Problem A. Collecting Coins
Observe that the easiest solution would be increase every one‘s number of coins to \(\max(A,B,C)\)
Then all we have to do is to distribute the coins left evenly to three of them
which is typically just checking if the number of coins left is divisible to 3
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define sf scanf #define pf printf #define fo(i,s,t) for(int i = s; i <= t; ++ i) #define fd(i,s,t) for(int i = s; i >= t; -- i) #define mp make_pair #define fi first #define se second #define VI vector<int> #define pii pair<int,int> #define fp freopen #ifdef MPS #define D(x...) printf(x) #else #define D(x...) #endif typedef long long ll; typedef double db; int main() { #ifdef MPS fp("","r",stdin); fp("1.out","w",stdout); #endif int t; sf("%d",&t); while(t--) { int a,b,c,n; sf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&n); int mx = max(a,max(b,c)); int d = (mx-a)+(mx-b)+(mx-c); if(d > n) pf("NO\n"); else if((n-d)%3) pf("NO\n"); else pf("YES\n"); } return 0; }
Problem B. Collecting Packages
Observe that the only situation where there is a solution is you can rearrange packages in a way that the x-cor is increasing and y-cor is increasing simultaneously
Printing the path would be an easy job to do
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define sf scanf #define pf printf #define fo(i,s,t) for(int i = s; i <= t; ++ i) #define fd(i,s,t) for(int i = s; i >= t; -- i) #define mp make_pair #define fi first #define se second #define VI vector<int> #define pii pair<int,int> #define fp freopen #ifdef MPS #define D(x...) printf(x) #else #define D(x...) #endif typedef long long ll; typedef double db; const int maxn = 1005; int n; pii a[maxn]; int main() { #ifdef MPS fp("","r",stdin); fp("1.out","w",stdout); #endif int t; sf("%d",&t); while(t--) { sf("%d",&n); fo(i,1,n) sf("%d%d",&a[i].fi,&a[i].se); sort(a+1,a+n+1); int cx = 0, cy = 0; string ans = ""; fo(i,1,n) { while(cx < a[i].fi) { cx ++; ans += "R"; } while(cy < a[i].se) { cy ++; ans += "U"; } if(cx != a[i].fi || cy != a[i].se) { pf("NO\n"); goto gg; } } pf("YES\n"); cout << ans << endl; gg:; } return 0; }
时间: 2024-10-08 13:39:14