Android 中多点触摸协议

Android 中多点触摸协议:


1, 两种多点触摸协议:

1)A类: 处理无关联的接触: 用于直接发送原始数据;

B类: 处理跟踪识别类的接触: 通过事件slot发送相关联的独立接触更新。

2,  触摸协议的使用:


A类协议在每发送完一个接触数据包后会调用 input_mt_sync() 声明 一次数据的结束; input_mt_sync() 会发出一个 SYN_MT_REPORT



与A类协议不同的是, B类在使用input_mt_slot()的时候会带有一个slot的参数,在每个数据包开始时 产生一个ABS_MT_SLOT事件,提示接收器更新数据。

最终A,B类协议均会调用 input_sync();

A类与B类协议不同的在于: B类协议 通过B类协议 slot 协议需要是用到ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID------ 可以从硬件上获取,或者从原始数据中计算。

3, B类协议:  ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID  表示一次接触;  -1 代表一个不用的slot;



input_mt_slot(data->input_dev, i);
                      input_mt_report_slot_state(data->input_dev, MT_TOOL_FINGER, false);        ---------------释放


input_mt_slot(data->input_dev, i);
                      input_mt_report_slot_state(data->input_dev, MT_TOOL_FINGER, true);
                      input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR, 1);
                      input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_POSITION_X,  current_events[i].x);
                      input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y,  current_events[i].y)

补充: 不同事件的标记: 备忘。


The length of the major axis of the contact. The length
should be given insurface units. If the surface has an X times Y
resolution, the largestpossible value of ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR is sqrt(X^2 +
Y^2), the diagonal [4].


The length, in surface units, of the minor axis of the
contact. If thecontact is circular, this event can be omitted [4].


The length, in surface units, of the major axis of the
approachingtool. This should be understood as the size of the tool
itself. Theorientation of the contact and the approaching tool are
assumed to be thesame [4].


The length, in surface units, of the minor axis of the
approachingtool. Omit if circular [4].The above four values can be used
to derive additional information aboutthe contact. The ratio
notion of pressure. The fingers of the hand and the palm all
havedifferent characteristic widths [1].


The pressure, in arbitrary units, on the contact area.
May be used insteadof TOUCH and WIDTH for pressure-based devices or any
device with a spatialsignal intensity distribution.


The distance, in surface units, between the contact and
the surface. Zerodistance means the contact is touching the surface. A
positive number meansthe contact is hovering above the surface.


The orientation of the ellipse. The value should describe a
signed quarterof a revolution clockwise around the touch center. The
signed value rangeis arbitrary, but zero should be returned for a finger
aligned along the Yaxis of the surface, a
negative value when finger is turned to the left, anda positive value
when finger turned to the right. When completely aligned withthe X axis,
the range max should be returned. Orientation can be omittedif the
touching object is circular, or if the information
is not availablein the kernel driver. Partial orientation support is
possible if the devicecan distinguish between the two axis, but not
(uniquely) any values inbetween. In such cases, the range of
ABS_MT_ORIENTATION should be [0, 1][4].


The surface X coordinate of the center of the touching
ellipse.ABS_MT_POSITION_YThe surface Y coordinate of the center of the
touching ellipse.


The type of approaching tool. A lot of kernel drivers
cannot distinguishbetween different tool types, such as a finger or a
pen. In such cases, theevent should be omitted. The protocol currently
supports MT_TOOL_FINGER andMT_TOOL_PEN [2]. For
type B devices, this event is handled by input core;drivers should
instead use input_mt_report_slot_state().


The BLOB_ID groups several packets together into one
arbitrarily shapedcontact. The sequence of points forms a polygon which
defines the shape ofthe contact. This is a low-level anonymous grouping
for type A devices, andshould not be confused
with the high-level trackingID [5]. Most type Adevices do not have blob
capability, so drivers can safely omit this event.


The TRACKING_ID identifies an initiated contact throughout
its life cycle[5]. The value range of the TRACKING_ID should be large
enough to ensureunique identification of a contact maintained over an
extended period oftime. For type B devices,
this event is handled by input core; driversshould instead use

时间: 2024-12-24 10:42:17

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