Displaying Modal Window Messages in Oracle Forms Using Show_Alert

You can display modal windows in Oracle Forms to display normal messages, error message or asking for confirmation eg. on deleting a record or saving a record etc. using show_alert command.

These modal window messages can be shown using Alert option in Oracle forms.

This is the screen shot below for this example:

You can download this form from the following link: Modal_Msgt.fmb

For this example I have created three alerts with the following names:

1. Good_Msg

2. Error_Msg

3. Ask_Alert

The following code is written for "Show Good Message" button to display a normal message, you can use this code in any PLSQL block:


-- create a numeric variable to hold show_alert return value

nalertbutton number;


-- set the message for alert

set_alert_property(‘good_msg‘, alert_message_text, ‘Records saved successfully.‘);

-- after below statement the execution will hold till you click on ok.. becuase it is an modal window

nalertbutton := show_alert(‘good_msg‘);

:alertblock.result := ‘That was a good message.‘;

-- after this you can perform any task...


The following code is written for "Show Error Message" button to display an Error message:

-- create a numeric variable to hold show_alert return value
nalertbutton number;
-- set the message for alert
set_alert_property(‘error_msg‘, alert_message_text, ‘An error occurred.‘);
-- after below statement the execution will hold till you click on ok.. becuase it is an modal window
nalertbutton := show_alert(‘error_msg‘);
:alertblock.result := ‘That was an ERROR message.‘;
-- after this you can perform any task...

The following code is written for "Ask Confirmation" button to ask for a confirmation:

-- create a numeric variable to hold show_alert return value
nalertbutton number;
-- set the message for alert
set_alert_property(‘ask_alert‘, alert_message_text, ‘Confirm Yes or No?‘);
-- after below statement the execution will hold till you click on ok.. becuase it is an modal window
nalertbutton := show_alert(‘ask_alert‘);
-- now check which button or answer have been choosen
if nalertbutton = alert_button1 then
:alertblock.result := ‘You choose Yes.‘;
:alertblock.result := ‘You choose No.‘;
end if;
-- after this you can perform any task...

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See also http://www.foxinfotech.in/2015/02/using-single-alert-for-messages-and-confirmation-messages.html

时间: 2025-01-01 05:54:38

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