使用PowerShell 获取azure image publisher offer sku 信息

使用azure powershell 获取指定区域的可用镜像 publisher offer sku信息

param (
    [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $LocationName = "ChinaNorth",
    [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $ExportTo = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") + "\" + $LocationName + "-VMImage-" + $(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".csv"


function Check-AzureRmLocation()
        [string]$LocationName = $(throw "Parameter missing: -LocationName LocationName")
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) * Checking location $LocationName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $Location = Get-AzureRmLocation | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq $LocationName }
    If (-not ($Location))

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) * The location" $LocationName "does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
        return $false
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) * Location $LocationName exists" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        return $true

$LocationExist = Check-AzureRmLocation -LocationName $LocationName
if ($LocationExist -eq $true)
    write-host "$(Get-Date) * Begin to collect VM Image information..Please wait" -ForegroundColor ‘Cyan‘
    [pscustomobject[]]$VMImageObjects = $null
    if (Test-Path $ExportTo)
        Clear-Content $ExportTo -Force



        $Publishers = (Get-AzureRmVMImagePublisher -Location $LocationName -ErrorAction Stop).PublisherName
        $TotalPublisherCounts = $Publishers.count
        $PublisherCount = 1
        foreach ($Publisher in $Publishers)
            Write-Progress -Activity ("Current Publisher: $Publisher") -Status "Searching $PublisherCount Publisher, Total Publisher: $TotalPublisherCounts" -PercentComplete ($PublisherCount/ $TotalPublisherCounts * 100) -Id 1
            $Offers = (Get-AzureRmVMImageOffer -Location $LocationName -PublisherName $Publisher -ErrorAction Stop).offer
            $TotalOfferCounts = $Offers.count
            if ($TotalOfferCounts -eq 0)
                $OfferCount = 1
                foreach ($Offer in $Offers)
                    Write-Progress -Activity ("Current Offer: $Offer") -Status "Searching $OfferCount Offer, Total Offer: $TotalOfferCounts" -PercentComplete ($OfferCount/ $TotalOfferCounts * 100) -Id 2 -ParentId 1
                    $Skus = Get-AzureRmVMImageSku -Location $LocationName -PublisherName $Publisher -Offer $Offer -ErrorAction Stop
                    $TotalSkuCounts = $Skus.count
                    if ($TotalSkuCounts -eq 0)
                        $SkuCount = 1
                        foreach ($Sku in $Skus)
                            $VMImageObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                            $VMImageObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LocationName -Value $Sku.Location
                            $VMImageObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PublisherName -Value $Sku.PublisherName
                            $VMImageObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OfferName -Value $Sku.Offer
                            $VMImageObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkuName -Value $Sku.skus
                            $VMImageObjects += $VMImageObject
                            Write-Progress -Activity ("Current Sku: $($Sku.skus)") -Status "Searching $SkuCount Sku, Total Sku: $TotalSkuCounts" -PercentComplete ($SkuCount/ $TotalSkuCounts * 100) -id 3 -ParentId 2
                            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500


        if ($VMImageObjects -ne $null)
            $VMImageObjects | Export-Csv -LiteralPath $ExportTo -NoTypeInformation -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) * Export successfully, Please check $ExportTo" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) * Something wrong" -ForegroundColor Red


        Write-Warning $Error[0].Exception.Message




时间: 2025-01-18 00:08:47

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