在生产环境中操作MySQL数据库还是推荐使用命令行工具mysql,但在我们自己开发测试时, 可以使用可视化工具Navicat,以图形界面的形式操作MySQL数据库 官网下载:https://www.navicat.com/en/products/navicat-for-mysql 网盘下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bpo5mqj 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Hu-x0mPuSW3g9CxNFlnAng 密码:pqe5 # 打开 双击: # D:\navicatformysql\Navicat for MySQL\navicat 需要掌握的基本操作 掌握: #1. 测试+链接数据库 #2. 新建库 #3. 新建表,新增字段+类型+约束 #4. 设计表:外键 #5. 新建查询 #6. 备份库/表 注意: 批量加注释:ctrl+?键 批量去注释:ctrl+shift+?键
- 在python程序中操作数据库呢?这就用到了pymysql模块,
- 该模块本质就是一个套接字客户端软件,使用前需要事先安装
- pip3 install pymysql
- 授权加创建
- grant all on *.* to ‘root‘@‘%‘ identified by ‘123‘;
- flush privileges;
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ 端口:3306 ip: mysql -uroot -p123 -h """ import pymysql name = input(‘user>>>:‘).strip() # egon1 password = input(‘password>>>:‘).strip() # 123 # 建连接 conn = pymysql.connect( host = ‘‘, port = 3306, user = ‘root‘, password = ‘123‘, db = ‘egon‘, charset = ‘utf8‘ ) # 拿游标 cursor = conn.cursor() # 执行sql语句 sql = ‘select * from userinfo where name= "%s" and password = "%s"‘%(name,password) rows = cursor.execute(sql) print(rows) # 关闭 cursor.close() conn.close() # 进行判断 if rows: print(‘登录成功‘) else: print(‘登录失败‘)
egon‘ -- 任意字符
xxx‘ or 1=1 -- 任意字符
# 原来是我们对sql进行字符串拼接
# sql="select * from userinfo where name=‘%s‘ and password=‘%s‘" %(user,pwd)
# print(sql)
# res=cursor.execute(sql)
sql="select * from userinfo where name=%s and password=%s" #!!!注意%s需要去掉引号,因为pymysql会自动为我们加上
res=cursor.execute(sql,[user,pwd]) #pymysql模块自动帮我们解决sql注入的问题,只要我们按照pymysql的规矩来。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pymysql name = input(‘name>>>:‘).strip() password = input(‘password>>>:‘).strip() conn = pymysql.connect( host = ‘‘, port = 3306, user = ‘root‘, password = ‘123‘, db = ‘egon‘, charset = ‘utf8‘ ) cursor = conn.cursor() # sql = ‘select * from userinfo where name = "%s" and password = "%s"‘%(name,password) # rows = cursor.execute(sql) sql = ‘select * from userinfo where name=%s and password = %s‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql,(name,password)) #执行sql语句,返回sql影响成功的行数 print(sql) print(rows) cursor.close() conn.close() if rows: print(‘登录成功‘) else: print(‘登录失败‘) """ name>>>:egon1" -- x #需要帐号,sql注入 -- 表示 注释掉 只需要判断user 不需要判断password password>>>: select * from userinfo where name = "egon1" -- x" and password = "" 1 登录成功 """ """ name>>>:xxx" or 1=1 -- xxx #不需要帐号密码,sql注入 太恐怖!! password>>>: select * from userinfo where name = "xxx" or 1=1 -- xxx" and password = "" 3 登录成功 """ """ 解决办法: sql = ‘select * from userinfo where name=%s and password = %s‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql,(name,password)) """ sql注入
增: sql = ‘insert into userinfo(name,password) values(%s,%s)‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql,(‘lily‘,‘123‘)) conn.commit() # 注意只有执行了commit() 才会更新到数据库中 批量: rows = cursor.executemany(sql,[(‘alice4‘,‘123‘),(‘alice5‘,‘123‘),(‘alice6‘,‘123‘)]) print(cursor.lastrowid) # 显示插入数据前的id 走到哪 删: sql = ‘delete from userinfo where name = %s‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql,(‘alice5‘)) conn.commit() 改: sql = ‘update userinfo set name = %s where id = %s ‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql,(‘abcd‘,2)) conn.commit() 查: # 元祖形式 cursor = conn.cursor() rows = cursor.execute(sql) print(cursor.fetchone()) print(cursor.fetchmany(3)) print(cursor.fetchall()) print(cursor.fetchone()) # None 没有数据了! ((1, ‘aaabbb‘, ‘123‘), (2, ‘abcd‘, ‘456‘), (3, ‘egon3‘, ‘789‘)) # 字典形式 cursor = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.fetchone() cursor.fetchmany(2) cursor.fetchall() [{‘id‘: 3, ‘name‘: ‘egon3‘, ‘password‘: ‘789‘}, {‘id‘: 6, ‘name‘: ‘alice‘, ‘password‘: ‘123‘}] # 相对 绝对 移动游标 print(cursor.fetchone()) cursor.scroll(5,‘absolute‘) # cursor.scroll(5,‘relative‘) print(cursor.fetchmany(2))
import pymysql #建立连接 conn = pymysql.connect( host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘123‘, db=‘db9‘, charset=‘utf8‘ ) #拿到游标 cursor=conn.cursor() #执行sql # 增、删、改 #增 sql = ‘insert into userinfo(user, pwd) values(%s, %s)‘ # rows = cursor.execute(sql,(‘wxx‘,‘123‘)) # print(rows) # rows = cursor.executemany(sql,[(‘yxx‘,‘123‘),(‘egon1‘,‘111‘)]) #插入多行 # print(rows) rows = cursor.executemany(sql,[(‘egon2‘,‘123‘),(‘egon3‘,‘111‘)]) print(cursor.lastrowid) #查看id字段走到哪了 #删 # sql = ‘truncate table userinfo‘ # rows = cursor.execute(sql) #改 sql = ‘update userinfo set user = "yxw" where pwd =123‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() #提交操作 #关闭 cursor.close() conn.close() """查""" import pymysql conn = pymysql.connect( host = ‘‘, port = 3306, user = "root", password = ‘123‘, db = ‘egon‘, charset = ‘utf8‘ ) cursor = conn.cursor() # cursor = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) sql = ‘select * from userinfo‘ rows = cursor.execute(sql) #执行sql语句,返回sql影响成功的行数rows,将结果放入一个集合,等待被查询 print(rows) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # print(cursor.fetchmany(2)) # print(cursor.fetchall()) # print(cursor.fetchone()) # None print(cursor.fetchone()) cursor.scroll(5,‘absolute‘) # cursor.scroll(5,‘relative‘) print(cursor.fetchmany(2)) cursor.close() conn.close() if rows: print(‘操作成功‘) else: print(‘失败‘)
时间: 2024-10-31 22:22:00