1. MissingInteger 最小遗失整数 Find the minimal positive integer not occurring in a given sequence.

package com.code;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Test04_1 {
    public static int solution(int[] A) {
        int size = A.length;
        if(size==1){ // handle one element array
                return 2;
                return 1;
        Arrays.sort(A); // sort by JDK
        if(A[0]>1){ // handle all elements bigger than 1
            return 1;
        if(A[size-1]<=0){ // handle all elements are negative
            return 1;
        int i=0;
            if(A[i]>=0  && (A[i+1]-A[i]>1)){ // handle no consecutive array which start with 1
                    return A[i]+1;
        if(i==size-1){ // handle consecutive array , handle negative elements too.
            return A[size-1]+1>0?A[size-1]+1:1;
        return 1;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int [] a = {1,1,2,3,4,5};
        int [] b = {-4,-2,0,5};
        int [] c = {2};
        int [] d = {-2,0,100,102,200};
        int [] e = {2,4,5,6};

 * 1. MissingInteger
  Find the minimal positive integer not occurring in a given sequence.
 * Write a function:
 * class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); }
 * that, given a non-empty zero-indexed array A of N integers, returns the minimal positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A.
 * For example, given:
 * A[0] = 1 A[1] = 3 A[2] = 6 A[3] = 4 A[4] = 1 A[5] = 2 the function should return 5.
 * Assume that:
 * N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [?2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647]. Complexity:
 * expected worst-case time complexity is O(N); expected worst-case space complexity is O(N),
 * beyond input storage (not counting the storage required for input arguments). Elements of input arrays can be modified.
时间: 2024-12-18 05:24:06

1. MissingInteger 最小遗失整数 Find the minimal positive integer not occurring in a given sequence.的相关文章


查看 提交 统计 提示 提问 总时间限制:  1000ms 内存限制:  65536kB 描述 给定一个十进制正整数n(0 < n < 1000000000),每个数位上数字均不为0.n的位数为m.现在从m位中删除k位(0<k < m),求生成的新整数最小为多少?例如: n = 9128456, k = 2, 则生成的新整数最小为12456 输入 第一行t, 表示有t组数据:接下来t行,每一行表示一组测试数据,每组测试数据包含两个数字n, k. 输出 t行,每行一个数字,表示从n中


描述 给定一个十进制正整数n(0 < n < 1000000000),每个数位上数字均不为0.n的位数为m.现在从m位中删除k位(0<k < m),求生成的新整数最小为多少?例如: n = 9128456, k = 2, 则生成的新整数最小为12456 输入第一行t, 表示有t组数据:接下来t行,每一行表示一组测试数据,每组测试数据包含两个数字n, k.输出t行,每行一个数字,表示从n中删除k位后得到的最小整数.样例输入 2 9128456 2 1444 3 样例输出 12456


描述 给定一个十进制正整数n(0 < n < 1000000000),每个数位上数字均不为0.n的位数为m.现在从m位中删除k位(0<k < m),求生成的新整数最小为多少?例如: n = 9128456, k = 2, 则生成的新整数最小为12456 输入第一行t, 表示有t组数据:接下来t行,每一行表示一组测试数据,每组测试数据包含两个数字n, k.输出t行,每行一个数字,表示从n中删除k位后得到的最小整数.样例输入 2 9128456 2 1444 3 样例输出 12456


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