#290 (div.2) D. Fox And Jumping




using namespace std;

#define N 300+10
map<int, int>base;
int L[N], C[N];
int n;

int gcd(int a, int b)
	return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a%b);
int main()
	//freopen("t.txt", "r", stdin);
	while (~scanf("%d", &n))
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			scanf("%d", &L[i]);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			scanf("%d", &C[i]);
		map<int, int>::iterator it;
		base[0] = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n;i++)//考察每一张牌
		for (it = base.begin(); it != base.end(); it++)//更新每一个最大公约数对应的最小费用
			int gmin = it->first, sumv = it->second;
			int g = gcd(gmin,L[i]);
			if (base.count(g))//存在最大公约数
				base[g] = min(base[g], sumv + C[i]);//更新它的最小费用
			else base[g] = sumv + C[i];//不存在该最大公约数
		if (!base.count(1)) printf("-1\n");
		else printf("%d\n", base[1]);
	return 0;
时间: 2024-10-13 05:05:56

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