denied: requested accessto the resource is denied


Docker push image: denied: requested accessto the resource is denied


需要先docke login再docker push


[[email protected] website]# docker login

Login with your Docker ID to push and pullimages from Docker Hub. If you don‘t have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.

Username: lilei123


Login Succeeded

[[email protected] website]# docker push lilei123/nginx

The push refers to a repository[]

7f92bc2c1763: Pushed

4348d854faed: Pushed

b10190830b1e: Pushed

f1f90a01ed71: Pushed

7d48d55701f7: Pushed

98bb41f25d33: Pushed

0404d129c384: Pushed

5081cf9eb266: Pushed

f9dfc87a2e75: Pushed

ed9fd767a1ff: Pushed

0fea3c8895d3: Pushed

d626a8ad97a1: Pushed

1.0: digest:sha256:7a33a8bd719ff0fed4f75ba9f0b6e4963c88f6547039a92070ca5ff4ddc4289f size:2828



时间: 2024-08-04 15:15:01

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