H.264 Profile

提到High Profile H.264解码许多人并不了解,那么到底什么是High Profile H.264解码?其应用效果又是如何呢?


  • Baseline(基线类) 提供I/P帧,仅支持progressive(逐行扫描)和CAVLC;
  • Main(主要类) 提供I/P/B/SP/SI帧,仅支持progressive(逐行扫描)和CAVLC;
  • Extended(扩展类) 提供I/P/B帧,支持progressive(逐行扫描)和interlaced(隔行扫描),提供CAVLC或CABAC;
  • High Profile(高端类)(它们各自下分成许多个层): (也就是FRExt)在Main Profile基础上新增:8x8 intra prediction(8x8 帧内预测), custom quant(自定义量化), lossless video coding(无损视频编码), 更多的yuv格式(4:4:4...);

H.264 在高清中具有最小体积。在同等图像质量下,采用H.264技术压缩后的数据量只有MPEG2的1/8,MPEG4的1/3,相对Xvid、 Divx等属于MPEG4编码而言,其体积优势明显,在互联网上,H.264资源处在爆发趋势。而High Profile是H.264解码中的高端类型,拥有最完善的支持程度、最优秀的特性,可以说是高清视频编码中的劳斯莱斯,只有征服了这个优秀的编码,MP4才能将H.264完全掌控,也才能充分享受到高清视频带来的视觉震撼,意义非凡。


针对当前高清是视频会议行业的主流发展趋势,而目前高清普及的主要阻力之一就是带宽的限制。而High Profile H.264技术在同等视频质量的情况下可节省50%的带宽,为客户节省大量的网络带宽成本。据业内专家介绍,此次H.264 High Profile的推出是视频技术的一个巨大进步,其意义不亚于2003年从H.263向H.264过渡的价值。它将为目前正在推广的高清视频通信应用扫清了令人头疼的网络带宽障碍,不仅如此,这些变化对于包括CIF、标清等品质的视频通信应用也同样适用。



The standard includes the following seven sets of capabilities, which are referred to as profiles, targeting specific classes of applications:

  • Baseline Profile (BP): Primarily for lower-cost applications with limited computing resources, this profile is used widely in videoconferencing and mobile applications.
  • Main Profile (MP): Originally intended as the mainstream consumer profile for broadcast and storage applications, the importance of this profile faded when the High profile was developed for those applications.
  • Extended Profile (XP): Intended as the streaming video profile, this profile has relatively high compression capability and some extra tricks for robustness to data losses and server stream switching.
  • High Profile (HiP): The primary profile for broadcast and disc storage applications, particularly for high-definition television applications (this is the profile adopted into HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc, for example).
  • High 10 Profile (Hi10P): Going beyond today‘s mainstream consumer product capabilities, this profile builds on top of the High Profile—adding support for up to 10 bits per sample of decoded picture precision.
  • High 4:2:2 Profile (Hi422P): Primarily targeting professional applications that use interlaced video, this profile builds on top of the High 10 Profile—adding support for the 4:2:2 chroma subsampling format while using up to 10 bits per sample of decoded picture precision.
  • High 4:4:4 Predictive Profile (Hi444PP): This profile builds on top of the High 4:2:2 Profile—supporting up to 4:4:4 chroma sampling, up to 14 bits per sample, and additionally supporting efficient lossless region coding and the coding of each picture as three separate color planes.

In addition, the standard contains four additional all-Intra profiles, which are defined as simple subsets of other corresponding profiles. These are mostly for professional (e.g., camera and editing system) applications:

  • High 10 Intra Profile: The High 10 Profile constrained to all-Intra use.
  • High 4:2:2 Intra Profile: The High 4:2:2 Profile constrained to all-Intra use.
  • High 4:4:4 Intra Profile: The High 4:4:4 Profile constrained to all-Intra use.
  • CAVLC 4:4:4 Intra Profile: The High 4:4:4 Profile constrained to all-Intra use and to CAVLC entropy coding (i.e., not supporting CABAC).

As a result of the Scalable Video Coding extension, the standard contains three additional scalable profiles, which are defined as a combination of the H.264/AVC profile for the base layer (2nd word in scalable profile name) and tools that achieve the scalable extension:

  • Scalable Baseline Profile: Primarily targeting video conferencing, mobile, and surveillance applications, this profile builds on top of a constrained version of the H.264/AVC Baseline profile to which the base layer (a subset of the bitstream) must conform. For the scalability tools, a subset of the available tools is enabled.
  • Scalable High Profile: Primarily targeting broadcast and streaming applications, this profile builds on top of the H.264/AVC High Profile to which the base layer must conform.
  • Scalable High Intra Profile: Primarily targeting production applications, this profile is the Scalable High Profile constrained to all-Intra use.
  Baseline Extended Main High High 10 High 4:2:2 High 4:4:4


I and P Slices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
B Slices No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SI and SP Slices No Yes No No No No No
Multiple Reference Frames Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
In-Loop Deblocking Filter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CAVLC Entropy Coding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CABAC Entropy Coding No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) Yes Yes No No No No No
Arbitrary Slice Ordering (ASO) Yes Yes No No No No No
Redundant Slices (RS) Yes Yes No No No No No
Data Partitioning No Yes No No No No No
Interlaced Coding (PicAFF, MBAFF) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4:2:0 Chroma Format Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Monochrome Video Format (4:0:0) No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
4:2:2 Chroma Format No No No No No Yes Yes
4:4:4 Chroma Format No No No No No No Yes
8 Bit Sample Depth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9 and 10 Bit Sample Depth No No No No Yes Yes Yes
11 to 14 Bit Sample Depth No No No No No No Yes
8x8 vs. 4x4 Transform Adaptivity No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Quantization Scaling Matrices No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Separate Cb and Cr QP control No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Separate Color Plane Coding No No No No No No Yes
Predictive Lossless Coding No No No No No No Yes
  Baseline Extended Main High High 10 High 4:2:2 High 4:4:4


H.264 Profile

时间: 2024-08-27 06:10:12

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转自:http://www.5i01.cn/topicdetail.php?f=510&t=3735840&r=18&last=48592660 H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC 是优秀的视讯编码格式就目前已成熟的视讯编码格式而言,H.264的压缩率是最佳的.压缩率极高,可以只用很低 bitrate 提供堪用画质. 而 x264 为免费开放原始码的 H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC 编码器,是目前编码效率最高的开放原始码 H.264 编码器. 此文只是基础知识,说明只是大略

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H.264 High Profile 实时视频还是继续向更高质量,更低带宽的方向发展.H.264 High profile技术于2010年率先被polycom应用于视频会议系统.比h.264 baseline进一步节约了近一半的带宽.当然我个人心存怀疑,觉得大分辨率图形带宽应该能减少40%到50%,如果较小分辨率,码率比例未必有那么明显.不过,大分辨率图形的码率降低,才是关键,z在高清在实时会议中,采用H.264 baseline,带宽要求还是比较高的.特别是要做1080P 30pfs甚至60p


AVC/H.264定义了4种不同的Profile(类):Baseline(基线类), Main(主要类), Extended(扩展类)和High Profile(高端类)(它们各自下分成许多个层): - Baseline Profile 提供I/P帧,仅支持progressive(逐行扫描)和CAVLC - Extended Profile 提供I/P/B/SP/SI帧,仅支持progressive(逐行扫描)和CAVLC - Main Profile 提供I/P/B帧,支持progressiv


此处记录学习AVC过程中的一些基本概念,不定时更新. frame:帧,相当于一幅图像,包含一个亮度矩阵和两个色度矩阵. field:场,一帧图像,通过隔行扫描得到奇偶两场,分别称为顶场和底场或奇场和偶场. macroblock/MB:宏块,H.264中处理(预测.变换.量化)的基本单元,大小16*16个像素. slice group:条带组,每一帧/场图像中,按照光栅扫面的顺序,将MB/MB对分成多个条带(slice). I/P/B 宏块:I宏块只能利用所在slice中已编码的像素进行帧内预测.


NAL Unit Stream Network Abstraction Layer,简称NAL. h.264把原始的yuv文件编码成码流文件,生成的码流文件就是NAL单元流(NAL unit Stream).而NAL单元流,就是NAL单元组成的. 标准的Annex B规定了NAL单元组成NAL单元流的方式,下面描述了如何将一个NAL单元打包起来,而多个NAL单元进行组合则形成了NAL单元流. byte_stream_nal_unit( NumBytesInNALunit ) { C Descri


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