[ISSUE]Lambda binding for lua is not supported.

环境: cocos2d-x + lua 3.0beta2

想使用CCNotification, 发现3.0已经替换为CCEvent, 晃了一眼设计,不错

原来在C++ 上自己也实现了一套Event,因为不满意CCNotification

使用中还是发现一点问题 (self is a CCLayer):

self:getEventDispatcher():addCustomEventListener(EVENT_XXX, function()
self:callbackOfXXX() end)

异常:Assertion failed: (false), function
lua_cocos2dx_EventDispatcher_addCustomEventListener /lua_cocos2dx_auto.cpp, line



local listener1 = cc.EventListenerCustom:create(EVENT_XXX, function() self:callbackOfXXX() end)
self:getEventDispatcher():addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener1, 1)


[ISSUE]Lambda binding for lua is not supported.,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-11-08 18:30:01

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