
Apple 来说绝对是坏消息


China is introducing strict new rules for technology companies that want to sell their products to Chinese banks,The
New York Times reports
— stoking fears of a crackdown that could harm American businesses.

Now, companies hoping to sell equipment to Chinese financial bodies will have to give the Chinese government unprecedented access to their products, according to documents seen by the newspaper. This includes handing
over source code, establishing research centres in the country and building "‘ports‘ to allow Chinese officials to manage and monitor data processed by their hardware."

The new rules are significant in themselves: International companies produce as much as 90% of "high-end servers and mainframes" used in the country. Many of these companies are American, and will be loathe to hand
over the highly confidential material required.

And other proposed anti-terror legislation goes further still, demanding technology companies provide encryption keys for encrypted services and to store data on Chinese users within the country.

The suggestions will perturb numerous American technology companies looking to do business in the increasingly significant region — chief among them,Apple.

Analysts have predicted that Apple is now selling more iPhones in China than the US. It‘s an incredibly important market. And we also know that China is alreadypressuring
Apple to cooperate with them over security fears
. Tim Cook has agreed to "security audits" of its products sold in the country — but he also saysApple has "never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services... And we never will."

As such,Apple might
bend on other requirements, but it‘s unlikely to budge on creating backdoors or surrendering encryption keys.Apple
is already under fire in the US over its decision to enable encryption by default (one senior cop has called the iPhone
the "phone of choice for paedophiles"
), but the company is holding fast. It‘s also beingpressured
by the British government on the same subject

The New York Times reports that foreign businesses
are objecting to China‘s proposals, claiming they "amounted to protectionism" — and it‘s probably true, forcing companies likeApple
to jump through ever-more hoops to keep operating in the company.

It‘s also a boon toApple‘s
Chinese arch-rival, Xiaomi. They‘ve been referred to as the Apple of China," and are sometimes accused of stealing the Cupertino company‘s designs. But recently they‘ve developed their own designs to great success, and have even taken
tomocking Apple in adverts and targeting them with trade-ins.

Xiaomi‘s already the most valuable startup in the world, and these regulations will help to further cementthe company‘s already-devoted fanbase, —ahead
of a Western launch in "a few years."

Applemay have just hadthe
most profitable quarter in corporate history
, but it‘s not all goodnews

时间: 2024-07-29 01:46:07



Really badnews, we have to quit from China Internet now, and far away from the internet business, and have to go inside the real dark nights to create more tools to fight for the freedom. All the Chinese and the world $s, I think it's the TIME. Links


伴随着网安组织在各地区的成立,近年不断的抗日洗脑,近期的互联网+行动指导意见,民营企业成立党委,立法审核西方企业(反美),以及最重要的非人民所选的网络安全法的出台,中国终于走上了彻底的极权军国统治之路,无法回头.阿门! Mars July 12 2015


原文地址 [如果网络安全法生效后,迅速产生像高通反垄断处罚那样的案例,那么今天那些扎实投入认真贯彻网络安全法合规的企业,其投入就是投资,免受处罚就是它们最好的回报.反之,企业的投入就会成为沉淀成本,合规若没有价值,眼下网络混乱的局面也很难有改观] 2016年11月网络安全法公布以来,笔者多次应邀对企业和网络安全从业人员进行网络安全法培训,从与企业的接触中发现,由于长期以来我国网络安全方面欠账较多,目前国内和国际网络安全形势比较严峻,眼下经济形势又不是很好,一些企业对于落实网络安全法所要发生的投入








文章来源i春秋 <中华人民共和国网络安全法>已由中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议于2016年11月7日通过,现予公布,自2017年6月1日起施行. 在六一这个日子实施也是蛮有趣的,对于白帽子来说,国家这次就是正式告诉你什么该做,什么不该做.知法守法是每个公民的义务没错,但是我们更应该知晓如何在法律下最大程度的保障自己的利益! 我们将列出几个不同维度的问题,邀请大家从各自不同的角度和视野来谈谈你们的看法! 为了回馈大家在i春秋社区讨论区的贡献,我们特别准备了一些礼物


这篇是计算机中软件项目管理类的优质预售推荐<中国网络空间战略> 编辑推荐 立足于我国的实情,通过对发达国家网络空间战略的分析,总结了我国在网络空间发展上的经验和不足,并从国际合作.技术.空间治理和信息安全产业发展四个层面对我国网络空间战略的制定给出了针对性.实际的建言. 内容简介 在互联网时代,网络空间已成为大国竞技的新战场.网络空间战略的重要性凸显. <中国网络空间战略>立足于我国的实情,通过对发达国家网络空间战略的分析,总结了我国在网络空间发展上的经验和不足,并从国际合作.技术

