

126.Which statements are true regarding the creation of an incident package file by using the EM Workbench Support? (Choose all that apply.)
A. You can add or remove the trace files to the package.
B. You can create the incremental incident package ZIP file for new or modified diagnostic information for the incident package already created.
C. You can add SQL test cases to the incident package.
D. You cannot create an incremental incident package when the physical files are purged rom the ADR.


127.The application tables owned by the user TEST in a test database need to be exported to the APPS schema in the production database by using Data Pump.
Which option of Data Pump Import would you use to accomplish this?
A. owner
B. touser
C. attach
D. remap_schema


128.You want to track and store all transactional changes to a table over its lifetime.
To accomplish this task, you enabled Flashback Data Archive with the retention of 5 years.
After some time, the business requirement changed and you were asked to change the retention from 5 years to 3 years.
To accomplish this, you issued the following command:
What is the implication of this command?
A. The command produces an error because the retention time cannot be reduced.
B. All historical data is retained but the subsequent flashback data archives are maintained for only three years.
C. All historical data is purged and the new flashback data archives are maintained for three years.
D. All historical data older than three years is purged from the flashback archive FLA1.


129.You are managing an Oracle Database 11g database with ASM storage. The ASM disk group has the COMPATIBLE.ASM attribute set to 11.1.
Which statements are true regarding extent management and allocation units in the ASM disk group? (Choose all that apply.)
A. The au_size disk group attribute determines the size of allocation units in the disk group.
B. The allocation unit size may vary but the extent size is fixed.
C. The allocation unit size and extent size are fixed for all the disks in a disk group and cannot be changed.
D. Extent management is completely automated.


130.Which are the prerequisites for performing flashback transactions on your database? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Undo retention guarantee for the database must be configured.
B. Supplemental log must be enabled for the primary key.
C. Supplemental log must be enabled.
D. Execute permission on the DBMS_FLASHBACK package must be granted to the user.
时间: 2024-08-09 13:51:04



-----提供AD\Exchange\Lync\Sharepoint\CRM\SC\O365等微软产品实施及外包,QQ:185426445.电话18666943750 项目中有时候做跨林邮箱迁移的时候,条件不成熟,比如安全考虑或者其他考虑,不能做双林信任,这样就提出了一个问题,历史邮件需要使用的话怎么办,一个简单高效的解决办法就是从源森林批量导出邮件为.pst文件,在批量导入到目的域森林,具体操作如下: 1.赋予管理账号邮件导入导出权限,命令如下: cls whoami New-Manageme

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场景再现==================={放学路上}同学A:最近<天龙八部>看没?我喜欢那里的虚竹,因为他武功最高.同学B:什么呀?才不是虚竹呢,是段誉武功最高.他不仅会"六脉神剑",还会"一阳指"和"北冥神功".同学A:虚竹厉害,他有天山童姥等三人最强内力,后期又习得"降龙十八掌".同学B:这些都没有"六脉神剑"厉害.同学A:..................同学B:...... ==


一:实现功能,获得选中节点,在选中节点下添加节点,折叠,展开,删除,得到选中节点下checked项,选中根节点其下节点也选中,图标.上图 二:相关代码 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windo