#!/usr/bin/env python#_*_coding:utf8_*_import getpass,syscount = 0match_info = False #用布尔值来标志用户密码是否匹配,默认是flasewhile count < 3: username = input("\033[32;1mAsk you for a username :\033[0m") with open("locked.txt",‘r‘,encoding="utf-8") as lock_check: for lock in lock_check.readlines(): lock = lock.split() type (username) type (lock) if username == lock[0]: sys.exit(‘\033[31;1mSorry, the current user has been locked, please contact the administrator!\033[0m‘) password = input(‘\033[32;1mAsk you for a password :\033[0m‘) #password = getpass.getpass(‘\033[32;1mAsk you for a password :\033[0m‘) with open("user_info.txt",‘r‘,encoding="utf-8") as user_check: for line in user_check.readlines(): user,passwd = line.strip(‘\n‘).split() if username == user and password == passwd: match_info = True print("You are welcome to use this system", username) sys.exit() if match_info == False: print("The account information you entered is not valid. Please re-enter it and enter the three error to lock the user.") count += 1 else: print("You are welcome to use this system", username)else: print("Sorry, the user you entered has been locked.") f = open("locked.txt","a",encoding="utf-8") f.write(username ) f.close() 运行这个代码之前,要在代码的目录下新建locked.txt和user_info.txt在能执行的哟~
时间: 2024-11-05 16:00:52