Spreadsheet Tracking

 Spreadsheet Tracking 

Data in spreadsheets are stored in cells, which are organized in rows (r) and columns (c). Some operations on spreadsheets can be applied to single cells (r,c), while others can be applied to entire rows or columns. Typical cell operations include inserting and deleting rows or columns and exchanging cell contents.

Some spreadsheets allow users to mark
collections of rows or columns for deletion, so the entire collection
can be deleted at once. Some (unusual) spreadsheets allow users to mark
collections of rows or columns for insertions too. Issuing an insertion
command results in new rows or columns being inserted before each of the
marked rows or columns. Suppose, for example, the user marks rows 1 and
5 of the spreadsheet on the left for deletion. The spreadsheet then
shrinks to the one on the right.

If the user subsequently marks columns 3, 6, 7, and 9 for deletion, the spreadsheet shrinks to this.

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 24 8 22 16
2 18 19 21 22 25
3 24 25 67 22 71
4 16 12 10 22 58
5 33 34 36 22 40

If the user marks rows 2, 3 and 5 for insertion, the spreadsheet grows
to the one on the left. If the user then marks column 3 for insertion,
the spreadsheet grows to the one in the middle. Finally, if the user
exchanges the contents of cell (1,2) and cell (6,5), the spreadsheet
looks like the one on the right.

You must write tracking software that determines the final location of
data in spreadsheets that result from row, column, and exchange
operations similar to the ones illustrated here.


The input consists of a sequence of spreadsheets, operations on those
spreadsheets, and queries about them. Each spreadsheet definition begins
with a pair of integers specifying its initial number of rows (
r) and columns (
c), followed by an integer specifying the number (
n) of spreadsheet operations. Row and column labeling begins
with 1. The maximum number of rows or columns of each spreadsheet is
limited to 50. The following n lines specify the desired operations.

An operation to exchange the contents of cell (r1, c1) with the contents of cell (r2, c2) is given by:


The four insert and delete commands--DC (delete columns), DR (delete rows), IC (insert columns), and IR (insert rows) are given by:

<command> Ax1x2xA

where <command> is one of the four commands; A is a positive integer less than 10, and
are the labels of the columns or rows to be deleted or inserted before.
For each insert and delete command, the order of the rows or columns in
the command has no significance. Within a single delete or insert
command, labels will be unique.

The operations are
followed by an integer which is the number of queries for the
spreadsheet. Each query consists of positive integers r and c,
representing the row and column number of a cell in the original
spreadsheet. For each query, your program must determine the current
location of the data that was originally in cell (r, c). The end of input is indicated by a row consisting of a pair of zeros for the spreadsheet dimensions.


For each spreadsheet, your program must output its sequence number
(starting at 1). For each query, your program must output the original
cell location followed by the final location of the data or the word GONE
if the contents of the original cell location were destroyed as a
result of the operations. Separate output from different spreadsheets
with a blank line.

The data file will not contain a sequence of commands that will cause the spreadsheet to exceed the maximum size.

Sample Input

7 9
DR   2  1 5
DC  4  3 6 7 9
IC  1  3
IR  2  2 4
EX 1 2 6 5
4 8
5 5
7 8
6 5
0 0

Sample Output

Spreadsheet #1
Cell data in (4,8) moved to (4,6)
Cell data in (5,5) GONE
Cell data in (7,8) moved to (7,6)
Cell data in (6,5) moved to (1,2)
  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <cstdio>
  3 #include <cstring>
  4 #include <algorithm>
  5 #include <cmath>
  6 #include <map>
  7 #include <set>
  8 #include <stack>
  9 #include <queue>
 10 #include <string>
 11 #include <vector>
 12 using namespace std;
 13 const double EXP=1e-8;
 14 const double PI=acos(-1.0);
 15 const int INF=0x7fffffff;
 16 const int MS=55;
 17 const int MAX=10005;
 19 struct command
 20 {
 21     char c[5];
 22     int r1,c1,r2,c2;
 23     int n;
 24     int x[MS];
 25 }cmd[MAX];
 26 int R,C,N,Q;
 27 int find(int &r0,int &c0)
 28 {
 29     for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
 30     {
 31         if(cmd[i].c[0]==‘E‘)
 32         {
 33             if(cmd[i].r1==r0&&cmd[i].c1==c0)
 34             {
 35                 r0=cmd[i].r2;
 36                 c0=cmd[i].c2;
 37             }
 38             else if(cmd[i].r2==r0&&cmd[i].c2==c0)
 39             {
 40                 r0=cmd[i].r1;
 41                 c0=cmd[i].c1;
 42             }
 43         }
 44         else
 45         {
 46             int dr=0,dc=0;
 47             for(int j=0;j<cmd[i].n;j++)
 48             {
 49                 int x=cmd[i].x[j];
 50                 if(cmd[i].c[0]==‘I‘)
 51                 {
 52                     if(cmd[i].c[1]==‘R‘&&x<=r0)
 53                         dr++;
 54                     if(cmd[i].c[1]==‘C‘&&x<=c0)
 55                         dc++;
 56                 }
 57                 else
 58                 {
 59                     if(cmd[i].c[1]==‘R‘&&x==r0)
 60                         return 0;
 61                     if(cmd[i].c[1]==‘C‘&&x==c0)
 62                         return 0;
 63                     if(cmd[i].c[1]==‘R‘&&x<r0)
 64                         dr--;
 65                     if(cmd[i].c[1]==‘C‘&&x<c0)
 66                         dc--;
 67                 }
 68             }
 69             r0+=dr;
 70             c0+=dc;
 71         }
 72     }
 73     return 1;
 74 }
 75 int main()
 76 {
 77     int r0,c0,kase=0;
 78     while(scanf("%d%d%d",&R,&C,&N)==3&&R)
 79     {
 80         for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
 81         {
 82             scanf("%s",cmd[i].c);
 83             if(cmd[i].c[0]==‘E‘)
 84                 scanf("%d%d%d%d",&cmd[i].r1,&cmd[i].c1,&cmd[i].r2,&cmd[i].c2);
 85             else
 86             {
 87                 scanf("%d",&cmd[i].n);
 88                 for(int j=0;j<cmd[i].n;j++)
 89                     scanf("%d",&cmd[i].x[j]);
 90             }
 91         }
 92         if(kase>0)
 93             printf("\n");
 94         printf("Spreadsheet #%d\n",++kase);
 95         scanf("%d",&Q);
 96         while(Q--)
 97         {
 98             scanf("%d%d",&r0,&c0);
 99             printf("Cell data in (%d,%d) ",r0,c0);
100             if(!find(r0,c0))
101                 printf("GONE\n");
102             else
103                 printf("moved to (%d,%d)\n",r0,c0);
104         }
105     }
106     return 0;
107 }
时间: 2024-07-29 23:32:58

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