

I love myself. That sounds a bit silly (and I doubt anyone would ever say it out loud), but self-love isn’t reserved for the egomaniacs of the world. Finding the confidence to succeed (or even the courage to start) is very difficult if you don’t love yourself. If you’re ready to swoon your hot self, keep on reading.


1. Stop Beating Yourself Up


Would you say the things you think about yourself to another person? If not, you owe yourself an apology. How could you love a person who believes such nasty things about you? Even if you did mess up, get over it. Big goof that’s mostly irrelevant? Laugh at it. Serious mistake that had repercussions? Learn from it. The important thing is to drop your baggage and move on.


2. Think Positive


Focus on your strengths (instead of your weaknesses). Leap out of bed (don’t crawl out of it). Look at every day as a new opportunity (not the same old story).


3. Be Thankful


Be aware of all the things you should be thankful for. Make note of the people, places, things and activities that bring you the most joy. If you slow down, you’ll realize you have an awful lot to be thankful for.


4. Learn and Grow


Developing your knowledge and skills will help you develop a healthy swagger and confidence that you can do anything.


5. Accept Your Flaws/Quirks/Weirdness


My penmanship sucks, I can’t ride a bike, I am only good at cooking three things (spaghetti/omelets/sandwiches) and I have an irrational fear of bees (which is so bad that I once drove my car into a stop sign after one flew into an open window on a summer day). And you know what? I wouldn’t change any of that. Be confident in yourself, no matter how weird (interesting and unique) you may be.


6. Use Your Strengths


Think about the top three accomplishments in your life. I don’t care how big or little they are. It could be graduating college, landing a sweet job, getting your first business client, winning an award, losing weight, or whatever. Now write down the strengths you used to accomplish those three things. See any common threads that led to achievement? If so, the path to more success is right in front of you. Use the strengths that have been proven to work if you want to boost belief in yourself make your weaknesses irrelevant.


7. No More Comparisons


Forget about the celebrities you compare your body to, the relationships you contrast yours with, and the people you are so obsessed with pleasing. Life is not a competition. Your only goal is to become a better version of yourself.


8. Be Comfortable in Your Skin


Yes, build a body that makes you feel strong and confident, but forget about any preconceived notions about what you should look like. The only person who gets to decide what “hot” and “sexy” means is you.


9. Chill Out


Why are you always in such a hurry? It is okay (and in fact necessary) to relax. Our brains can only handle so much. Quiet your inner-chatter, shut off all distractions, prepare a bubble bath, and get in with a good book. You earned it.


10. Pat Yourself on the Back


We are quick to judge ourselves for our mistakes yet we never seem to celebrate ourselves for our successes. Success doesn’t come in the form of a life-altering Big Victory; instead, the path to success typically includes a whole lot of small victories. Be happy with every victory, no matter how small you might think it is, because this will help you feel confident and keep moving forward.


11. Take Care of Your Body


Everything you eat has an influence on your mood and energy levels. If you’re feeling depressed and exhausted, take an honest look at what you are eating. Everyone reacts differently to different foods, but with experimentation you can discover the fuel that results in the best performance.


12. Dance


Dance parties are always good ideas. Who says you need a partner? Crank up some 80′s jams or show-tunes and get moving. You might feel silly—you might even laugh at yourself—but it will be fun (and you know it).


13. Have Fun


Life is not meant to be a never-ending to-do list. What makes you feel happy and excited? Do more of that. And before you claim you don’t have the time, please realize that there is no such thing as enough time in the day. There is, however, a thing called priorities and making the time for fun is a priority if you want to be happy.


14. Pay Attention


When is the last time you really looked at the full moon and shining stars in the pitch black sky? What about the trees in your backyard that are the size of prehistoric dinosaurs? Have you picked a flower at the park lately (for the purpose of nasal delight or hair decoration)? You are surrounded by beautiful things.


15. Smile


Smile because you are worthy of love and happiness and free to have as much as your heart desires (and also you’re going to have a hard time staying sad with that cute grin plastered on your face).



时间: 2024-10-05 07:00:12





简言 CSS居中是前端工程师经常要面对的问题,也是基本技能之一.今天有时间把CSS居中的方案汇编整理了一下,目前包括水平居中,垂直居中及水平垂直居中方案共15种.如有漏掉的,还会陆续的补充进来,算做是一个备忘录吧. 1 水平居中 1.1 内联元素水平居中 利用 text-align: center 可以实现在块级元素内部的内联元素水平居中.此方法对内联元素(inline), 内联块(inline-block), 内联表(inline-table), inline-flex元素水平居中都有效. *


CSS居中是前端工程师经常要面对的问题,也是基本技能之一.今天有时间把CSS居中的方案整理了一下,目前包括水平居中,垂直居中及水平垂直居中方案共15种.如有漏掉的,还会陆续的补充进来,算做是一个备忘录吧. 1 水平居中 1.1 内联元素水平居中 利用 text-align: center 可以实现在块级元素内部的内联元素水平居中.此方法对内联元素(inline), 内联块(inline-block), 内联表(inline-table), inline-flex元素水平居中都有效. 核心代码:

Java 连接String的几种方式

public class StringTest implements Clock {     private int i = 0;     public void testString() {         String str = new String();         int j = i;         for(; i < j + 40000; i++) {             str += String.valueOf(i);         }     }     publi


NTFS-3G是一个开源软件,支持在Linux操作系统下读写NTFS格式的分区.它能快速且安全的操作Windows XP,Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 以及WindowsVista文件系统. 1 .环境准备 安装该软件需要依赖于fuse, Centos6.*中应该默认安装过fuse: [[email protected] yum.repos.d]# rpm -q fuse fuse-2.8.3-4.el6.i686 已经安装 如果没有安装可以yum安装或者编


一.背景 最近,在项目开发的过程中,遇到需要在properties文件中定义一些自定义的变量,以供java程序动态的读取,修改变量,不再需要修改代码的问题.就借此机会把Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis整合开发的项目中通过java程序读取properties文件内容的方式进行了梳理和分析,先和大家共享. 二.项目环境介绍 Spring 4.2.6.RELEASE SpringMvc 4.2.6.RELEASE Mybatis 3.2.8 Maven 3.3.9 Jdk 1.7 Id


1 ackage com.wisezone.clone; 2 3 /** 4 * 空接口: 5 * 标识,告诉JVM,通行 6 * 1.克隆 7 * 2.序列化 8 * 9 * 创建对象的第二种方式:克隆clone,要实现Cloneable 10 * @author 王东海 11 * @2017年4月15日 12 */ 13 public class TestClone implements Cloneable 14 { 15 public String name; 16 17 public s


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首先我们需要知道什么是线程:是程序执行流的最小单元,包括就绪.阻塞和运行三种基本状态. 举个简单的例子:我们把生活中的两件事吃饭和写作业当作是两个线程,当你正在写作业的时候,爸妈叫你吃饭,你就直接去了,等吃完饭回来后再接着写作业.这就是相当于两个线程其中一个从运行状态转入就绪状态,另一个线程从就绪状态转入运行状态. 创建线程包括继承Thread类和实现Runnable接口两种方式(JDK5.0以后还包括了实现Callable等方式来实现线程,这里不做介绍,感兴趣的小伙伴可以自己查资料),下面介绍