[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 2: 02 - Introduction to CS7637

Optional Readings :

    1. Putting Online Learning and Learning Sciences Together
    2. Understanding the Natural and Artificial Worldshttp://courses.washington.edu/thesisd/documents/Kun_Herbert%20Simon_Sciences_of_the_Artificial.pdf

Introduction to Computational Psychometrics

Putting Online Learning and Learning Sciences Together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N56ghCGmWWQ

Raven‘s Progressive Matrices

2x1 Raven’s Progressive Matrix

2x2 Raven’s Progressive Matrix

3x3 Raven’s Progressive Matrix I

Exercise: What is intelligence?

Q: if we succeed designing an AI system that can take an intelligence test, is the AI intelligent?

A from David: No, they are just processing signals and inputs in the correct way.

That‘s an interesting answer. Do humans do anything fundamentally different from processing inputs and selecting actions?

Principles of CS7637

we just dont reason from data, we also use data to pull out knowledge from memory, then we use this knowledge to generate expectations to make sense of the world.


Winston, P. (1993). Artificial Intelligence (3rd ed.). Addision-Wesley.

Stefik, M. (1995). Knowledge Systems. Morgan Kauffman: San Fransisco.

Rich, E., & Knight, K. (1991). Artificial intelligence. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Russell, S. & Norvig, P. (1995). Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs.

Understanding the Natural and Artificial Worldshttp://courses.washington.edu/thesisd/documents/Kun_Herbert%20Simon_Sciences_of_the_Artificial.pdf

The Cognitive Connection

interestingly, people with autism perform about as well on the Raven‘s Test of Intelligence as neurotypical people.

These people often do not perform as well as others on other intelligent tests.

Raven‘s test consists only of visual analogy problems, while other tests include verbal tests


时间: 2025-01-11 12:24:48

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