This template requires a more recent version of the Android Eclipse plugin. Please update from versi

新建android project的时候遇到这个错误:

①直接修改F:\JAVA\SDK\android-sdk\tools\templates\activities (对应你的JAVA SDK目录)activities目录底下对应的活动窗口风格。
template.xml 文件里面的format="3"修改为format="1"
应为format="3"对应的是ADT 20.0.3的
在eclipse的菜单栏选help——Install New Software...

This template requires a more recent version of the Android Eclipse plugin. Please update from versi

时间: 2024-12-29 23:23:10

This template requires a more recent version of the Android Eclipse plugin. Please update from versi的相关文章

Android开发学习---template requires a minimum SDK version of at least 7,build target API version of 14

adt 22.6.3的bug 当adt更新到22.6.3,其编辑器中最低支持api7,即android 2.1,这里可能是google故意这么做的,也可能是其bug.其target sdk 和compile sdk最低都为14,即anroid 4.0,这里建议都设为最高的api 19,即android 4.4;否则会一直报错,类似错误如下: This template requires a minimum SDK version of at least 7, and the current mi

android kotlin Gradle DSL method not found: '1.2.51()'错误,be using a version of the Android Gradle plug-in that does not contain the method (e.g. 'testCompile' was added in 1.1.0).

同步的时候遇到这个问题,从log上看是因为gradle的版本不包含kotlin 1.2.51这个method,具体原因我也不是很清楚,大概猜测是kotlin版本的问题,而最新的版本就是1.2.51,所以就试着把后面的删除了,问题是解决了,但是不明觉厉,有大神路过的,还望指点一二. android kotlin Gradle DSL method not found: '1.2.51()'错误,be using a version of the Android Gradle plug-in tha

Configuration on demand is not supported by the current version of the Android Gradle plugin since you are using Gradle version 4.6 or above. Suggestion: disable configuration on demand by setting org

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【转】This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in

原文网址: 预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in 导致无法正常预览布局文件: 问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本低: 解决办法有好几种,如下:

This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update

预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in 导致无法正常预览布局文件: 问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本低: 解决办法有好几种,如下: 1. Click Help > Install New Software. In the Work with field, enter: h

android studio新项目时提示:Plugin is too old, please update to a more recent version

今天想写一个程序来测试一下android studo代码,但是创建好项目后,提示: Error:(1, 0) Plugin is too old, please update to a more recent version, or set ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE environment variable to "8051cdccc746d532152541ee35015fd83699f14"<a href="fixGradleElements&q

eclipse创建android项目,无法正常预览布局文件,出现This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in...

eclipse创建android项目时,预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件.问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本过低.解决方法如下. 工具/原料 eclipse ADT插件 方法/步骤 找到eclipse文件夹,打开eclipse软件,创建and

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eclipse创建android项目时,预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件.问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本过低.解决方法如下. 工具/原料 eclipse ADT插件 方法/步骤 找到eclipse文件夹,打开eclipse软件,创建and

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错误提示:Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll version)requires MFC shared dll version 出现以上情况 解决方法 在 项目/属性/常规/use of MFC 选项中选择 Use MFC in a Shared DLL 编译后通过.