Restore archivelog from ASM to filesystem

RMAN> run

2> {

3> set archivelog destination to ‘/tmp‘;

4> restore archivelog sequence 142 thread 2;

5> }


Starting restore at 2015-03-12 00:22:25

using channel ORA_DISK_1

archived log for thread 2 with sequence 142 is already on disk as file +FRA/rac/archivelog/2015_03_11/thread_2_seq_142.717.874033939

restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored

Finished restore at 2015-03-12 00:22:25

注,这里因为原本的归档日志还存在,导致restore archivelog到/tmp下失败。



RMAN> delete archivelog sequence 142 thread 2;

RMAN> run

2> {

3> set archivelog destination to ‘/tmp‘;

4> restore archivelog sequence 142 thread 2;

5> }

[[email protected] ~]$ ll -ltar /tmp

total 48904

drwx------  2 root   root         4096 Sep 21 15:54 keyring-PiyxKA


-rw-r-----  1 oracle asmadmin 49039872 Mar 12 00:24 2_142_870389881.dbf

时间: 2024-08-24 17:44:00

Restore archivelog from ASM to filesystem的相关文章

restore archivelog 的用法

1.备份所有归档日志文件 RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input; 第二: restore archivelog 的各种选项 0.根据rac线程restore archivelog from logseq 6160 thread 2; 1.restore archivelog all  恢复全部归档日志文件 RMAN> restore archivelog all; 2.只恢复 5到8这四个归档日志文件 RMAN> restore archive

11g RMAN Restore archivelog用法

I.备份所有归档日志文件 RMAN> BACKUP FORMAT '/u01/backup/arch_%U_%T' skip inaccessible filesperset 5 ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE INPUT; II.使用RMAN方式清除 RMAN清除方式会自动清除磁盘上的归档日志文件,同时会释放控制文件中对应的归档日志的归档信息. 可以基于不同的条件来清除归档日志,如基于SCN,基于SEQUENCE,基于TIME等方式. 对于上述的三种方式又可以配合from, unt

restore archivelog 常用用法

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rman 还原归档日志(restore archivelog)

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restore just copy the physical file, recover will consistent the database.restore 是还原,文件级的恢复.就是物理文件还原.recover 是恢复,数据级的恢复.逻辑上恢复,比如应用归档日志.重做日志,全部同步,保持一致.即用restore命令先从上次备份的文件提取出数据文件拷贝到原目录下进行替换,而recover是在restore之后,使用redo log & archive log补全从备份到现在时刻的差异数据.

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