Ambari Install Hadoop ecosystem for 9 steps

Ambari for provisioning,managing and monitoring Hadoop

1. Install Ambari Server;

2. Enter list of hosts to be included in the cluster and provide your SSH key;

3. Register your hosts(Confirm hosts);

4. Host checks;

5. Choose Services(HDFS,MR,Nagios,Ganglia,Hive,HBase,Pig,Sqoop,Zookeeper,,);

6. Assign slaves and clients components to hosts you want to run them on;

7. Customize services;

8. Review(Plz review the configuration before installation);

9.  Install,Start and Test.

refer to:

so far,hadoop ecosystem mainly maintanence by Hortonworks(HDP,that is Hortonworks Data Platform) and Cloudera.

Apache Ambari User Guide:


时间: 2024-11-05 12:32:07

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