【翻译自mos文章】Oracle GoldenGate 对IBM大型机 z/OS 2.1 和DB2 v11的支持

GoldenGate 对IBM大型机 z/OS 2.1 和DB2 v11的支持


GoldenGate Support for z/OS 2.1 and DB2 v11 (文档 ID 1941364.1)


Oracle GoldenGate - Version and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


需要知道是否有一个GoldenGate版本能支持 IBM大型机 z/OS 2.1 上的DB2 v11?


当前有GoldenGate版本能支持z/OS 2.1

- 11.2..1.0.23: 18794269 ORACLE GOLDENGATE V11. FOR IBM DB2 9.1 ON Z/OS (Patch)
- 18468962 ORACLE GOLDENGATE PATCH FOR MLR 19137739: IBM Z/OS : DB2 9.1: OGG

OGG to support DB2 Versions 9.1 and 11.1 is now available from My Oracle Support -

Patch 20474612: Oracle GoldenGate v12. for FOR IBM DB2 9.1 ON Z/OS
Patch 20737854: Patch for BLR 20660883: IBM Z/OS : DB2 11.1: OGG



时间: 2024-12-05 16:48:50

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