codeforces:Helga Hufflepuff's Cup





  statePost[0][i] = statePre[0][0] * (S.maybe[0][i] + S.maybe[1][i] + S.maybe[2][i]) + ... + statePre[0][i] * (S.maybe[0][0] + S.maybe[1][0] + S.maybe[2][0])

  statePost[1][i] = statePre[1][0] * S.maybe[0][i] + ... statePre[1][i] * S.maybe[0][0]

  statePost[2][i] = statePre[2][0] * (S.maybe[0][i] + S.maybe[2][i]) + ... + statePre[2][i] * (S.maybe[0][0] + S.maybe[2][0])


  而最终结果是累加R[0][0], ... , R[0][x], R[1][0], ... , R[1][x], R[2][0], ... ,R[2][x]得到的加总,即各种情况下组合数的总和。



  1 package cn.dalt.codeforces;
  3 import;
  4 import;
  5 import;
  6 import;
  7 import java.math.BigDecimal;
  8 import java.util.ArrayList;
  9 import java.util.List;
 11 /**
 12  * Created by Administrator on 2017/9/24.
 13  */
 14 public class HelgaHufflepuffsCup {
 16     final int LESS_THAN_K = 0;
 17     final int EQUAL_TO_K = 1;
 18     final int GREATER_THAN_K = 2;
 19     int n;
 20     int m;
 21     int k;
 22     int x;
 23     Node[] allNodes;
 24     long[][] backup;
 25     long modulo = 1000000000 + 7;
 26     int lessInitVal;
 27     int equalInitVal;
 28     int greaterInitVal;
 30     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 31         HelgaHufflepuffsCup solution = new HelgaHufflepuffsCup();
 32         solution.init();
 33         long result = solution.solve();
 34         System.out.println(result);
 35     }
 37     public void init() throws Exception {
 38         AcmInputReader input = new AcmInputReader(;
 39         n = input.nextInteger();
 40         m = input.nextInteger();
 42         allNodes = new Node[n];
 43         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 44             allNodes[i] = new Node();
 45             allNodes[i].id = i + 1;
 46         }
 47         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
 48             int n1 = input.nextInteger() - 1;
 49             int n2 = input.nextInteger() - 1;
 50             allNodes[n1].nearBy.add(allNodes[n2]);
 51             allNodes[n2].nearBy.add(allNodes[n1]);
 52         }
 54         k = input.nextInteger();
 55         x = input.nextInteger();
 56     }
 58     public long solve() {
 59         //Mark allNodes[0] as the root of tree
 60         backup = new long[3][x + 1];
 62         lessInitVal = k - 1;
 63         equalInitVal = 1;
 64         greaterInitVal = m - k;
 66         detect(allNodes[0], null);
 68         long sum = 0;
 69         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
 70             for (int j = 0; j <= x; j++) {
 71                 sum += allNodes[0].maybe[i][j];
 72             }
 73         }
 74         return sum % modulo;
 75     }
 77     public void detect(Node node, Node parent) {
 78         long[][] maybe = new long[3][x + 1];
 80         maybe[0][0] = lessInitVal;
 81         maybe[1][1] = equalInitVal;
 82         maybe[2][0] = greaterInitVal;
 84         for (Node nearby : node.nearBy) {
 85             if (nearby == parent) {
 86                 continue;
 87             }
 89             detect(nearby, node);
 90             combineInto(backup, maybe, nearby.maybe);
 91             {
 92                 long[][] tmp = backup;
 93                 backup = maybe;
 94                 maybe = tmp;
 95             }
 96         }
 98         node.maybe = maybe;
 99     }
101     public void combineInto(long[][] result, long[][] father, long[][] kid) {
102         for (int i = 0; i <= x; i++) {
103             long result0i = 0;
104             long result1i = 0;
105             long result2i = 0;
106             for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
107                 result0i += (father[0][i - j] * (kid[0][j] + kid[1][j] + kid[2][j])) % modulo;
108                 result1i += (father[1][i - j] * kid[0][j]) % modulo;
109                 result2i += (father[2][i - j] * (kid[0][j] + kid[2][j])) % modulo;
110             }
111             result[0][i] = result0i % modulo;
112             result[1][i] = result1i % modulo;
113             result[2][i] = result2i % modulo;
114         }
115     }
118     static class Node {
119         List<Node> nearBy = new ArrayList<>();
120         long[][] maybe;
121         int id;
123         @Override
124         public String toString() {
125             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
126             sb.append(id);
127             sb.append("\n");
128             if (maybe != null) {
129                 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
130                     for (int j = 0; j < maybe[i].length; j++) {
131                         sb.append(maybe[i][j]);
132                         sb.append(", ");
133                     }
134                     sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2);
135                     sb.append("\n");
136                 }
137             }
138             return sb.toString();
139         }
140     }
142     /**
143      * @author dalt
144      * @see java.lang.AutoCloseable
145      * @since java1.7
146      */
147     static class AcmInputReader implements AutoCloseable {
148         private PushbackInputStream in;
150         /**
151          * 创建读取器
152          *
153          * @param input 输入流
154          */
155         public AcmInputReader(InputStream input) {
156             in = new PushbackInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input));
157         }
159         @Override
160         public void close() throws IOException {
161             in.close();
162         }
164         private int nextByte() throws IOException {
165             return & 0xff;
166         }
168         /**
169          * 如果下一个字节为b,则跳过该字节
170          *
171          * @param b 被跳过的字节值
172          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
173          */
174         public void skipByte(int b) throws IOException {
175             int c;
176             if ((c = nextByte()) != b) {
177                 in.unread(c);
178             }
179         }
181         /**
182          * 如果后续k个字节均为b,则跳过k个字节。这里{@literal k<times}
183          *
184          * @param b     被跳过的字节值
185          * @param times 跳过次数,-1表示无穷
186          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
187          */
188         public void skipByte(int b, int times) throws IOException {
189             int c;
190             while ((c = nextByte()) == b && times > 0) {
191                 times--;
192             }
193             if (c != b) {
194                 in.unread(c);
195             }
196         }
198         /**
199          * 类似于{@link #skipByte(int, int)}, 但是会跳过中间出现的空白字符。
200          *
201          * @param b     被跳过的字节值
202          * @param times 跳过次数,-1表示无穷
203          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
204          */
205         public void skipBlankAndByte(int b, int times) throws IOException {
206             int c;
207             skipBlank();
208             while ((c = nextByte()) == b && times > 0) {
209                 times--;
210                 skipBlank();
211             }
212             if (c != b) {
213                 in.unread(c);
214             }
215         }
217         /**
218          * 读取下一块不含空白字符的字符块
219          *
220          * @return 下一块不含空白字符的字符块
221          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
222          */
223         public String nextBlock() throws IOException {
224             skipBlank();
225             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
226             int c = nextByte();
227             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c = nextByte()] != AsciiMarksLazyHolder.BLANK_MARK) {
228                 sb.append((char) c);
229             }
230             in.unread(c);
231             return sb.toString();
232         }
234         /**
235          * 跳过输入流中后续空白字符
236          *
237          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
238          */
239         private void skipBlank() throws IOException {
240             int c;
241             while ((c = nextByte()) <= 32) ;
242             in.unread(c);
243         }
245         /**
246          * 读取下一个整数(可正可负),这里没有对溢出做判断
247          *
248          * @return 下一个整数值
249          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
250          */
251         public int nextInteger() throws IOException {
252             skipBlank();
253             int value = 0;
254             boolean positive = true;
255             int c = nextByte();
256             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) {
257                 positive = c == ‘+‘;
258             } else {
259                 value = ‘0‘ - c;
260             }
261             c = nextByte();
262             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
263                 value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + ‘0‘ - c;
264                 c = nextByte();
265             }
267             in.unread(c);
268             return positive ? -value : value;
269         }
271         /**
272          * 判断是否到了文件结尾
273          *
274          * @return true如果到了文件结尾,否则false
275          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
276          */
277         public boolean isMeetEOF() throws IOException {
278             int c = nextByte();
279             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.EOF) {
280                 return true;
281             }
282             in.unread(c);
283             return false;
284         }
286         /**
287          * 判断是否在跳过空白字符后抵达文件结尾
288          *
289          * @return true如果到了文件结尾,否则false
290          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
291          */
292         public boolean isMeetBlankAndEOF() throws IOException {
293             skipBlank();
294             int c = nextByte();
295             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.EOF) {
296                 return true;
297             }
298             in.unread(c);
299             return false;
300         }
302         /**
303          * 获取下一个用英文字母组成的单词
304          *
305          * @return 下一个用英文字母组成的单词
306          */
307         public String nextWord() throws IOException {
308             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16);
309             skipBlank();
310             int c;
311             while ((AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[(c = nextByte())] & AsciiMarksLazyHolder.LETTER_MARK) != 0) {
312                 sb.append((char) c);
313             }
314             in.unread(c);
315             return sb.toString();
316         }
318         /**
319          * 读取下一个长整数(可正可负),这里没有对溢出做判断
320          *
321          * @return 下一个长整数值
322          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
323          */
324         public long nextLong() throws IOException {
325             skipBlank();
326             long value = 0;
327             boolean positive = true;
328             int c = nextByte();
329             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) {
330                 positive = c == ‘+‘;
331             } else {
332                 value = ‘0‘ - c;
333             }
334             c = nextByte();
335             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
336                 value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + ‘0‘ - c;
337                 c = nextByte();
338             }
339             in.unread(c);
340             return positive ? -value : value;
341         }
343         /**
344          * 读取下一个浮点数(可正可负),浮点数是近似值
345          *
346          * @return 下一个浮点数值
347          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
348          */
349         public float nextFloat() throws IOException {
350             return (float) nextDouble();
351         }
353         /**
354          * 读取下一个浮点数(可正可负),浮点数是近似值
355          *
356          * @return 下一个浮点数值
357          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
358          */
359         public double nextDouble() throws IOException {
360             skipBlank();
361             double value = 0;
362             boolean positive = true;
363             int c = nextByte();
364             if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) {
365                 positive = c == ‘+‘;
366             } else {
367                 value = c - ‘0‘;
368             }
369             c = nextByte();
370             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
371                 value = value * 10.0 + c - ‘0‘;
372                 c = nextByte();
373             }
375             if (c == ‘.‘) {
376                 double littlePart = 0;
377                 double base = 1;
378                 c = nextByte();
379                 while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
380                     littlePart = littlePart * 10.0 + c - ‘0‘;
381                     base *= 10.0;
382                     c = nextByte();
383                 }
384                 value += littlePart / base;
385             }
386             in.unread(c);
387             return positive ? value : -value;
388         }
390         /**
391          * 读取下一个高精度数值
392          *
393          * @return 下一个高精度数值
394          * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误
395          */
396         public BigDecimal nextDecimal() throws IOException {
397             skipBlank();
398             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
399             sb.append((char) nextByte());
400             int c = nextByte();
401             while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
402                 sb.append((char) c);
403                 c = nextByte();
404             }
405             if (c == ‘.‘) {
406                 sb.append(‘.‘);
407                 c = nextByte();
408                 while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) {
409                     sb.append((char) c);
410                     c = nextByte();
411                 }
412             }
413             in.unread(c);
414             return new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
415         }
417         private static class AsciiMarksLazyHolder {
418             public static final byte BLANK_MARK = 1;
419             public static final byte SIGN_MARK = 1 << 1;
420             public static final byte NUMERAL_MARK = 1 << 2;
421             public static final byte UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK = 1 << 3;
422             public static final byte LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK = 1 << 4;
423             public static final byte LETTER_MARK = UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK | LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK;
424             public static final byte EOF = 1 << 5;
425             public static byte[] asciiMarks = new byte[256];
427             static {
428                 for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++) {
429                     asciiMarks[i] = BLANK_MARK;
430                 }
431                 asciiMarks[‘+‘] = SIGN_MARK;
432                 asciiMarks[‘-‘] = SIGN_MARK;
433                 for (int i = ‘0‘; i <= ‘9‘; i++) {
434                     asciiMarks[i] = NUMERAL_MARK;
435                 }
436                 for (int i = ‘a‘; i <= ‘z‘; i++) {
437                     asciiMarks[i] = LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK;
438                 }
439                 for (int i = ‘A‘; i <= ‘Z‘; i++) {
440                     asciiMarks[i] = UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK;
441                 }
442                 asciiMarks[0xff] = EOF;
443             }
444         }
445     }
446 }

codeforces:Helga Hufflepuff's Cup

时间: 2024-08-02 22:52:21

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