1. Log on to the database server (as oracle) where the GoldenGate software is installed. [[email protected] ~]# su - oracle [[email protected] ~]$ 2.Change directory to the GoldenGate home: [[email protected] GG]$ pwd /u01/GG [[email protected] GG]$ 3. Start GGSCI and Stop all GoldenGate processes: GGSCI (oracle.11g) 3> stop REPLICAT * //如果是源库则 stop EXTRACT * REPLICAT RORA_T1 is already stopped. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 4> stop MGr Manager is already stopped. GGSCI (oracle.11g) 5> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER STOPPED REPLICAT STOPPED RORA_T1 00:00:00 00:13:06 GGSCI (oracle.11g) 6> exit //退出ggsci 4. Remove the GoldenGate files: [[email protected] u01]$ rm -rf GG [[email protected] u01]$ 5. Logon to the Oracle database as SYSDBA and drop the GoldenGate Adminuser. Include the CASCADE keyword: [[email protected] u01]$ sqlplus /nolog SQL> conn /as sysdba Connected. SQL> Drop user GGT CASCADE; Drop user GGT CASCADE * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected SQL> ---删除连接 SQL> select sid,serial#,status from v$session where username=‘GGT‘; SID SERIAL# STATUS ---------- ---------- -------- 1 103 ACTIVE 43 425 ACTIVE SQL> alter system kill session ‘1,103‘; System altered. SQL> alter system kill session ‘43,425‘; System altered. SQL> SQL> select sid,serial#,status from v$session where username=‘GGT‘; SID SERIAL# STATUS ---------- ---------- -------- 1 103 KILLED 43 425 KILLED SQL> --继续删除用户 SQL> Drop user GGT CASCADE; User dropped. SQL>
时间: 2024-12-24 10:58:47