OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500:指定了非法选项

alert 日志错误
OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500:指定了非法选项

Sun Apr 22 11:15:51 2012

OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500: 指定了非法选项

O/S-Error: (OS 1) 函数不正确。 !

OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500: 指定了非法选项

O/S-Error: (OS 1) 函数不正确。 !

Sun Apr 22 11:16:01 2012

OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500: 指定了非法选项

O/S-Error: (OS 1) 函数不正确。 !

OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500: 指定了非法选项

O/S-Error: (OS 1) 函数不正确。 !

Sun Apr 22 11:16:11 2012

OER 7451 in Load Indicator : Error Code = OSD-04500: 指定了非法选项

O/S-Error: (OS 1) 函数不正确。 !


07451, 00000, "slskstat: unable to obtain load information."

// *Cause:  kstat library returned an error. Possible OS failure

// *Action: Check result code in sercose[0] for more information.


SQL> select * from v$version;



Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production  <<== 32位数据库

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE      Production

TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production


systeminfo :
OS 名称: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
OS 版本: 6.1.7600 暂缺 Build 7600
OS 制造商: Microsoft Corporation
OS 配置: 独立服务器
OS 构件类型: Multiprocessor Free
注册的所有人: User
注册的组织: Lenovo
产品 ID: 00486-OEM-8400691-20006
初始安装日期: 2012-01-04, 18:48:28
系统启动时间: 2012-07-11, 17:50:50
系统制造商: Lenovo
系统型号: Lenovo WQ TR280 G3/TR350 G7
系统类型: x64-based PC
处理器: 安装了 2 个处理器。
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5 GenuineIntel ~1599 Mhz
[02]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5 GenuineIntel ~1599 Mhz
BIOS 版本: American Megatrends Inc. 080016 , 2010-03-09


Installed 32-bit Oracle database software on a 64-bit MS Windows OS which is not supported.

Note: For the Database software, you can ONLY install the x64 version on MS Windows (x64).

You can NOT install the 32-bit version Database software on MS Windows (x64).


Install 32-bit Oracle database software only on 32-bit MS Windows OS.

时间: 2024-08-29 20:01:30

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