1 - (void)demoAboutNSOperation 2 { 3 NSOperation * block = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{ 4 NSLog(@"block %@",[NSThread currentThread]); 5 }]; 6 7 [self.queue addOperation:block]; 8 9 [self.queue addOperationWithBlock:^{ 10 NSLog(@"耗时操作 %@",[NSThread currentThread]); 11 [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{ 12 NSLog(@" mainQueue %@",[NSThread currentThread]); 13 }]; 14 }]; 15 16 17 }
二 gcd
- (void)dispatchDemo 2 { 3 NSLog(@" start %@",[NSThread currentThread]); 4 5 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{ 6 NSLog(@" 耗时从左 %@",[NSThread currentThread]); 7 8 dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 9 NSLog(@" 回到主线程 %@", [NSThread currentThread]); 10 }); 11 12 }); 13 14 NSLog(@"end %@",[NSThread currentThread]); 15 }
// 后台执行: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{ // something }); // 主线程执行: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ // something }); // 一次性执行: static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ // code to be executed once }); // 延迟2秒执行: double delayInSeconds = 2.0; dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC); dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){ // code to be executed on the main queue after delay }); // 自定义dispatch_queue_t dispatch_queue_t urls_queue = dispatch_queue_create("blog.devtang.com", NULL); dispatch_async(urls_queue, ^{ // your code }); dispatch_release(urls_queue); // 合并汇总结果 dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create(); dispatch_group_async(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0), ^{ // 并行执行的线程一 }); dispatch_group_async(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0), ^{ // 并行执行的线程二 }); dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0), ^{ // 汇总结果 });
// AppDelegate.h文件 @property (assign, nonatomic) UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundUpdateTask; // AppDelegate.m文件 - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { [self beingBackgroundUpdateTask]; // 在这里加上你需要长久运行的代码 [self endBackgroundUpdateTask]; } - (void)beingBackgroundUpdateTask { self.backgroundUpdateTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{ [self endBackgroundUpdateTask]; }]; } - (void)endBackgroundUpdateTask { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask: self.backgroundUpdateTask]; self.backgroundUpdateTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; }
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.baidu.com"]; NSError * error; NSString * data = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]; if (data != nil) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSLog(@"call back, the data is: %@", data); }); } else { NSLog(@"error when download:%@", error); } });
时间: 2024-10-04 05:22:19