[LeetCode] 584. Find Customer Referee_Easy tag: SQL

Given a table customer holding customers information and the referee.

| id   | name | referee_id|
|    1 | Will |      NULL |
|    2 | Jane |      NULL |
|    3 | Alex |         2 |
|    4 | Bill |      NULL |
|    5 | Zack |         1 |
|    6 | Mark |         2 |

Write a query to return the list of customers NOT referred by the person with id ‘2‘.

For the sample data above, the result is:

| name |
| Will |
| Jane |
| Bill |
| Zack |

note: 要用 is Null 和 != .


SELECT name FROM customer WHERE referee_id != 2 OR referee_id IS NULL


时间: 2024-08-02 08:15:20

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