2.每个语句结束的时候没有分号。定义类的时候没有括号。在print语句的后面有格式转换时要加上% , for和while之后要加冒号,快捷键被我改成了CTRL+R 和D
Method | Description of Functionality |
capitalize() | Returns a capitalized copy of string |
center (width[,fill]) | Returns a repositioned string with specified width and provide optional padding filler character |
count(sub[,start[,end]]) | Count the number of distinct times the substring occurs within the string |
decode([encoding[,errors]]) | Decodes and returns Unicode string |
encode([encoding[,errors]]) | Returns an encoded version of a string |
endswith(suffix[,start[,end]]) | Returns a boolean to state whether the string ends in a given pattern |
expandtabs([tabsize]) | Converts tabs within a string into spaces |
find(sub[,start[,end]]) | Returns the index of the position where the first occurrence of the given substring begins |
index(sub[,start[,end]) | Returns the index of the position where the first occurrence of the given substring begins. Raises a ValueError with the substring is not found. |
isalnum() | Returns a boolean to state whether the string contain only alphabetic and numeric characters |
isalpha() | Returns a boolean to state whether the string contains all alphabetic characters |
isdigit() | Returns a boolean to state whether the string contains all numeric characters |
islower() | Returns a boolean to state whether a string contains all lowercase characters |
isspace() | Returns a boolean to state whether the string consists of all whitespace |
istitle() | Returns a boolean to state whether the first character of each word in the string is capitalized |
isupper() | Returns a boolean to state whether all characters within the string are uppercase |
join(sequence) | Returns a copy of sequence joined together with the original string placed between each element |
ljust(width[,fillchar]) | Returns a string of the specified width along with a copy of the original string at the leftmost bit. (Optionally padding empty space with fillchar) |
lower() | Returns a copy of the original string with all characters in the string converted to lowercase |
lstrip([chars]) | Removes the first found characters in the string from the left that match the given characters. Also removes whitespace from the left. Whitespace removal is default when specified with no arguments. |
partition(separator) | Returns a partitioned string starting from the left using the provided separator |
replace(old,new[,count]) | Returns a copy of the original string replacing the portion of string given in old with the portion given in new |
rfind(sub[,start[,end]]) | Searches string from right to left and finds the first occurrence of the given string and returns highest index where sub is found |
rindex(sub[,start[,end]]) | Searches string from right to left and finds the first occurrence of the given string and either returns highest index where sub is found or raises an exception |
rjust(width[,fillchar]) | Returns copy of string Aligned to the right by width |
rpartition(separator) | Returns a copy of stringPartitioned starting from the right using the provided separator object |
rsplit([separator[,maxsplit]]) | Returns list of words in string and splits the string from the right side and uses the given separator as a delimiter. If maxsplit is specified then at most maxsplit splits are done (from the right). |
rstrip([chars]) | Returns copy of string removing the first found characters in the string from the right that match those given. Also removes whitespace from the right when no argument is specified. |
split([separator[,maxsplit]]) | Returns a list of words in string and splits the string from the left side and uses the given separator as a delimiter. |
splitlines([keepends]) | Splits the string into a list of lines. Keepends denotes if newline delimiters are removed. Returns the list of lines in the string. |
startswith(prefix[,start[,end]]) | Returns a boolean to state whether the string starts with the given prefix |
strip([chars]) | Returns a copy of string with the given characters removed from the string. If no argument is specified then whitespace is removed. |
swapcase() | Returns a copy of the string the case of each character in the string converted. |
title() | Returns a copy of the string with the first character in each word uppercase. |
translate(table[,deletechars]) | Returns a copy of the string using the given character translation table to translate the string. All characters occurring in optional deletechars argument are removed. |
upper() | Returns a copy of string with all of the characters in the string converted to uppercase |
zfill(width) | Returns a numeric string padded from the left with zeros for the specified width. |
d | signed integer decimal |
i | signed integer |
o | unsigned octal |
u | unsigned decimal |
x | unsigned hexidecimal (lowercase) |
X | unsigned hexidecimal (uppercase letters) |
E | floating point exponential format (uppercase ‘E’) |
e | floating point exponential format (lowercase ‘e’) |
f | floating point decimal format (lowercase) |
F | floating point decimal format (same as ‘f’) |
g | floating point exponential format if exponent < -4, otherwise float |
G | floating point exponential format (uppercase) if exponent < -4, otherwise float |
c | single character |
r | string (converts any python object using repr()) |
s | string (converts any python object using str()) |
% | no conversion, results in a percent (%) character if specified twice |
3. jython中的string和java一样也是不可变的。
4. 一个滑片list是包含开始数字,不包含结束数字的。pop()的同时会remove. remove()操作只能删除第一个匹配的。
index | Returns the index of the first value in the list which matches a given value. |
count | Returns the number of items in the list which equal a given value. |
sort | Sorts the items contained within the list and returns the list |
reverse | Reverses the order of the items contained within the list, and returns the list |
Method or Function | Description |
len(dictionary) | Function that returns number of items within the given dictionary. |
dictionary [key] | Returns the item from the dictionary that is associated with the given key. |
dictionary[key] = value | Sets the associated item in the dictionary to the given value. |
del dictionary[key] | Deletes the given key/value pair from the dictionary. |
dictionary.clear() | Method that removes all items from the dictionary. |
dictionary.copy() | Method that creates a shallow copy of the dictionary. |
has_key(key) | Function that returns a boolean stating whether the dictionary contains the given key. (Deprecated in favor of using in’) |
key in d | Returns a boolean stating whether the given key is found in the dictionary |
key not in d | Returns a boolean stating whether the given key is not found in the dictionary |
items() | Returns a list of tuples including a copy of the key/value pairs within the dictionary. |
keys() | Returns the a list of keys within the dictionary. |
update([dictionary2]) | Updates dictionary with the key/value pairs from the given dictionary. Existing keys will be overwritten. |
fromkeys(sequence[,value]) | Creates a new dictionary with keys from the given sequence. The values will be set to the value given. |
values() | Returns the values within the dictionary as a list. |
get(key[, b]) | Returns the value associated with the given key. If the key does not exist, then returns b. |
setdefault(key[, b]) | Returns the value associated with the given key. If the key does not exist, then the key value is set to b (mydict[key] = b) |
pop(key[, b]) | Returns and removes the key/value pair associated with the given key. If the key does not exist then returns b. |
popItem() | An arbitrary key/value pair is popped from the dictionary |
iteritems() | Returns an iterator over the key/value pairs in the dictionary. |
iterkeys() | Returns an iterator over the keys in the dictionary. |
itervalues() | Returns an iterator over the values in the dictionary. |
6. sets是无序的,而且也不能重复,dic是可以重复的,sets使用前必须要加入包 from sets import set
Method or Operation | Description |
len(set) | Returns the number of elements in a given set |
copy() | Returns a new shallow copy of the set |
difference(set2) | Returns a new set that contains all elements that are in the calling set, but not in set2 |
intersection(set2) | Returns a new set that contains all elements that the calling set and set2 have in common |
issubbset(set2) | Returns a Boolean stating whether all elements in calling set are also in set2 |
issuperset(set2) | Returns a Boolean stating whether all elements in set2 are contained in calling set |
symmetric_difference(set2) | Returns a new set containing elements either from the calling set or set2 but not from both (set1 ^ set2) |
x in set | Tests whether x is contained in the set, returns boolean |
x not in set |
union(set2) | Returns a new set containing elements that are contained in both the calling set and set2 |
Method or Operation | Description |
add(item) | Adds an item to a set if it is not already in the set |
clear() | Removes all items in a set |
difference_update(set2) | Returns the set with all elements contained in set2 removed |
discard(element) | Removes designated element from set if present |
intersection_update(set2) | Returns the set keeping only those elements that are also in set2 |
pop() | Return an arbitrary element from the set |
remove(element) | Remove element from set if present, if not then KeyError is raised |
symmetric_difference_update(set2) | Replace the calling set with a set containing elements from either the calling set or set2 but not both, and return it |
update(set2) | Returns set including all elements from set2 |
7. read()和readlines()读出内容的格式是不一样的,如果当前的位置是在文件的末端必须要seek,不然读不出来内容。
8.在string和list中,不用创建迭代器,也可以使用for进行迭代。如果将一个不可改变的对象赋给另外一个变量,例如string和integer .那这个变量是这个string的copy,改变这个变量的值不会改变string. 如果将一个可改变的对象赋给另外一个变量,例如list.那这个变量是这个List的引用,也就是同一个东西,改变这个变量的值会同时改变list。如果要得到一个list(a)的copy,那么要import copy,同时使用b=copy.copy(a).但这样也仅仅是一个浅copy。也就是说,不同的对象,但是同一个引用,虽然b is a 为false。但是如果改变b的值,a也会同样的改变。如果非要使用deepcopy,那么就要import copy,然后b=copy.deepcopy(a),这样改变了b的值之后,a的值就不会改变了。