[LeetCode] 933. Number of Recent Calls 最近的调用次数

Write a class?RecentCounter?to count recent requests.

It has only one method:?ping(int t), where t represents some time in milliseconds.

Return the number of?pings that have been made from 3000 milliseconds ago until now.

Any ping with time in?[t - 3000, t]?will count, including the current ping.

It is guaranteed that every call to?ping?uses a strictly larger value of?t?than before.

Example 1:

Input: inputs = ["RecentCounter","ping","ping","ping","ping"], inputs = [[],[1],[100],[3001],[3002]]
Output: [null,1,2,3,3]


  1. Each test case will have at most?10000?calls to?ping.
  2. Each test case will call?ping?with strictly increasing values of?t.
  3. Each call to ping will have?1 <= t <= 10^9.

这道题让实现一个 RecentCounter 类,里面有一个 ping 函数,输入给定了一个时间t,让我们求在 [t-3000, t] 时间范围内有多少次 ping。题目中限定了每次的给的时间一定会比上一次的时间大,而且只关心这个大小为 3001 的时间窗口范围内的次数,则利用滑动窗口 Sliding Window 来做就是个很不错的选择。由于数字是不断加入的,可以使用一个 queue,每当要加入一个新的时间点t时,先从队列开头遍历,若前面的时间不在当前的时间窗口内,则移除队列。之后再将当前时间点t加入,并返回队列的长度即可,参见代码如下:

class RecentCounter {
    RecentCounter() {}

    int ping(int t) {
        while (!q.empty()) {
            if (q.front() + 3000 >= t) break;
        return q.size();

    queue<int> q;

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class RecentCounter { Queue<Integer> q; public RecentCounter() { q = new LinkedList<Integer>(); } public int ping(int t) { int threshold = t - 3000; while (q.size() != 0 && q.peek() < threshold) { q.poll(); } q.add(t); return q.size

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