Js: Extensible Calendar Examples




Ext.ensible.sample.CalendarData = {
        //"hidden":true, // optionally init this calendar as hidden by default

var today = new Date().clearTime();
Ext.ensible.sample.EventData = {
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, -20).add(Date.HOUR, 10),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, -10).add(Date.HOUR, 15),
		"notes":"Have fun"
        "title":"Lunch with Matt",
        "start":today.add(Date.HOUR, 11).add(Date.MINUTE, 30),
        "end":today.add(Date.HOUR, 13),
		"notes":"Order the queso",
        "title":"Project due",
        "start":today.add(Date.HOUR, 15),
        "end":today.add(Date.HOUR, 15)
        "title":"Sarah‘s birthday",
        "notes":"Need to get a gift",
        "title":"A long one...",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, -12),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, 10).add(Date.SECOND, -1),
        "title":"School holiday",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, 5),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, 7).add(Date.SECOND, -1),
        "start":today.add(Date.HOUR, 9),
        "end":today.add(Date.HOUR, 9).add(Date.MINUTE, 30),
		"notes":"Get cash on the way"
        "title":"An old event",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, -30),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, -28),
        "title":"Board meeting",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, -2).add(Date.HOUR, 13),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, -2).add(Date.HOUR, 18),
        "loc":"ABC Inc.",
        "title":"Jenny‘s final exams",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, -2),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, 3).add(Date.SECOND, -1),
        "title":"Movie night",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, 2).add(Date.HOUR, 19),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, 2).add(Date.HOUR, 23),
        "notes":"Don‘t forget the tickets!",
        "title":"Gina‘s basketball tournament",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, 8).add(Date.HOUR, 8),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, 10).add(Date.HOUR, 17)
        "title":"Toby‘s soccer game",
        "start":today.add(Date.DAY, 5).add(Date.HOUR, 10),
        "end":today.add(Date.DAY, 5).add(Date.HOUR, 12)

 * A simple reusable store that loads static calendar field definitions into memory
 * and can be bound to the CalendarCombo widget and used for calendar color selection.
Ext.ensible.sample.CalendarStore = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, {
    constructor: function(config){
        config = Ext.applyIf(config || {}, {
            storeId: ‘calendarStore‘,
            root: ‘calendars‘,
            idProperty: Ext.ensible.cal.CalendarMappings.CalendarId.mapping || ‘id‘,
            proxy: new Ext.data.MemoryProxy(),
            autoLoad: true,
            fields: Ext.ensible.cal.CalendarRecord.prototype.fields.getRange(),
            sortInfo: {
                field: Ext.ensible.cal.CalendarMappings.Title.name,
                direction: ‘ASC‘
        this.reader = new Ext.data.JsonReader(config);
        Ext.ensible.sample.CalendarStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);

 * This is a simple in-memory store implementation that is ONLY intended for use with
 * calendar samples running locally in the browser with no external data source. Under
 * normal circumstances, stores that use a MemoryProxy are read-only and intended only
 * for displaying data read from memory. In the case of the calendar, it‘s still quite
 * useful to be able to deal with in-memory data for sample purposes (as many people
 * may not have PHP set up to run locally), but by default, updates will not work since the
 * calendar fully expects all CRUD operations to be supported by the store (and in fact
 * will break, for example, if phantom records are not removed properly). This simple
 * class gives us a convenient way of loading and updating calendar event data in memory,
 * but should NOT be used outside of the local samples.
 * For a real-world store implementation see the remote sample (remote.js).
Ext.ensible.sample.MemoryEventStore = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, {
    constructor: function(config){
        config = Ext.applyIf(config || {}, {
            storeId: ‘eventStore‘,
            root: ‘evts‘,
            proxy: new Ext.data.MemoryProxy(),
            writer: new Ext.data.DataWriter(),
            fields: Ext.ensible.cal.EventRecord.prototype.fields.getRange(),
            idProperty: Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.EventId.mapping || ‘id‘
        this.reader = new Ext.data.JsonReader(config);
        Ext.ensible.sample.MemoryEventStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);

    // In real implementations the store is responsible for committing records
    // after a remote transaction has returned success = true. Since we never do
    // a real transaction, we never get any of the normal store callbacks telling
    // us that an edit occurred. This simple hack works around that for the purposes
    // of the local samples, but should NEVER actually be done in real code.
    afterEdit : function(rec){

    listeners: {
        // Since MemoeryProxy has no "create" implementation, added events
        // get stuck as phantoms without an EventId. The calendar does not support
        // batching transactions and expects records to be non-phantoms, so for
        // the purpose of local samples we can hack that into place. In real remote
        // scenarios this is handled automatically by the store, and so you should
        // NEVER actually do something like this.
        ‘add‘: function(store, rec){
            var r = rec[0];
            r.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.EventId.name] = r.id;
            r.phantom = false;

App = function() {
    return {
        init: function() {

            Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = ‘http://extjs.cachefly.net/ext-3.1.0/resources/images/default/s.gif‘;

            // This is an example calendar store that enables event color-coding
            this.calendarStore = new Ext.ensible.sample.CalendarStore({
                // defined in data-calendars.js
                data: Ext.ensible.sample.CalendarData

            // A sample event store that loads static JSON from a local file. Obviously a real
            // implementation would likely be loading remote data via an HttpProxy, but the
            // underlying store functionality is the same.
            this.eventStore = new Ext.ensible.sample.MemoryEventStore({
                // defined in data-events.js
                data: Ext.ensible.sample.EventData

            // This is the app UI layout code.  All of the calendar views are subcomponents of
            // CalendarPanel, but the app title bar and sidebar/navigation calendar are separate
            // pieces that are composed in app-specific layout code since they could be omitted
            // or placed elsewhere within the application.
            new Ext.Viewport({
                layout: ‘border‘,
                renderTo: ‘calendar-ct‘,
                items: [{
                    id: ‘app-header‘,
                    region: ‘north‘,
                    height: 35,
                    border: false,
                    contentEl: ‘app-header-content‘
                }, {
                    id: ‘app-center‘,
                    title: ‘...‘, // will be updated to the current view‘s date range
                    region: ‘center‘,
                    layout: ‘border‘,
                    listeners: {
                        ‘afterrender‘: function() {
                    items: [{
                        id: ‘app-west‘,
                        region: ‘west‘,
                        width: 176,
                        border: false,
                        items: [{
                            xtype: ‘datepicker‘,
                            id: ‘app-nav-picker‘,
                            cls: ‘ext-cal-nav-picker‘,
                            listeners: {
                                ‘select‘: {
                                    fn: function(dp, dt) {
                                    scope: this
                        }, {
                            xtype: ‘extensible.calendarlist‘,
                            store: this.calendarStore,
                            border: false,
                            width: 175
                        }, {
                            xtype: ‘button‘,
                            text: ‘Manage Calendars‘,
                            handler: function() {
                        }, {
                            xtype: ‘extensible.calendarpanel‘,
                            eventStore: this.eventStore,
                            calendarStore: this.calendarStore,
                            border: false,
                            id: ‘app-calendar‘,
                            region: ‘center‘,
                            activeItem: 3, // month view

                            // Any generic view options that should be applied to all sub views:
                            viewConfig: {
                            //enableFx: false

                        // View options specific to a certain view (if the same options exist in viewConfig
                        // they will be overridden by the view-specific config):
                        monthViewCfg: {
                            showHeader: true,
                            showWeekLinks: true,
                            showWeekNumbers: true

                        multiWeekViewCfg: {
                        //weekCount: 3

                    // Some optional CalendarPanel configs to experiment with:
                    //readOnly: true,
                    //showDayView: false,
                    //showMultiDayView: true,
                    //showWeekView: false,
                    //showMultiWeekView: false,
                    //showMonthView: false,
                    //showNavBar: false,
                    //showTodayText: false,
                    //showTime: false,
                    //editModal: true,
                    //title: ‘My Calendar‘, // the header of the calendar, could be a subtitle for the app

                    // Once this component inits it will set a reference to itself as an application
                    // member property for easy reference in other functions within App.
                    initComponent: function() {
                        App.calendarPanel = this;
                        this.constructor.prototype.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

                    //                        plugins: [{
                    //                            ptype: ‘ext.ensible.cal.contextmenu‘
                    //                        }],

                    listeners: {
                        ‘eventclick‘: {
                            fn: function(vw, rec, el) {
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventover‘: function(vw, rec, el) {
                            //console.log(‘Entered evt rec=‘+rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name]‘, view=‘+ vw.id +‘, el=‘+el.id);
                        ‘eventout‘: function(vw, rec, el) {
                            //console.log(‘Leaving evt rec=‘+rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name]+‘, view=‘+ vw.id +‘, el=‘+el.id);
                        ‘eventadd‘: {
                            fn: function(cp, rec) {
                                this.showMsg(‘Event ‘ + rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name] + ‘ was added‘);
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventupdate‘: {
                            fn: function(cp, rec) {
                                this.showMsg(‘Event ‘ + rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name] + ‘ was updated‘);
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventdelete‘: {
                            fn: function(cp, rec) {
                                this.showMsg(‘Event ‘ + rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name] + ‘ was deleted‘);
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventcancel‘: {
                            fn: function(cp, rec) {
                                // edit canceled
                            scope: this
                        ‘viewchange‘: {
                            fn: function(p, vw, dateInfo) {
                                if (this.editWin) {
                                if (dateInfo !== null) {
                                    // will be null when switching to the event edit form so ignore
                                    this.updateTitle(dateInfo.viewStart, dateInfo.viewEnd);
                            scope: this
                        ‘dayclick‘: {
                            fn: function(vw, dt, ad, el) {
                            scope: this
                        ‘rangeselect‘: {
                            fn: function(vw, dates, onComplete) {
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventmove‘: {
                            fn: function(vw, rec) {
                                var time = rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.IsAllDay.name] ? ‘‘ : ‘ \\a\\t g:i a‘;
                                this.showMsg(‘Event ‘ + rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name] + ‘ was moved to ‘ +
                                        rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.StartDate.name].format(‘F jS‘ + time));
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventresize‘: {
                            fn: function(vw, rec) {
                                this.showMsg(‘Event ‘ + rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name] + ‘ was updated‘);
                            scope: this
                        ‘eventdelete‘: {
                            fn: function(win, rec) {
                                this.showMsg(‘Event ‘ + rec.data[Ext.ensible.cal.EventMappings.Title.name] + ‘ was deleted‘);
                            scope: this
                        ‘initdrag‘: {
                            fn: function(vw) {
                                if (this.editWin && this.editWin.isVisible()) {
                            scope: this

            // The CalendarPanel itself supports the standard Panel title config, but that title
            // only spans the calendar views.  For a title that spans the entire width of the app
            // we added a title to the layout‘s outer center region that is app-specific. This code
            // updates that outer title based on the currently-selected view range anytime the view changes.
            updateTitle: function(startDt, endDt) {
                var p = Ext.getCmp(‘app-center‘);

                if (startDt.clearTime().getTime() == endDt.clearTime().getTime()) {
                    p.setTitle(startDt.format(‘F j, Y‘));
                else if (startDt.getFullYear() == endDt.getFullYear()) {
                    if (startDt.getMonth() == endDt.getMonth()) {
                        p.setTitle(startDt.format(‘F j‘) + ‘ - ‘ + endDt.format(‘j, Y‘));
                    else {
                        p.setTitle(startDt.format(‘F j‘) + ‘ - ‘ + endDt.format(‘F j, Y‘));
                else {
                    p.setTitle(startDt.format(‘F j, Y‘) + ‘ - ‘ + endDt.format(‘F j, Y‘));

            // This is an application-specific way to communicate CalendarPanel event messages back to the user.
            // This could be replaced with a function to do "toast" style messages, growl messages, etc. This will
            // vary based on application requirements, which is why it‘s not baked into the CalendarPanel.
            showMsg: function(msg) {

            clearMsg: function() {
    } ();

Ext.onReady(App.init, App);

//Dynamic Calendars support.
Ext.onReady(function() {
    App.calendarWindowMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
        cls: ‘x-calendar-list-menu‘,
        items: [new Ext.ensible.cal.ColorPalette({
            handler: function(palette, colorId) {
                var record = App.calendarPanel.calendarStore.getAt(App.calendarWindowMenu.recordIndex);
                record.set(‘ColorId‘, colorId);
    new Ext.menu.Item({
        text: ‘Delete‘,
        iconCls: ‘no-icon‘,
        handler: function() {
            Ext.Msg.confirm(‘Action confirmation‘, ‘Please ensure no Event is associated to this Calendar. Continue with deletion?‘,
                    function(btn) {
                        if (btn == ‘yes‘) {

    App.calendarWindow = new Ext.Window({
        title: ‘Manage Calendars‘,
        width: 325,
        height: 400,
        modal: true,
        layout: ‘fit‘,
        closeAction: ‘hide‘,
        bodyStyle: ‘background-color: white‘,
        items: [new Ext.DataView({
            store: App.calendarPanel.calendarStore,
            cls: ‘x-combo-list‘,
            style: ‘background-color: white; padding: 5px‘,
            itemSelector: ‘.x-combo-list-item‘,
            selectedClass: ‘x-combo-selected‘,
            overClass: ‘x-combo-selected‘,
            autoScroll: true,
            tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
            ‘<div>Click on a Calendar to change its color or remove it.</div>‘,
            ‘<tpl for=".">‘,
                ‘<div class="x-combo-list-item" style="vertical-align: middle">‘,
                    ‘<div class="x-cal-{ColorId}">‘,
                        ‘<div class="mail-calendar-cat-color ext-cal-picker-icon" onmouseover="Ext.get(this).addClass(\‘mail-calendar-cat-color-over\‘);" onmouseout="Ext.get(this).removeClass(\‘mail-calendar-cat-color-over\‘);"> </div>‘,
            ‘<div class="x-clear"></div>‘
            multiSelect: false,
            listeners: {
                click: function(view, index, node, e) {
                    App.calendarWindowMenu.recordIndex = index;

        buttons: [{ text: ‘Add Calendar‘,
            handler: function() {
                Ext.Msg.prompt(‘Enter name‘, ‘Enter calendar name:‘,
            function(btn, text) {
                if (btn != ‘ok‘)

                if (App.calendarPanel.calendarStore.findExact(‘Title‘, text) != -1) {
                    Ext.Msg.alert(‘Invalid input‘, ‘A Calendar with the same name already exists.‘);
                } else {
                    App.calendarPanel.calendarStore.loadData({ calendars: [{ title: text, color: 1}] }, true);
        }, { text: ‘Save Changes‘,
            handler: function() {
                Ext.Msg.alert(‘Save‘, ‘Save changes to the Calendars on the server here.‘);
        }, { text: ‘Cancel‘,
            handler: function() {

    App.calendarWindowDataView = App.calendarWindow.items.items[0];

Ext.data.Store.prototype.rejectAllChanges = function() {
    for (var i = this.data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var rec = this.data.items[i];
        if (rec.phantom) {
            if (Ext.isArray(this.deleted)) {
            if (Ext.isArray(this.removed)) {


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Extensible Calendar - Dynamic Calendars</title>
    <!-- Ext includes http://extjs.cachefly.net/-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="extjs3.2/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="extjs3.2/adapter/ext/ext-base-debug.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="extjs3.2/ext-all-debug.js"></script>

    <!-- Extensible includes -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="calendar/css/extensible-all.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="calendar/extensible-all.js"></script>

    <!-- Page-specific includes -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test-app.css" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="dynamic-calendars.js"></script>

	<style type="text/css">
		.mail-calendar-cat-color {
			float: left;
			width: 10px;
			height: 10px;
			margin-right: 10px;

		.mail-calendar-cat-color-over {
			width: 12px;
			height: 12px;
    <div style="display:none;">
    <div id="app-header-content">
        <div id="app-logo">
            <div class="logo-top"> </div>
            <div id="logo-body"> </div>
            <div class="logo-bottom"> </div>
        <h1>Ext Calendar Pro <span>BETA</span></h1>
        <span id="app-msg" class="x-hidden"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var updateLogoDt = function () {
        document.getElementById(‘logo-body‘).innerHTML = new Date().getDate();
    setInterval(updateLogoDt, 1000);


时间: 2024-12-22 03:18:09

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