Software Project Managemen(SPM) HOMEWORK01:

Software Project Management HOMEWORK01:

Web development: the development of a realization of TodoList that user can register, log in and delete, also the user can achieve the basic database by using the function( adding, delete, change, check) of the page through the Web page .

Encoding Language Requirements:

Front: Html, CSS, JavaScript, jquery

Rear end: JavaScript, Node, Express, MySQL

Functional requirements:

1, a user management: users - log in - user name and password - each person has not the same content

2, the page realizes user registration, log in, also delete the user.

3, when the user log-in is successful, the page can display the current log-in user‘s transaction list.

4, when the list shows the transaction, you can distinguish between the incomplete and completed.

5, when the show business, will remind the user to complete the progress and urgency . Distinguish between different completion states of transaction which is represented by red, yellow and green, also the transaction can be deleted (directly erased).

6, the user can add, delete, query a transaction as their willing and refresh the transaction when they complete the progress. And the new transaction requires a date selection box (select deadline).

7, There must be front and rear end separation: rendering at the front end - bootstrap (layout and interface design beautifully)

Time schedule: deadline: 01.06.2016

Planned start time: 12.22.2016--12.31.2016

Actual start time: 01.02.2016--01.05.2016

Required resources:

Participants: 1 person (by myself)

Development Tools: Node.js, Express

Database: MySQL

Assessment that compared the final result with the requirements:

     The final results of the basic meet the functional requirements.

However, in the implementation of Article 5 requirement was wrong:  the user logs in for the first time, the page shows the emergency (red) transaction is in line with the default actual time limit conditions. But after the user create a new transaction and refresh the interface, the project may become a recent (green) business. I found this error the day before the project was submitted, and made several changes to the time node decision algorithm, but the problem occasionally appeared when the test was entered on a different date.

At the same time, because the project not use bootstrap, so my layout and interface are all designed with CSS and jquery, similar to minimalist style, color is more single. In the display state, originally intended to use jquery icon to show the affairs of the state, but the problem can not solve the escape character, the icon can not be displayed, so I changed to the font according to the transaction box to change the color to show the state, not beautiful as I want.





前端:Html, CSS, JavaScript, jquery

后端:JavaScript, Node, Express, MySQL














开发工具:Node.js, Express













时间: 2024-08-25 21:12:17

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