python map、filter、reduce

Python has a few functions that are useful for this sort of “functional programming”: map, filter, and
reduce. 4 (In Python 3.0, these are moved to the functools module.) The map and filter functions are not
really all that useful in current versions of Python, and you should probably use list comprehensions instead.
You can use map to pass all the elements of a sequence through a given function:
>>> map(str, range(10)) # Equivalent to [str(i) for i in range(10)]
[‘0‘, ‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘, ‘4‘, ‘5‘, ‘6‘, ‘7‘, ‘8‘, ‘9‘]
You use filter to filter out items based on a Boolean function:
>>> def func(x):
... return x.isalnum()
>>> seq = ["foo", "x41", "?!", "***"]
>>> filter(func, seq)
[‘foo‘, ‘x41‘]

For this example, using a list comprehension would mean you didn’t need to define the custom function:
>>> [x for x in seq if x.isalnum()]
[‘foo‘, ‘x41‘]
Actually, there is a feature called lambda expressions, 5 which lets you define simple functions in-line
(primarily used with map, filter, and reduce):
>>> filter(lambda x: x.isalnum(), seq)
[‘foo‘, ‘x41‘]
Isn’t the list comprehension more readable, though?
The reduce function cannot easily be replaced by list comprehensions, but you probably won’t need its
functionality all that often (if ever). It combines the first two elements of a sequence with a given function,
combines the result with the third element, and so on until the entire sequence has been processed and a sin-
gle result remains. For example, if you wanted to sum all the numbers of a sequence, you could use reduce
with lambda x, y: x+y (still using the same numbers): 6
>>> numbers = [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33]
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, numbers)
Of course, here you could just as well have used the built-in function sum.

时间: 2025-01-02 16:59:34

python map、filter、reduce的相关文章


python提供了map.filter.reduce三个函数,用于对一整组输入进行统一处理. map:映射,对一整组输入中的每个值进行一个函数计算,输出每个值对应的结果. filter:过滤,输入的函数必须有一个返回值True或者False,filter只会把经过函数处理后结果是True的值输出. reduce:归纳,会对所有输入运用一个函数,返回一个输出. 例子: def even(x): return x%2==True map(even,range(4)) =>[True,False,Tr


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reduce().filter().map().some().every()....展开属性   这些概念属于es5.es6中的语法,跟react+redux并没有什么联系,我们直接在 这里可以搜索到相关api文档. 但是redux的官方示例中包含了这些语法的用法,我们正好可以在程序中学习这些语法.这里全部默认使用es6的写法. 例子 这是官方的todomvc的例子(


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map函数 # -*- coding: cp936 -*- def myselfmap(f,*args):     def urgymap(f,args):         if args==[]:             return []         else:             return [f(args[0])]+urgymap(f,args[1:])     if list(args)[0]==[]:             #*args有多个参数被传递时返回tuple  


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