

IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(directory, config);


  1  public IndexWriter(Directory d, IndexWriterConfig conf) throws IOException {
  2     conf.setIndexWriter(this); // prevent reuse by other instances 防止被其他实例使用,这个引用被设置在IndexWriterConfig中
  3     config = new LiveIndexWriterConfig(conf);//将IndexWriterConfig中的配置重新赋给LiveIndexWriterConfig,完全是this.x=config.getX(),既然new IndexWriterConfig是直接调用父类构造器,也就是LiveIndexWriterConfig,为什么还要重新来一遍呢?
  4     directory = d;//索引目录
  5     analyzer = config.getAnalyzer();//解析器
  6     infoStream = config.getInfoStream();//NoOutput
  7     mergePolicy = config.getMergePolicy();//合并策略
  8     mergePolicy.setIndexWriter(this);//同样在合并策略中设置一份该IndexWriter引用,同第2行一样,MergePolicy中同样维护了SetOnce<IndexWriter>
  9     mergeScheduler = config.getMergeScheduler();//merge调度器
 10     codec = config.getCodec();//header校验
 12     bufferedUpdatesStream = new BufferedUpdatesStream(infoStream);//在写线程flush的时候,所有的delete和update数据会放在该缓冲区
 13     poolReaders = config.getReaderPooling();//默认false
 15     writeLock = directory.makeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME);//创建写锁,write.lock
 17     if (!writeLock.obtain(config.getWriteLockTimeout())) // obtain write lock 获取写锁
 18       throw new LockObtainFailedException("Index locked for write: " + writeLock);
 20     boolean success = false;
 21     try {
 22       OpenMode mode = config.getOpenMode();//默认create and appen
 23       boolean create;
 24       if (mode == OpenMode.CREATE) {
 25         create = true;
 26       } else if (mode == OpenMode.APPEND) {
 27         create = false;
 28       } else {//默认条件
 29         // CREATE_OR_APPEND - create only if an index does not exist 如果索引文件不存在,则create=true
 30         create = !DirectoryReader.indexExists(directory);//判断索引文件是否存在根据index dir下是否含有segment文件
 31       }
 33       // If index is too old, reading the segments will throw
 34       // IndexFormatTooOldException.
 35       segmentInfos = new SegmentInfos();
 37       boolean initialIndexExists = true;
 39       if (create) {//如果索引文件不存在,策略为先读取该目录下segment文件,根据异常
 40         // Try to read first.  This is to allow create
 41         // against an index that‘s currently open for
 42         // searching.  In this case we write the next
 43         // segments_N file with no segments:
 44         try {
 45 ;//read方法见lucene之段元数据文件,lucene在针对segment读取有三种策略,不做详解,出现任何问题都会抛出IOException异常
 46           segmentInfos.clear();//确认完毕清空segment信息
 47         } catch (IOException e) {
 48           // Likely this means it‘s a fresh directory
 49           initialIndexExists = false;
 50         }
 52         // Record that we have a change (zero out all
 53         // segments) pending:
 54         changed();//indexwriter中changecount加1,segmentInfos中version加1
 55       } else {//如果已经存在索引文件
 58         IndexCommit commit = config.getIndexCommit();
 59         if (commit != null) {//初始化commit为null
 60           // Swap out all segments, but, keep metadata in
 61           // SegmentInfos, like version & generation, to
 62           // preserve write-once.  This is important if
 63           // readers are open against the future commit
 64           // points.
 65           if (commit.getDirectory() != directory)
 66             throw new IllegalArgumentException("IndexCommit‘s directory doesn‘t match my directory");
 67           SegmentInfos oldInfos = new SegmentInfos();
 68 , commit.getSegmentsFileName());
 69           segmentInfos.replace(oldInfos);
 70           changed();
 71           if (infoStream.isEnabled("IW")) {
 72             infoStream.message("IW", "init: loaded commit \"" + commit.getSegmentsFileName() + "\"");
 73           }
 74         }
 75       }
 77       rollbackSegments = segmentInfos.createBackupSegmentInfos();//for roll back
 79       // start with previous field numbers, but new FieldInfos
 80       globalFieldNumberMap = getFieldNumberMap();//加载field信息,fieldname,fieldnumber,docValue,解析如下
 81       config.getFlushPolicy().init(config);//初始化flush策略,设置config引用,获取NoOutput,init方法为同步方法
 82       docWriter = new DocumentsWriter(this, config, directory);//创建DocumentWriter对象,详细如下,主要初始化一个config中的配置
 83       eventQueue = docWriter.eventQueue();//获取事件队列,在上步中进行初始化,concurrentLinkedQueue
 85       // Default deleter (for backwards compatibility) is
 86       // KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter:

########################################## 下一篇解析  ###########################################################
 87       synchronized(this) {//构建索引管理对象
 88         deleter = new IndexFileDeleter(directory,
 89                                        config.getIndexDeletionPolicy(),//默认策略为KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter
 90                                        segmentInfos, infoStream, this,
 91                                        initialIndexExists);
 92       }
 94       if (deleter.startingCommitDeleted) {
 95         // Deletion policy deleted the "head" commit point.
 96         // We have to mark ourself as changed so that if we
 97         // are closed w/o any further changes we write a new
 98         // segments_N file.
 99         changed();
100       }
102       if (infoStream.isEnabled("IW")) {
103         infoStream.message("IW", "init: create=" + create);
104         messageState();
105       }
107       success = true;
109     } finally {
110       if (!success) {
111         if (infoStream.isEnabled("IW")) {
112           infoStream.message("IW", "init: hit exception on init; releasing write lock");
113         }
114         IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(writeLock);
115         writeLock = null;
116       }
117     }
118   }


  // indicates whether this config instance is already attached to a writer.
  // not final so that it can be cloned properly.
  private SetOnce<IndexWriter> writer = new SetOnce<IndexWriter>();

   * Sets the {@link IndexWriter} this config is attached to.
   * @throws AlreadySetException
   *           if this config is already attached to a writer.
  IndexWriterConfig setIndexWriter(IndexWriter writer) {
    return this;


 * A convenient class which offers a semi-immutable object wrapper
 * implementation which allows one to set the value of an object exactly once,
 * and retrieve it many times. If {@link #set(Object)} is called more than once,
 * {@link AlreadySetException} is thrown and the operation
 * will fail.
 * @lucene.experimental
public final class SetOnce<T> implements Cloneable {

  /** Thrown when {@link SetOnce#set(Object)} is called more than once. */
  public static final class AlreadySetException extends IllegalStateException {
    public AlreadySetException() {
      super("The object cannot be set twice!");

  private volatile T obj = null;//volatile类型
  private final AtomicBoolean set;//原子boolean类型

   * A default constructor which does not set the internal object, and allows
   * setting it by calling {@link #set(Object)}.
  public SetOnce() {
    set = new AtomicBoolean(false);//初始化false

   * Creates a new instance with the internal object set to the given object.
   * Note that any calls to {@link #set(Object)} afterwards will result in
   * {@link AlreadySetException}
   * @throws AlreadySetException if called more than once
   * @see #set(Object)
  public SetOnce(T obj) {
    this.obj = obj;
    set = new AtomicBoolean(true);

  /** Sets the given object. If the object has already been set, an exception is thrown. */
  public final void set(T obj) {//调用set
    if (set.compareAndSet(false, true)) {//更新原子boolean值,保证只有一个线程能够set成功
      this.obj = obj;//volatile类型保证对所有线程立即可见
    } else {//当其他线程检测到obj已经被设置,则抛出异常
      throw new AlreadySetException();

  /** Returns the object set by {@link #set(Object)}. */
  public final T get() {
    return obj;

  public SetOnce<T> clone() {
    return obj == null ? new SetOnce<T>() : new SetOnce<T>(obj);


 /** Attempts to obtain an exclusive lock within amount of
   *  time given. Polls once per {@link #LOCK_POLL_INTERVAL}
   *  (currently 1000) milliseconds until lockWaitTimeout is
   *  passed.
   * @param lockWaitTimeout length of time to wait in
   *        milliseconds or {@link
   *        #LOCK_OBTAIN_WAIT_FOREVER} to retry forever
   * @return true if lock was obtained
   * @throws LockObtainFailedException if lock wait times out
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if lockWaitTimeout is
   *         out of bounds
   * @throws IOException if obtain() throws IOException
  public boolean obtain(long lockWaitTimeout) throws IOException {
    failureReason = null;
    boolean locked = obtain();//尝试获取锁,见下方代码
    if (lockWaitTimeout < 0 && lockWaitTimeout != LOCK_OBTAIN_WAIT_FOREVER)//
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("lockWaitTimeout should be LOCK_OBTAIN_WAIT_FOREVER or a non-negative number (got " + lockWaitTimeout + ")");

    long maxSleepCount = lockWaitTimeout / LOCK_POLL_INTERVAL;
    long sleepCount = 0;
    while (!locked) {//循环获取锁
      if (lockWaitTimeout != LOCK_OBTAIN_WAIT_FOREVER && sleepCount++ >= maxSleepCount) {//默认情况下是无限循环下去,
        String reason = "Lock obtain timed out: " + this.toString();
        if (failureReason != null) {
          reason += ": " + failureReason;
        LockObtainFailedException e = new LockObtainFailedException(reason);
        if (failureReason != null) {
        throw e;
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        throw new ThreadInterruptedException(ie);
      locked = obtain();
    return locked;


  public boolean obtain() throws IOException {

    // Ensure that lockDir exists and is a directory:
    if (!lockDir.exists()) {//lockDir在Directory directory = FSDirectory.open的时候就已经设置好了,确定索引目录
      if (!lockDir.mkdirs())//如果没有就创建,创建失败就抛异常
        throw new IOException("Cannot create directory: " +
    } else if (!lockDir.isDirectory()) {//非目录抛异常
      // TODO: NoSuchDirectoryException instead?
      throw new IOException("Found regular file where directory expected: " +
    return lockFile.createNewFile();//创建write.lock,返回创建结果,利用文件系统限制并发操作


   * Loads or returns the already loaded the global field number map for this {@link SegmentInfos}.
   * If this {@link SegmentInfos} has no global field number map the returned instance is empty
  private FieldNumbers getFieldNumberMap() throws IOException {
    final FieldNumbers map = new FieldNumbers();//

    for(SegmentCommitInfo info : segmentInfos) {
      for(FieldInfo fi : SegmentReader.readFieldInfos(info)) {
        map.addOrGet(, fi.number, fi.getDocValuesType());

    return map;



    private final Map<Integer,String> numberToName;
    private final Map<String,Integer> nameToNumber;
    // We use this to enforce that a given field never
    // changes DV type, even across segments / IndexWriter
    // sessions:
    private final Map<String,DocValuesType> docValuesType;//key:fieldname,value:docValueType


     * Returns the global field number for the given field name. If the name
     * does not exist yet it tries to add it with the given preferred field
     * number assigned if possible otherwise the first unassigned field number
     * is used as the field number.
    synchronized int addOrGet(String fieldName, int preferredFieldNumber, DocValuesType dvType) {
      if (dvType != null) {
        DocValuesType currentDVType = docValuesType.get(fieldName);//docValueType 使用byte记录类型,前4位为标准类型,后4位为docValues类型,lucene支持4种docValueType,分别为BINARY,NUMBERIC,STORED,STORED_SET
        if (currentDVType == null) {
          docValuesType.put(fieldName, dvType);
        } else if (currentDVType != null && currentDVType != dvType) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot change DocValues type from " + currentDVType + " to " + dvType + " for field \"" + fieldName + "\"");
      Integer fieldNumber = nameToNumber.get(fieldName);//判断是否已经含有该field
      if (fieldNumber == null) {
        final Integer preferredBoxed = Integer.valueOf(preferredFieldNumber);

        if (preferredFieldNumber != -1 && !numberToName.containsKey(preferredBoxed)) {//如果fieldnum不为-1,并且还没有存储该域值,则赋值给fieldnum
          // cool - we can use this number globally
          fieldNumber = preferredBoxed;
        } else {//否则,寻找一个新的fieldnumber,这个寻找的规则就是从-1开始逐步加1,直到numberToName中没有存储该域值,记录此时数值做为域值,因为numberToName的key是域值,而域值的范围根据8为bit的类型是有限的,相同类型的field数值是冲突的,所以有冲突的域值就做加1操作,作为累加之后的fieldnumber怎么在使用的时候去解析呢?
          // find a new FieldNumber
          while (numberToName.containsKey(++lowestUnassignedFieldNumber)) {//默认lowestUnassignedFieldNumber=-1,
            // might not be up to date - lets do the work once needed
          fieldNumber = lowestUnassignedFieldNumber;

        numberToName.put(fieldNumber, fieldName);
        nameToNumber.put(fieldName, fieldNumber);

      return fieldNumber.intValue();//返回该值


DocumentsWriter(IndexWriter writer, LiveIndexWriterConfig config, Directory directory) { = directory;
    this.config = config;
    this.infoStream = config.getInfoStream();
    this.perThreadPool = config.getIndexerThreadPool();
    flushPolicy = config.getFlushPolicy();
    this.writer = writer; = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Event>();//初始化了一个事件队列,并且是线程安全的
    flushControl = new DocumentsWriterFlushControl(this, config, writer.bufferedUpdatesStream);


  DocumentsWriterFlushControl(DocumentsWriter documentsWriter, LiveIndexWriterConfig config, BufferedUpdatesStream bufferedUpdatesStream) {
    this.infoStream = config.getInfoStream();
    this.stallControl = new DocumentsWriterStallControl();
    this.perThreadPool = documentsWriter.perThreadPool;
    this.flushPolicy = documentsWriter.flushPolicy;
    this.config = config;
    this.hardMaxBytesPerDWPT = config.getRAMPerThreadHardLimitMB() * 1024 * 1024;
    this.documentsWriter = documentsWriter;
    this.bufferedUpdatesStream = bufferedUpdatesStream;//出现了,在IndexWriter构造的时候初始化了该属性,用于线程delete和update时候存放缓冲数据
时间: 2024-08-24 12:39:04



不得不说一句,lucene的源码中大多数地方都留有注释,解释的很详细,阅读起来会很方便 定义分析器 Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_47); 以StandardAnalyzer为例,就只加载了stopword和lucene的版本号 IndexWriterConfig初始化,加载了建立索引需要的配置 IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUC


接上篇 87 synchronized(this) {//构建索引管理对象 88 deleter = new IndexFileDeleter(directory, 89 config.getIndexDeletionPolicy(),//默认策略为KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter 90 segmentInfos, infoStream, this, 91 initialIndexExists); 92 } 93 94 if (deleter.startingCommitDel


Directory整体流程还是比较简单的,图片借用 Directory directory =; /** Creates an FSDirectory instance, trying to pick the * best implementation given the current environment. * The directory returned uses the {@link NativeFSLockFactory}. * * <p


在上一篇<Chrome自带恐龙小游戏的源码研究(六)>中研究了恐龙的跳跃过程,这一篇研究恐龙与障碍物之间的碰撞检测. 碰撞盒子 游戏中采用的是矩形(非旋转矩形)碰撞.这类碰撞优点是计算比较简单,缺点是对不规则物体的检测不够精确.如果不做更为精细的处理,结果会像下图: 如图所示,两个盒子虽然有重叠部分,但实际情况是恐龙和仙人掌之间并未发生碰撞.为了解决这个问题,需要建立多个碰撞盒子: 不过这样还是有问题,观察图片,恐龙和仙人掌都有四个碰撞盒子,如果每次Game Loop里都对这些盒子进行碰撞检测


在上一篇<Chrome自带恐龙小游戏的源码研究(四)>中实现了障碍物的绘制及移动,从这一篇开始主要研究恐龙的绘制及一系列键盘动作的实现. 会眨眼睛的恐龙 在游戏开始前的待机界面,如果仔细观察会发现恐龙会时不时地眨眼睛.这是通过交替绘制这两个图像实现的: 可以通过一张图片来了解这个过程: 为实现图片的切换,需要一个计时器timer,并且需要知道两张图片切换的时间间隔msPerFrame.当计时器timer的时间大于切换的时间间隔msPerFrame时,将图片切换到下一张,到达最后一张时又从第一张


目录 1. NioSocketAcceptor初始化源码研究 1.1 类图 1.2 方法调用时序图 1.3 初始化NioSocketAcceptor 1.4 SimpleIoProcessorPool初始化分析 1.5 NioProcessor的源码 1.6 总结 2. NioSocketAcceptor bind方法源码研究 2.1 创建ServerSocket监听 2.1.1 时序图 2.1.2 bind方法 2.1.3 startupAcceptor方法 2.1.4 创建ServerSoc


概述 很早就想研究underscore源码了,虽然underscore.js这个库有些过时了,但是我还是想学习一下库的架构,函数式编程以及常用方法的编写这些方面的内容,又恰好没什么其它要研究的了,所以就了结研究underscore源码这一心愿吧. underscore.js源码研究(1) underscore.js源码研究(2) underscore.js源码研究(3) underscore.js源码研究(4) underscore.js源码研究(5) underscore.js源码研究(6)


在上一篇<Chrome自带恐龙小游戏的源码研究(七)>中研究了恐龙与障碍物的碰撞检测,这一篇主要研究组成游戏的其它要素. 游戏分数记录 如图所示,分数及最高分记录显示在游戏界面的右上角,每达到100分就会出现闪烁特效,游戏第一次gameover时显示历史最高分.分数记录器由DistanceMeter构造函数实现,以下是它的全部代码: 1 DistanceMeter.dimensions = { 2 WIDTH: 10, //每个字符的宽度 3 HEIGHT: 13, //每个字符的高 4 DE


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