7de000000000000000000001", "a25feb8d4bf800000000000000000000"), /* [ 84] */new RandomConstant("18c53cd8fbc000000000000000000001", "44bfd71a97f000000000000000000000"), /* [ 85] */new RandomConstant("318a79b1f78000000000000000000001", "897fae352fe000000000000000000000"), /* [ 86] */new RandomConstant("6314f363ef0000000000000000000001", "12ff5c6a5fc000000000000000000000"), /* [ 87] */new RandomConstant("c629e6c7de0000000000000000000001", "25feb8d4bf8000000000000000000000"), /* [ 88] */new RandomConstant("8c53cd8fbc0000000000000000000001", "4bfd71a97f0000000000000000000000"), /* [ 89] */new RandomConstant("18a79b1f780000000000000000000001", "97fae352fe0000000000000000000000"), /* [ 90] */new RandomConstant("314f363ef00000000000000000000001", "2ff5c6a5fc0000000000000000000000"), /* [ 91] */new RandomConstant("629e6c7de00000000000000000000001", "5feb8d4bf80000000000000000000000"), /* [ 92] */new RandomConstant("c53cd8fbc00000000000000000000001", "bfd71a97f00000000000000000000000"), /* [ 93] */new RandomConstant("8a79b1f7800000000000000000000001", "7fae352fe00000000000000000000000"), /* [ 94] */new RandomConstant("14f363ef000000000000000000000001", "ff5c6a5fc00000000000000000000000"), /* [ 95] */new RandomConstant("29e6c7de000000000000000000000001", "feb8d4bf800000000000000000000000"), /* [ 96] */new RandomConstant("53cd8fbc000000000000000000000001", "fd71a97f000000000000000000000000"), /* [ 97] */new RandomConstant("a79b1f78000000000000000000000001", "fae352fe000000000000000000000000"), /* [ 98] */new RandomConstant("4f363ef0000000000000000000000001", "f5c6a5fc000000000000000000000000"), /* [ 99] */new RandomConstant("9e6c7de0000000000000000000000001", "eb8d4bf8000000000000000000000000"), /* [100] */new RandomConstant("3cd8fbc0000000000000000000000001", "d71a97f0000000000000000000000000"), /* [101] */new RandomConstant("79b1f780000000000000000000000001", "ae352fe0000000000000000000000000"), /* [102] */new RandomConstant("f363ef00000000000000000000000001", "5c6a5fc0000000000000000000000000"), /* [103] */new RandomConstant("e6c7de00000000000000000000000001", "b8d4bf80000000000000000000000000"), /* [104] */new RandomConstant("cd8fbc00000000000000000000000001", "71a97f00000000000000000000000000"), /* [105] */new RandomConstant("9b1f7800000000000000000000000001", "e352fe00000000000000000000000000"), /* [106] */new RandomConstant("363ef000000000000000000000000001", "c6a5fc00000000000000000000000000"), /* [107] */new RandomConstant("6c7de000000000000000000000000001", "8d4bf800000000000000000000000000"), /* [108] */new RandomConstant("d8fbc000000000000000000000000001", "1a97f000000000000000000000000000"), /* [109] */new RandomConstant("b1f78000000000000000000000000001", "352fe000000000000000000000000000"), /* [110] */new RandomConstant("63ef0000000000000000000000000001", "6a5fc000000000000000000000000000"), /* [111] */new RandomConstant("c7de0000000000000000000000000001", "d4bf8000000000000000000000000000"), /* [112] */new RandomConstant("8fbc0000000000000000000000000001", "a97f0000000000000000000000000000"), /* [113] */new RandomConstant("1f780000000000000000000000000001", "52fe0000000000000000000000000000"), /* [114] */new RandomConstant("3ef00000000000000000000000000001", "a5fc0000000000000000000000000000"), /* [115] */new RandomConstant("7de00000000000000000000000000001", "4bf80000000000000000000000000000"), /* [116] */new RandomConstant("fbc00000000000000000000000000001", "97f00000000000000000000000000000"), /* [117] */new RandomConstant("f7800000000000000000000000000001", "2fe00000000000000000000000000000"), /* [118] */new RandomConstant("ef000000000000000000000000000001", "5fc00000000000000000000000000000"), /* [119] */new RandomConstant("de000000000000000000000000000001", "bf800000000000000000000000000000"), /* [120] */new RandomConstant("bc000000000000000000000000000001", "7f000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [121] */new RandomConstant("78000000000000000000000000000001", "fe000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [122] */new RandomConstant("f0000000000000000000000000000001", "fc000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [123] */new RandomConstant("e0000000000000000000000000000001", "f8000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [124] */new RandomConstant("c0000000000000000000000000000001", "f0000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [125] */new RandomConstant("80000000000000000000000000000001", "e0000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [126] */new RandomConstant("00000000000000000000000000000001", "c0000000000000000000000000000000"), /* [127] */new RandomConstant("00000000000000000000000000000001", "80000000000000000000000000000000") }; /** * generate the random number that is "advance" steps from an initial random * number of 0. This is done by starting with 0, and then advancing the by * the appropriate powers of 2 of the linear congruential generator. */ public static Unsigned16 skipAhead(Unsigned16 advance) { Unsigned16 result = new Unsigned16(); long bit_map; bit_map = advance.getLow8(); for (int i = 0; bit_map != 0 && i < 64; i++) { if ((bit_map & (1L << i)) != 0) { /* * advance random number by f**(2**i) (x) */ result.multiply(genArray[i].a); result.add(genArray[i].c); bit_map &= ~(1L << i); } } bit_map = advance.getHigh8(); for (int i = 0; bit_map != 0 && i < 64; i++) { if ((bit_map & (1L << i)) != 0) { /* * advance random number by f**(2**(i + 64)) (x) */ result.multiply(genArray[i + 64].a); result.add(genArray[i + 64].c); bit_map &= ~(1L << i); } } return result; } /** * Generate the next 16 byte random number. */ public static void nextRand(Unsigned16 rand) { /* * advance the random number forward once using the linear congruential * generator, and then return the new random number */ rand.multiply(genArray[0].a); rand.add(genArray[0].c); } }
c. Unsigned16.java
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package scala.spark.examples.terasort; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable; /** * This file is copied from Hadoop package org.apache.hadoop.examples.terasort. */ /** * An unsigned 16 byte integer class that supports addition, multiplication, and * left shifts. */ class Unsigned16 implements Writable { private long hi8; private long lo8; public Unsigned16() { hi8 = 0; lo8 = 0; } public Unsigned16(long l) { hi8 = 0; lo8 = l; } public Unsigned16(Unsigned16 other) { hi8 = other.hi8; lo8 = other.lo8; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof Unsigned16) { Unsigned16 other = (Unsigned16) o; return other.hi8 == hi8 && other.lo8 == lo8; } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) lo8; } /** * Parse a hex string * * @param s * the hex string */ public Unsigned16(String s) throws NumberFormatException { set(s); } /** * Set the number from a hex string * * @param s * the number in hexadecimal * @throws NumberFormatException * if the number is invalid */ public void set(String s) throws NumberFormatException { hi8 = 0; lo8 = 0; final long lastDigit = 0xfl << 60; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { int digit = getHexDigit(s.charAt(i)); if ((lastDigit & hi8) != 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(s + " overflowed 16 bytes"); } hi8 <<= 4; hi8 |= (lo8 & lastDigit) >>> 60; lo8 <<= 4; lo8 |= digit; } } /** * Set the number to a given long. * * @param l * the new value, which is treated as an unsigned number */ public void set(long l) { lo8 = l; hi8 = 0; } /** * Map a hexadecimal character into a digit. * * @param ch * the character * @return the digit from 0 to 15 * @throws NumberFormatException */ private static int getHexDigit(char ch) throws NumberFormatException { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { return ch - '0'; } if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { return ch - 'a' + 10; } if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { return ch - 'A' + 10; } throw new NumberFormatException(ch + " is not a valid hex digit"); } private static final Unsigned16 TEN = new Unsigned16(10); public static Unsigned16 fromDecimal(String s) throws NumberFormatException { Unsigned16 result = new Unsigned16(); Unsigned16 tmp = new Unsigned16(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { throw new NumberFormatException(ch + " not a valid decimal digit"); } int digit = ch - '0'; result.multiply(TEN); tmp.set(digit); result.add(tmp); } return result; } /** * Return the number as a hex string. */ public String toString() { if (hi8 == 0) { return Long.toHexString(lo8); } else { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(Long.toHexString(hi8)); String loString = Long.toHexString(lo8); for (int i = loString.length(); i < 16; ++i) { result.append('0'); } result.append(loString); return result.toString(); } } /** * Get a given byte from the number. * * @param b * the byte to get with 0 meaning the most significant byte * @return the byte or 0 if b is outside of 0..15 */ public byte getByte(int b) { if (b >= 0 && b < 16) { if (b < 8) { return (byte) (hi8 >> (56 - 8 * b)); } else { return (byte) (lo8 >> (120 - 8 * b)); } } return 0; } /** * Get the hexadecimal digit at the given position. * * @param p * the digit position to get with 0 meaning the most significant * @return the character or '0' if p is outside of 0..31 */ public char getHexDigit(int p) { byte digit = getByte(p / 2); if (p % 2 == 0) { digit >>>= 4; } digit &= 0xf; if (digit < 10) { return (char) ('0' + digit); } else { return (char) ('A' + digit - 10); } } /** * Get the high 8 bytes as a long. */ public long getHigh8() { return hi8; } /** * Get the low 8 bytes as a long. */ public long getLow8() { return lo8; } /** * Multiple the current number by a 16 byte unsigned integer. Overflow is * not detected and the result is the low 16 bytes of the result. The * numbers are divided into 32 and 31 bit chunks so that the product of two * chucks fits in the unsigned 63 bits of a long. * * @param b * the other number */ void multiply(Unsigned16 b) { // divide the left into 4 32 bit chunks long[] left = new long[4]; left[0] = lo8 & 0xffffffffl; left[1] = lo8 >>> 32; left[2] = hi8 & 0xffffffffl; left[3] = hi8 >>> 32; // divide the right into 5 31 bit chunks long[] right = new long[5]; right[0] = b.lo8 & 0x7fffffffl; right[1] = (b.lo8 >>> 31) & 0x7fffffffl; right[2] = (b.lo8 >>> 62) + ((b.hi8 & 0x1fffffffl) << 2); right[3] = (b.hi8 >>> 29) & 0x7fffffffl; right[4] = (b.hi8 >>> 60); // clear the cur value set(0); Unsigned16 tmp = new Unsigned16(); for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) { for (int r = 0; r < 5; ++r) { long prod = left[l] * right[r]; if (prod != 0) { int off = l * 32 + r * 31; tmp.set(prod); tmp.shiftLeft(off); add(tmp); } } } } /** * Add the given number into the current number. * * @param b * the other number */ public void add(Unsigned16 b) { long sumHi; long sumLo; long reshibit, hibit0, hibit1; sumHi = hi8 + b.hi8; hibit0 = (lo8 & 0x8000000000000000L); hibit1 = (b.lo8 & 0x8000000000000000L); sumLo = lo8 + b.lo8; reshibit = (sumLo & 0x8000000000000000L); if ((hibit0 & hibit1) != 0 | ((hibit0 ^ hibit1) != 0 && reshibit == 0)) sumHi++; /* add carry bit */ hi8 = sumHi; lo8 = sumLo; } /** * Shift the number a given number of bit positions. The number is the low * order bits of the result. * * @param bits * the bit positions to shift by */ public void shiftLeft(int bits) { if (bits != 0) { if (bits < 64) { hi8 <<= bits; hi8 |= (lo8 >>> (64 - bits)); lo8 <<= bits; } else if (bits < 128) { hi8 = lo8 << (bits - 64); lo8 = 0; } else { hi8 = 0; lo8 = 0; } } } @Override public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { hi8 = in.readLong(); lo8 = in.readLong(); } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeLong(hi8); out.writeLong(lo8); } }