
To understand the backlog argument, we must realize that for a given listening socket, the kernel maintains two queues :

要明白backlog参数的含义,我们必须明白对于一个listening socket,kernel维护者两个队列:

1.An incomplete connection queue, which contains an entry for each SYN that has arrived from a client for which the server is awaiting completion of the TCP three-way handshake. These sockets are in the SYN_RCVD state .


2.A completed connection queue, which contains an entry for each client with whom the TCP three-way handshake has completed. These sockets are in the ESTABLISHED state


The backlog argument to the listen function has historically specified the maximum value for the sum of both queues.


Berkeley-derived implementations add a fudge factor to the backlog: It is multiplied by 1.5


When a SYN arrives from a client, TCP creates a new entry on the incomplete queue and then responds with the second segment of the three-way handshake: the server‘s SYN with an ACK of the client‘s SYN (Section 2.6). This entry will remain on the incomplete
queue until the third segment of the three-way handshake arrives (the client‘s ACK of the server‘s SYN), or until the entry times out. (Berkeley-derived implementations have a timeout of 75 seconds for these incomplete entries.)


If the queues are full when a client SYN arrives, TCP ignores the arriving SYN (pp. 930–931 of TCPv2); it does not send an RST. This is because the condition is considered temporary, and the client TCP will retransmit its SYN, hopefully finding room on the
queue in the near future. If the server TCP immediately responded with an RST, the client‘s connect would return an error, forcing the application to handle this condition instead of letting TCP‘s normal retransmission take over. Also, the client could not
differentiate between an RST in response to a SYN meaning "there is no server at this port" versus "there is a server at this port but its queues are full."



时间: 2024-11-05 22:54:34


TCP listen() Backlog

The backlog has an effect on the maximum rate at which a server can accept new TCP connections on a socket. The rate is a function of both the backlog value and the time that connections stay on the queue of partially open connections. When a TCP con


1. listen函数: #include <sys/socket.h> int listen(int sockfd, int backlog); ret-成功返回0 失败返回-1 listen仅由服务器调用,它做两件事情: (1) 当socket创建一个套接字的时候,它被假设为一个主动套接字,也就是说,它是一个将调用connect发起连接的客户套接字.listen函数把一个未连接的套接字转换成一个被动套接字,指示内核应该接受指向该套接字的连接请求:调用listen使得套接字从CLOSED状态

tcp/ip协议listen函数中backlog参数的含义与php-fpm的502 Bad Gateway

To understand the backlog argument, we must realize that for a given listening socket, the kernel maintains two queues :要明白backlog参数的含义,我们必须明白对于一个listening socket,kernel维护者两个队列: 1.An incomplete connection queue, which contains an entry for each SYN t


1. 背景: 前面通过抓包分析了listen backlog对全连接和半连接的影响,本文将从内核源码(kernel 2.6.32)上简单了解下服务端三次握手的过程以及backlog在中间所起的作用. 2. 三次握手: 2.1 服务端监听: 在system_call后,通过fd号获取相应的socket,及对backlog最值进行限制后,然后进入inet_listen函数进行处理. int inet_listen(struct socket *sock, int backlog) { struct

【翻译】TCP backlog在Linux中的工作原理

原文How TCP backlog works in Linux水平有限,难免有错,欢迎指出!以下为翻译: 当应用程序通过系统调用listen将一个套接字(socket)置为LISTEN状态时,需要为该套接字指定一个backlog参数,该参数通常被描述为用来限制进来的连接队列长度(queue of incoming connections). 由于TCP协议的三次握手机制,一个进来的套接字连接在进入ESTABLISHED状态并且可以被accept调用返回给应用程序之前,会经历中间状态SYN RE


在linux 2.2以前,backlog大小包括了半连接状态和全连接状态两种队列大小.linux 2.2以后,分离为两个backlog来分别限制半连接SYN_RCVD状态的未完成连接队列大小跟全连接ESTABLISHED状态的已完成连接队列大小.互联网上常见的TCP SYN FLOOD恶意DOS攻击方式就是用/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog来控制的.在使用listen函数时,内核会根据传入参数的backlog跟系统配置参数/proc/sys/net/c

TCP SOCKET中backlog参数的用途是什么? ---图解 在前年时,业务中遇到好多次因为PHP-FPM的backlog参数引发的性能问题,一直想去详细研究一番,还特意在2013年总结里提到这事<为何PHP5.5.6中fpm backlog Chang


说起backlog, 都会想起socket编程中的listen backlog 参数,而这个backlog 是linux内核中处理的backlog么? int listen(int sockfd, int backlog) man listen 可以看到关于listen 的解释 The backlog argument defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending connections for sockfd may grow.

Linux中,Tomcat 怎么承载高并发(深入Tcp参数 backlog)

一.前言 这两天看tomcat,查阅 tomcat 怎么承载高并发时,看到了backlog参数.我们知道,服务器端一般使用mq来减轻高并发下的洪峰冲击,将暂时不能处理的请求放入队列,后续再慢慢处理.其实操作系统已经帮我们做了一些类似的东西了,这个东西就是backlog.服务端一般通过 accept 调用,去获取socket.但是假设我们的程序处理不过来(比如因为程序bug,或者设计问题,没能及时地去调用 accept),那么此时的网络请求难道就直接丢掉吗? 当然不会!这时候,操作系统会帮我们放入


通过Nginx部署Django(基于ubuntu) Django的部署可以有很多方式,采用nginx+uwsgi的方式是其中比较常见的一种方式. 在这种方式中,我们的通常做法是,将nginx作为服务器最前端,它将接收WEB的所有请求,统一管理请求.nginx把所有静态请求自己来处理(这是NGINX的强项).然后,NGINX将所有非静态请求通过uwsgi传递给Django,由Django来进行处理,从而完成一次WEB请求. 可见,uwsgi的作用就类似一个桥接器.起到桥梁的作用. Linux的强项