

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 422    Accepted Submission(s): 134

Problem Description

Think about a plane:

● One straight line can divide a plane into two regions.
● Two lines can divide a plane into at most four regions.
● Three lines can divide a plane into at most seven regions.
● And so on...

Now we have some figure constructed with two parallel rays in the
same direction, joined by two straight segments. It looks like a
character “M”. You are given N such “M”s. What is the maximum number of
regions that these “M”s can divide a plane ?


The first line of the input is T (1 ≤ T ≤ 100000), which stands for the number of test cases you need to solve.

Each case contains one single non-negative integer, indicating number of “M”s. (0 ≤ N ≤ 1012)


For each test case, print a line “Case #t: ”(without quotes, t means
the index of the test case) at the beginning. Then an integer that is
the maximum number of regions N the “M” figures can divide.

Sample Input


Sample Output

Case #1: 2
Case #2: 19


2014 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Shanghai Online



0  1

1  1 +1

2  1+1 +2

3 1+1 +2+3

4 1+1 +2+3+4


n   1+n(n+1)/2;


4n*(4n+1)/2 +1  ---->显然得到的答案有余坠,我

0  1

1   11    2       9

2   37    19     9*2



4n*(4n+1)/2  +1 -8*n----> 8n^2-7n+1


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 char aa[50],bb[50];
 4 int ans[50];
 5 int mul( char *a, char *b, int temp[])
 6 {
 8     int i,j,la,lb,l;
 9     la=strlen(a);
10     lb=strlen(b);
12     for ( i=0;i<la+lb;i++ )
13         temp[i]=0;
14     for ( i=0;i<=la-1;i++ ) {
15           l=i;
16         for ( j=0;j<=lb-1;j++ ) {
17             temp[l]=(b[j]-‘0‘)*(a[i]-‘0‘)+temp[l];
18             l++;
19         }
20     }
21     while ( temp[l]==0 )
22         l--;
23     for ( i=0;i<=l;i++ ) {
24         temp[i+1]+=temp[i]/10;
25         temp[i]=temp[i]%10;
26     }
27     if ( temp[l+1]!=0 )
28         l++;
30     while ( temp[l]/10!=0 ) {
31         temp[l+1]+=temp[l]/10;
32         temp[l]=temp[l]%10;
33         l++;
34     }
35     if ( temp[l]==0 )
36         l--;
37     return l;
38 }
39 void cal(__int64 a,char *str)
40 {
41     int i=0;
42     while(a>0)
43     {
44      str[i++]=(a%10)+‘0‘;
45      a/=10;
46     }
47 }
48 int main()
49 {
50     int cas;
51     __int64 n;
52     scanf("%d",&cas);
53     for(int i=1;i<=cas;i++)
54     {
55       scanf("%I64d",&n);
56       printf("Case #%d: ",i);
57       if(n==0)printf("1\n");
58       else
59       {
60       memset(aa,‘\0‘,sizeof(aa));
61       memset(bb,‘\0‘,sizeof(bb));
62       memset(ans,0,sizeof(ans));
63       //,(8*n-7)*n+1
64       cal(8*n-7,aa);
65       cal(n,bb);
66       int len=mul(aa,bb,ans);
67        ans[0]++;
68        int c=0;
69      for(int j=0;j<=len;j++)
70      {
71          ans[j]+=c;
72        if(ans[j]>9)
73         {
74           c=ans[j]/10;
75           ans[j]%=10;
76         }
77      }
78       if(c>0)
79         printf("%d",c);
80       for(int j=len;j>=0;j--)
81         printf("%d",ans[j]);
82     printf("\n");
83     }
84     }
85  return 0;
86 }

时间: 2024-11-05 11:41:04


HDU 5047 Sawtooth(大数模拟)上海赛区网赛1006

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5047 解题报告:问一个“M”型可以把一个矩形的平面最多分割成多少块. 输入是有n个“M",现在已经推出这个公式应该是8 * n^2 - 7 * n + 1,但是这个n的范围达到了10^12次方,只要平方一次就超出long long  的范围了,怎么办呢,用大数? 都试过了,很奇怪,会超时,按照估算的话感觉不会,可能是中间结果比较大吧,这个还在思考,但是10^12平方一次乘以八也只达到了10^25次方

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题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5047 题面: Sawtooth Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1636    Accepted Submission(s): 637 Problem Description Think about a plane: ● O

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HDU - 5047 Sawtooth

Problem Description Think about a plane: ● One straight line can divide a plane into two regions. ● Two lines can divide a plane into at most four regions. ● Three lines can divide a plane into at most seven regions. ● And so on... Now we have some f

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