Use AsyncCallback EndInvoke to get Result:
public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(parm ...,AsyncCallback cb, object state); IAsyncResult iar= test.BeginInvoke( 10, //参数 new AsyncCallback((ar) => { string message = ar.AsyncState; int result = ((TestMethode((AsyncResult)ar).AsyncDelegate).EndInvoke(ar); tb.Text = result.ToString(); }), //callback "test" //state ); //Use EndInvoke to wait //阻塞 int result = test.EndInvoke(ar);
RegisterWaitForSingleObject: trigger callback if waitObject has signal OR time out:
public static RegisteredWaitHandle RegisterWaitForSingleObject( WaitHandle waitObject, WaitOrTimerCallback callBack, Object state, int millisecondsTimeOutInterval, bool executeOnlyOnce )
static AutoResetEvent wait=new AutoResetEvent(false); ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(wait, new WaitOrTimerCallback(test11), state,5000, false); //use wait.Set() to run the callback immediately //Otherweise use new AutoResetEvent(true) wait.Set();
CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task<string> task = new Task<string>((obj) => { while (true) { if (ck.IsCancellationRequested) { // Clean up here, then... break; } } return "Done"; }, tokenSource.Token); task.Start(); //等待任务的完成执行过程。 task.Wait(); //获得任务的执行结果 Console.WriteLine("任务执行结果:{0}", task.Result.ToString()); //cancel the task tokenSource.Cancel(); //User Task.Factory Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { ProcessFiles(); });
var parent = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var nonChildTask = Task.Factory.StartNew( () => Console.WriteLine("I‘m not a child task.")); var childTask = Task.Factory.StartNew( () => Console.WriteLine("I‘m a child task."), TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent); });
Task parent=new Task(()=> { DoStep1(); }); Task task2 = parent.ContinueWith((PrevTask) => { DoStep2(); }); parent.Start();
Cancel Task
C# Threading
时间: 2024-11-06 07:31:46