
SSL error: certificate verify failed is indication of client-side error. Try to check certificate chains on good and bad location, find missing intermediate certificate (I expect this result) and move it to appropriate place

Fix: I overlooked Mac as source, had Win in mind. Server certs usually live in ~/.subversion/auth/s?vn.ssl.server/ , you can copy needed file from good client

Adds: if you aren‘t security-concerned, you can simply use svn checkout --non-interactive --trust-server-cert https://....

I resolve that problem as follows:

  1. Go with Chrome (or other browser that allows to save the certificate) to svn address
  2. Save the certificate file
  3. Install it into Trusted Root Center of Certificates (that could be named with other words, I dont know how exactly that named in english)

Also, changing svn client (from svn tortoise) to another solves problem too.


时间: 2025-01-18 01:08:16



1.说明 rhel6.4系统下搭建apache+svn 2.实现 1)在服务器上安装配置SVN服务: 2)SVN服务支持svnserve独立服务模式访问: 3)SVN服务支持Apache的http模式访问. 3.安装svn服务器 [[email protected] ~]# yum install -y subversion [[email protected] ~]# rpm -qa|grep subversion subversion-1.6.11-15.el6_7.x86_64 4.安装a

Windows Pre-commit hook for comment length Subversion

@echo off :: Stops commits that have empty log messages. @echo off setlocal rem Subversion sends through the path to the repository and transaction id set REPOS=%1 set TXN=%2 svnlook log %REPOS% -t %TXN% | findstr . > nul if %errorlevel% gtr 0 (goto

SVN版本管理系统的安装 CentOS + Subversion + Apache + Jsvnadmin

CI服务器: root用户操作                            建议安装前更新操作系统 # yum update 更新完成后重启 # reboot 安装apache # yum install httpd httpd-devel # service httpd start # chkconfig httpd on # vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 找到ServerName 并修改成 ServerName localho


1.安装  subversion yum install subversion #最终显示 Installed:   subversion.x86_64 0:1.6.11-12.el6_6                                                                                                                                                           D


1.安装和配置subversion服务器 在windows 服务器上安装VisualSVN-Server,下载地址http://www.visualsvn.com/server/download/.采用默认安装,安装完成创建一个服务器的代码仓库hello,如图所示. 然后在Users右键创建用户tony,再回到hello仓库右键- >Properties,将tony用户授权可以访问hello仓库. 如果在浏览器中通过https://网址访问没有问题


一.下载subversion服务器端和客户端软件 1.subversion下载地址:http://subversion.tigris.org/ 2.svn比较流行的客户端Tortoisesvn下载地址:http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads 3.安装subversion服务器和Tortoisesvn,若是exe文件直接安装,若是zip解压后即可(若是想方便,可以在环境变量中配置bin) 二.创建版本库(Repository) 若是想在f:\svnroot下建立版本库,需

Can't use Subversion command line client: svn

使用Intellij IDEA的svn时提示出错:Can't use Subversion command line client: svn. 当我在使用svn,Checkout一个项目后,然后将其导入到Intellij idea中,出现这样的报错!经过google后,发现了问题,我的问题是:我安装的TortoiseSVN工具,本身是带有command-line功能的(我没有安装)如图: 所以报这个错误.如果安装的TortoiseSVN工具,本身是不带有command-line功能的,必须要安装

170428、centos6.5安装Subversion + Apache +Jsvnadmin

服务器地址: root用户操作 建议 安装前 更 新操作系统 # yum update 更新完成后重启 # reboot 安装 装 apache # yum install httpd httpd-devel # service httpd start # chkconfig httpd on # vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 找到 ServerName 并修改成 ServerName localhost:80 防火墙中打开 80 端口:

apache svn subversion安装和配置(使用源码安装包方式)

环境:虚拟机下centos7 1.下载安装包:http://subversion.apache.org/download.cgi 2.上传到指定文件夹并解压 3.安装依赖包 apr apr-utilsqlite-amalgamation下载地址:http://apr.apache.org/download.cgi 安装方法,apr:./configure --prefix=/usr/local/aprmake & make install 安装方法,apr-util:./configure --


验证位置时发生错 误:“org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request failed svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS request for '' 解决方法: 删除C:\Documen