scikit-learn:4.4. Unsupervised dimensionality reduction(降维)


对于高维features,常常需要在supervised之前unsupervised dimensionality reduction。


4.4.1. PCA: principal component analysis

decomposition.PCA looks
for a combination of features that capture well the variance of the original features. See Decomposing
signals in components (matrix factorization problems)
. 翻译文章参考:


4.4.2. Random projections

The module: random_projection provides several toolsfor data reduction
by random projections
. See the relevant section of the documentation: Random


4.4.3. Feature agglomeration(特征集聚)

cluster.FeatureAgglomeration applies Hierarchical
 to group together features that behave similarly.


Feature scaling

Note that if features have very different scaling or statistical properties, cluster.FeatureAgglomeration may
not be able to capture the links between related features. Using a preprocessing.StandardScaler can
be useful in these settings.

Pipelining:The unsupervised data reduction and the supervised estimator can be chained in one step. See Pipeline:
chaining estimators


时间: 2024-07-29 13:19:35

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