Cannot read property 'defaultView' of undefined 报错解决


	$(‘.btn_box‘).click(function() {
			type: ‘post‘,
			url: ‘‘,
			dataType: ‘json‘,
			contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8‘,
			async: false,
			success: function(res) {



  此时在console 会报如标题一样的错误,

    1.因为 $ .ajax()中的$ (this)已经不是我之前所处理的了,在$ .ajax()中它指的是 ajax jQuery对象本身;


	$(‘.btn_box‘).click(function() {
                        context: this,
			type: ‘post‘,
			url: ‘‘,
			dataType: ‘json‘,
			contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8‘,
			async: false,
			success: function(res) {


  只需要在ajax中加一个 context:this  锁定当前元素即可  问题解决!!!


Cannot read property 'defaultView' of undefined 报错解决


时间: 2024-08-01 09:25:43

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